Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1552: , (Pseudo) spear technique!

"Tsubaki Dance!" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes and leaned down slightly, making an attacking start gesture. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

At the same time, although in chaos.

However, in the nature of the gastroenterate, the aggressiveness of animals that have not been infected with the virus will not change at all.

Just as Zhang Xiang rushed in, the gastroenterologists attacked Zhang Xiang without hesitation.

They either opened up their hideous mouths, or pierced their sharp minions, or even directly smashed their huge bodies full of viruses.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang plunged into the ocean of primitive gut attacks.

However, when the various attacks of the gastrointestinal animals were launched against Zhang Xiang.

Zhang Xiang also started to move. His body was like catkins, swaying with the wind when the breeze blew, and the strength of the wind was removed.

When the primitive gut attack came, it also began to wander, and dodge all the attacks dangerously and dangerously.

Then, his attack began.

It's like dancing, but also like a wanton walk.

Zhang Xiang's body either jumped, bent over, or tipped over, like the most flexible elves, wandering among the primitive gut animals.

However, every time I pass through a place.

In the two-color flame sword in his hand, one of them always pierced through the body of the gastrointestinal animal, directly burning its heart or head.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang is more than just wandering in one place. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

His body was like a dandelion being blown by the breeze, and his movements were extremely wandering. He turned out to be along the entire colony of gastroenterologists and began a round of killing a gastroenteric animal one step at a time.

Every time a gastrointestinal animal attacked, he would avoid it perfectly.

At the same time, every primitive gut animal that is close to his body will lose its life in an instant.

His movements are like the most graceful dance, and he fully demonstrates his soft combat skills.

When the breeze stopped blowing, Zhang Xiang's slightly squinted eyes slowly opened.

However, within a hundred meters of his radius, there is no longer any gastroenterate animal that can stand.

On the ground with a radius of one hundred meters, it is full of itself like a primitive gastrointestinal animal that has slept in the past. Standing on this ground, some of them are still relying on each other, that scene seems very ‘harmonious’.

But if we take a closer look, we can find that the vital parts of the gastroenterologists that seem to have passed by'sleep' are all with a wound about the size of a fist.

Moreover, the wound still showed scorch marks.

At first glance, people would know that it was a fierce flame that directly penetrated through their bodies and burned their most important organs.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang gave a light tone.

"It's over!" Zhang Xiang said with a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he also dispersed the two red and dark blue flame swords on the dual muzzle.

However, as soon as his words fell, the breeze on the grassland was blowing again.

But this time, the breeze didn't blow Zhang Xiang's body.

However, the body of the gastrointestinal animal ‘standing’ within a hundred meters from the center of Zhang Xiang was blown down by this insignificant breeze.

As the first gastrointestinal animal, like a domino, was blown down, the corpses of the gastrointestinal animals scattered within a radius of 100 meters seemed to be pushed to the point by a chain, all falling in one direction.

In that scene, everyone who saw it with their own eyes could not help but widen their eyes, revealing an incredible look in their eyes.

"What a beautiful dance... what a fighting dance with fighting skills! I have never seen this kind of swordsmanship!!!" There was a light of shock in the eyes of the Shuangdaoliu boy, and he said obsessively.

As a fan of the double sword flow, he was shocked to the extreme with the double sword flow, or the double sword flow style Zhang Xiang just used.

Because, as a well-known double-blade swordsman, he felt that if he was facing this seemingly beautiful dance, but in fact it was the dance of killing, he might not even be able to take the first move. , Was killed by spike.

However, everyone present was obviously more concerned about Zhang Xiang's damage to the primitive gut animals.

"All... All annihilation!" The young man in the beret standing on the high **** said something dazedly.

"This, this is the level that humans can achieve...!" After a while, the freckled girl suffocated a word from her mouth.

"More than one hundred gastrointestinal animals have been completely wiped out... Is he a humanoid stage five existence?!!!" The woman hugging the submachine gun was already shocked to the extreme.

However, at this moment.

They suddenly discovered that Zhang Xiang looked in their direction.

Then, something that shocked them even more happened.

Zhang Xiang unexpectedly rushed to a short distance in front of them.

This made them suddenly feel a little at a loss.

Especially the two-swordsman who didn't catch a cold to Zhang Xiang at all, and even said ruthlessly that Zhang Xiang would be killed by a gastroenteric animal when he touched him, and he showed an extremely nervous look.

Others were also nervous for various reasons, either because of Zhang Xiang's strong combat power, or because of Zhang Xiang's decisive killing.

But no matter what they think, Zhang Xiang's reason for coming here is only to see that the other party wants to say hello.

And just ten seconds later, Zhang Xiang flew over a distance of hundreds of meters and came to them.

However, unlike the scene expected by this team, Zhang Xiang did not stop for long.

He just said, "Hello, are you a reserve force? This line of defense is handed over to you", and he flew over directly.

At this point, everyone in this team couldn't help but stare at each other.

Because, in the line of defense in front of them, there is no standing gastroenterologist.

Moreover, maybe it was because they were afraid of being killed, or the gastroenterologists in this direction were killed, but there was no one gastroenterologist on this line of defense that continued to rush over.

Only the wind that gradually increased in the spare time blew through their bodies...

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