Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1537: , Exoskeleton armor!

However, it hasn't waited until Zhang Xiang has watched all the battle conditions. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

In the police camp in the distance, there is already a bell passing over to gather.

"It seems that it is still unknown whether we can survive this evening..." Zhang Xiang looked into the distance. It was only less than half an hour after being impacted by gastroenterologists. It was already a camp where there were several crises. , Let out a sigh.

Then, his figure disappeared in place.

When he returned to the police camp, almost all the combatants in the camp had already gathered toward the center of the camp.

And Zhang Xiang was almost the last person to come to the camp.

At this time, in the center of the camp, there were two people standing on the chair.

It was a combination of a man and a woman.

One is a male martial artist in his fifties. He is wearing a wide samurai suit and a sharp sword at his waist. His face is very firm and he has the aura of a martial artist.

And Zhang Xiang also recognizes the other party. The other party has quite a reputation in the police system in the Tokyo area.

Its name is: ‘My head is right’!

The opponent was the one who had participated in the first gastrointestinal battle and survived.

He was once praised by the sage son of the previous generation as ‘a hero with both wisdom and courage,’ possessing good leadership skills.

And the girl standing next to him was his initiator.

Perhaps it was a similar character, or simply to imitate it, the girl who was only about ten years old was also wearing samurai armor and clothing, and a sharp samurai sword was also worn around her waist. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

At the same time, her expression is as upright as my head, with a serious expression.

And her name is Mibu Asaka.

And the two of them, in the international rankings, are above the 275th place.

However, under the close experience, Zhang Xiang knew that the ranking of these two men was definitely not only in the 275th place.

Because, after approaching, Zhang Xiang had already discovered that the fighting power of my chieftain was definitely much higher than in the data, and even stronger than his initiator.

Usually, the words between the partners of the civilian police combination are ranked internationally based on the combat effectiveness of the starter.

However, the current situation is clearly not the case.

Zhang Xiang could feel that just by relying on the combat power of kendo, it was no less convenient than his starter Mibu Asaka.

"Did you hide your combat power before? Or was it because of other reasons that the ranking of combat power was underestimated? No! It should be for a certain purpose, and the combat power should be hidden specifically!" Zhang Xiang never came to flash in his heart. This kind of thought.

Because, under the wide samurai robe, the other party was equipped with only one piece on the world's bright face. According to the legend, it was an exoskeleton that was missing.

That is a special preparation developed at the same time as the reformed soldiers in the "New Mankind Creation Project". After the preparations are made, it is equipment that can exert human power by tens or even tens of times.

However, because it is impossible for ordinary humans to withstand the powerful explosive power of exoskeletons, and because exoskeletons are extremely difficult to manufacture, and the manufacturing funds are too large, this plan has been shelved.

In the end, it was just a finished product.

However, I didn't expect that this thing that cost about tens of billions of neon coins to make would eventually fall into the hands of my chief.

With this exoskeleton, I am afraid that the opponent can already single Aldebaran.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also understood that Tokyo is under double insurance!

"It seems that Tokyo doesn't seem to be assured of my promise..." Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a hint of self-deprecation.

However, he also understands.

If he is in this position, I am afraid that he will not easily believe the one who popped up and said that I can help you solve the most troublesome Aldebaran.

Whether it can be done or not is one thing, but it is another thing whether it is promised or not.

The so-called politician thinks of the worst and the existence of such things.

And when Zhang Xiang came here to observe the other party, my head in charge also saw Zhang Xiang at the same time.

A light flashed in his eyes.

Because, from Zhang Xiang's body, he felt the sharp edge that only kendo masters could feel.

However, his eyes are more curious and alert.

He knew that Zhang Xiang in front of him was an existence far above him.

But if this were the case, he would not be curious yet.

After all, when he was equipped with an exoskeleton, his combat effectiveness had already soared to one of the hundreds.

He has obvious confidence in his combat effectiveness.

What he was curious about was how Zhang Xiang was confident that he could deal with Bi Suwu.

Because even after he was equipped with an exoskeleton, he was only 50% sure to kill Bi Aldebaran.

However, according to the information he got from Tokyo.

The one in front of him claimed to have the ability to single out Aldebaran.

How can this make him not curious?

But curiosity returned to curiosity. He was more concerned about whether Zhang Xiang, who joined temporarily, would **** control of the entire police force with him.

This is what he is on guard.

However, facing the curiosity and alert in the other's eyes.

Zhang Xiang didn't show much hostility, but smiled and nodded towards the other party.

Then, without stopping, he boarded the high platform.

And this kind of behavior caused the people below to suddenly make a noise.

And looking at the smile on Zhang Xiang's face, my cousin was also reducing the guard in his eyes to a deeper level, and he also showed a smile.

"Welcome, Zhang Xiangjun." My cousin was extending his right hand.

"Thank you, my head." Zhang Xiang also stretched out his right hand and shook his hand.

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