Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1489: , Muroto Sumire

However, Zhang Xiang did not let Lincoln drive him back home, but asked the driver to let him down halfway. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Because he still has to find someone.

Although he didn't know him, he was a famous person in Neon.

A mind is one of the top four people in the world. It is said that it only takes three days to read the entire library and can apply the knowledge 100% perfectly. She is a very sloppy woman in her personal life.

At the same time, he is also the original highest person in charge of the New Human Creation Project, a mad scientist at home.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Xiang didn't take the car to the direction of the destination again. Instead, relying on his feet, he walked several streets and walked towards his target hospital.

In a short while, Zhang Xiang came to the door of the hospital.

With the flow of people coming to see the doctor, Zhang Xiang walked inside.

However, he was not here to come to see the doctor, but to look for the woman he had mentioned before.

The other party was nestled in a corner of this hospital.

Of course, these were not hidden from Zhang Xiang. He closed his eyes slightly, and after scanning a little, he opened his eyes and walked toward the basement of the hospital.

To be precise, it was used to park the corpse, as well as a place to play with some spooky things.

After deceiving a nurse who just walked out of the basement with illusion, Zhang Xiang finally came to a room in the gloomy basement.

That was a room that seemed to be used to dissect corpses or to park corpses. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

After tapping lightly a few times, listening to the slightly strange echo, echoing in this empty underground floor for a while.

Zhang Xiang didn't hesitate, pressed his right hand on the doorknob and pushed inward.

And at the next moment, a scene that should be described as a very sloppy or terrifying room already appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

On the table placed not far in front of Zhang Xiang, there were a large number of gastroenterologists lying on them, which were already dissected bodies.

Of course, in addition to the gastrointestinal animals, there are still sparsely populated gastroenterologists, but they still basically maintain the appearance of human beings with red eyes.

These corpses did not have hideous anatomical traces on their bodies, or the entire chest cavity had been opened, revealing the scene that scared ordinary people.

However, Zhang Xiang is not someone who will be deterred by these.

Around these corpses placed around, there are many glass bottles, which contain a lot of formalin soaked, and there are things about human limbs and gastroenteric animal limbs.

Of course, because the glass bottle is not big, some of the parts inside are relatively small.

These formalin bottles immersed in the specimens were basically placed regularly on the cabinets on both sides, but some were placed beside the dead bodies.

These scenes, coupled with the slightly dim light in the second basement floor, made the whole scene extremely terrifying.

If ordinary people walked in, they would have already screamed in horror when they saw it.

But these, for Zhang Xiang, just seemed a little disgusting.

After skipping these, some of the things inside are moved in.

It seemed to be a large desk for office, and a woman dressed in a white robe, purple clothes and black skirt pants, and black stockings, with a dark purple woman, generously placed her double Putting his feet on the tabletop, the whole person fell into the soft office chair, seeming to be sleeping.

However, Zhang Xiang was able to hear from the other party's gentle breathing that the other party was in a sober state at this time.

"Hello, is it Muroto Sumire, Dr. Shi?" Zhang Xiang walked past the corpses full of weird gastroenterologists, and said to him.

Not surprisingly to Zhang Xiang, when he spoke, he already opened his eyes to convenience.

The opponent has dark purple eyes the same as his hair.

However, in the dark purple eyes of the other party, there is a sense of boringness in them, coupled with her mess, as if she hadn’t washed her hair for a few days, but it showed a sense of decadence. .

"Are you?" The other side straightened his body slightly, and turned his gloomy gaze in Zhang Xiang's direction.

The other person's eyes, which were hidden behind the other party's half-curled dark purple hair, glanced over Zhang Xiang's body covertly while speaking.

Because the other party knew that the person who could call her name so easily must not be an ordinary person.

Even if she has already withdrawn from the closed ‘New Human Creation Project’, she has also cancelled her position in many studies.

However, as a person who has been exposed to most of the experiments in Tokyo's secret areas, she has a lot of scientific knowledge.

The level of secrecy in the government is very high.

Logically speaking, her secret here should be known to only a few people.

However, at this moment, someone who did not know came to the door.

How could this make her vigilant.

And looking at the other side's secretive eyes, Zhang Xiang didn't care.

"Oh, my name is Zhang Xiang. I am the honorary general of the Osaka area and the founder of the Angel Church..." Zhang Xiang smiled slightly and introduced his identity to the other party.

But after listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the pupils of the opponent's eyes shrank visibly.

Obviously, the other party was shocked by Zhang Xiang's identity.

But immediately, this shock was restrained by her.

"Oh, then, what do you want to do here?" Muroto Sumire lowered his feet from the table, turned the chair, and looked with those eyes with a dull look. Toward the direction of Zhang Xiang.

However, the other party may not have thought of it, Zhang Xiang's answer is also straightforward.

"I want to invite you to participate in a secret project, the New World Creation Project!"

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