Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1538: , The speech undercurrent is opposed!

"As we all know, this time the violent attack of gastroenteritis has plunged us into a great crisis in Tokyo. Looking at the moment of crisis, in order to prevent our city from letting us The homeland was destroyed. Therefore, both the Self-Defense Forces and our civilian police bravely embarked on the journey of defense. The Self-Defense Force blocked the first line of defense, and our civilian police were responsible for the second and last line of defense. Once our line of defense is breached, whether it is the millions of people remaining in the Tokyo area, or the family members and friends who remain in the Tokyo area, they will all fall into the paws of the gastroenterologists." My chief is talking about it. Here, it seemed that everyone was going to imagine that scene, stopped, and looked around at the people below.

Then, he continued to talk.

"At that time, even if we survived, we wouldn’t have any shelter. It’s impossible for us to cross hundreds of kilometers across the forest full of gastroenterologists to reach another area. So, even if it’s for ourselves, please follow my order and arrange the defense line intact. If we win, we will not only gain a huge reputation, but also get a lot of rewards from the Tokyo area...For Tokyo , For the sake of our family and ourselves, let us kill all the gastrointestinal animals and protect this line of defense!!!" My dean shouted loudly and powerfully.

And under his loud shout, everyone began to conform.

Because everyone who came here was already prepared for the corresponding mentality.

Not to mention, in this process, he was still moved with affection and reason. He used the family members of everyone present not to be harmed by the gastrointestinal animals, and his great reputation and wealth were used as bait, which made everyone excited. Up.

Let everyone present no longer become nervous and sensitive because of the sudden attack of the gastroenterologist just now.

And watching my dean’s righteous speech next to him, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a look of admiration.

"It really deserves to be called a person with very strong leadership by the first generation of holy emperor." Zhang Xiang sighed softly.

The same words, perhaps let others say, will not get so good results.

After all, everyone present can be the existence of the police, none of them are idiots, it's just that there is a difference between whether they have carefully thought out the problem.

However, my counselor Zheng used that seemingly full of temptation but not much substantive words to motivate them, but he succeeded.

It also made everyone excited.

This is not easy.

At least, Zhang Xiang can feel it when my dean is speaking.

Whether it is from his body movements, speech, or even eye contact, he reveals sincerity and motivation.

details make a difference.

When all the details of his actions were combined, he had something like a gas field, which made everyone recognize his words without knowing it.

Moreover, he was recognized by everyone present, and established his leader status in secret.

"It's really a well-deserved reputation... Every guy with a name is not a simple guy..." Zhang Xiang looked at each other, but there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

Even Zhang Xiang asked whether he wanted to receive the other party from the Saint Referee team.

However, Zhang Xiang finally denied this decision.

After all, from the fact that the other party took over the police force and his usual actions of hiding strength, it can be seen that the other party is an ambitious person.

Ambitious people will not succumb to others.

Once there is a chance, it will be convenient to do something after weighing the pros and cons.

Not to mention, since the other party can take over the civilian police team, it proves that his background is not as simple as what he revealed.

Almost all the members of the Sanctuary team have simple identity backgrounds.

Once a person with uncomplicated ingredients enters it, it is like a drop of ink dripping into clean water, contaminating the water.

And at this time, after my head teacher is fierce with everyone, he is allocating for the next battle.

"Next, let me explain the distribution of the defense line this time. First of all, I have distributed the respective combat ranges according to everyone's combat effectiveness. Basically, six teams are used as a group to defend one place. Please remember that you must stick to the line of defense you are responsible for. If you leave your post without authorization, not only will the safety of the entire line of defense be jeopardized. Even gastroenterates will be the first to invade the Tokyo area behind."

However, at this moment, my chief's righteous words suddenly changed.

"Finally, let me talk about the leadership of our team. This time, I will be the head of all the police officers who came here this time. And this one will serve as the deputy of our police team. Commander, his order is the highest priority in addition to my order! Do you have any objections?" My head Zheng suddenly introduced Zhang Xiang's identity.

However, listening to my chief's righteous words, Zhang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are you here?" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a mocking smile.

Although my dean’s righteous words sounded correct.

Because Zhang Xiang's IP ranks at 99th, it can be said that among all the policemen present, the strongest one exists.

Such a powerful existence, to assume the position of deputy head, I believe no one will make sense.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang is also responsible for the killing of Aldebaran. He has greater freedom and command power, and will be of greater help to the death of Aldebaran.

However, don't forget that when the other party introduced Zhang Xiang, they didn't introduce Zhang Xiang's specific ip ranking, or even his name.

The composition of the police team is mostly composed of guys who are grumpy and unconvinced with each other.

For those who have never heard of the name Zhang Xiang, they must serve as their deputy head and ask them to obey his orders. They will not accept it.

And then, what Zhang Xiang expected happened.

"I object!" A grumpy voice rang from the police team below...

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