Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1553: , Thousand Tu!



"Kill all these gastrointestinal animals!"


"No, the direction is going to be broken, you guys should go up there!!"


"Dead, the second team is completely destroyed. The third team of follows..."


"No way, the line of defense retreat, hurry up, retreat to the second line of defense that was temporarily constructed..."


Such roars, or screams, rang out on the battlefield continuously.

Some policemen were swallowed by the gastroenterologists that suddenly rushed out of the ground and could burrow, and some were caught by the gastroenterologists and big birds that were caught high in the sky and then fell down. .

Of course, more policemen died under the constant impact of gastrointestinal animals, or their bodies were shredded into several pieces, or they were directly divided into two halves. Death is very terrifying.

However, everyone present did not have time to get their bodies back.

What they can do is to kill all the primitive gut animals that killed their companions.

However, when Zhang Xiang almost completely solved the gastrointestinal animal above his defense line, it was almost an hour after the battle began. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The whole line of defense finally began to collapse.

The police force of more than two thousand people could not withstand the impact of no less than 15,000 primitive gut animals after all.

After all, not everyone has the combat effectiveness like Zhang Xiang.

In desperation, someone finally made a suggestion to call for support.

"The commander of my church can no longer hold on. There are already loopholes in at least seven places above the line of defense. If we don't call for support, our line of defense will be completely broken!" The man with the blood of the original intestine, gritted his teeth and said to my head next to him.

But looking at the scene in front of me, there was a hint of hesitation on the face of my head chief.

"The battle has only started for an hour. If we call for support now, I'm afraid the follow-up support will be somewhat lacking." A heavy look was revealed on my head's face.

"There is no way. If we don't call for support anymore, our defense line will collapse. What if more follow-up support can be done? As long as one of the gastroenterates breaks through to Tokyo, it will cause serious damage." The man persisted. My own point of view, my eyes are fixed in the direction of my head.

And maybe it was the man's words that moved my head, or maybe the situation was really bad.

My head was finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Call for fighter support! I will personally lead the team and fight back!" There was a trace of determination on my head's face.

He is the kind of person who makes decisions when he decides. Once a decision is made, he will not hesitate!

After listening to his words, the people around couldn't help showing a look of excitement, and immediately passed the call for help signal to Tokyo.

And in the face of such a major matter of life and death in Tokyo, how could they not be prepared?

It was just a minute, and the roaring fighter jet was already rushing from Tokyo.

However, the number of fighter jets in that group has dropped from more than 50 at the beginning to only about 30.

However, listening to the howling of the familiar fighter, everyone on the line of defense began to show a look of expectation, and continued to resist the attack of the gastrointestinal animal with difficulty.

And when the fighters arrived, they also lived up to expectations and successfully caused enough damage to the gastroenterologists.

A steady stream of bombs was projected down from the belly of the plane, and the gastroenterologists that rushed afterwards bombed them when they turned their backs.

Facing the high-powered bomb, even the gastroenterologists that reached stage four were somewhat unable to withstand it.

Not to mention the ordinary gastroenterologists that only had stages one to three, all of them were blown to pieces, and the pressure on the defense line eased a lot in an instant.

Because this wave of attacks successfully eliminated more than a thousand gastroenterologists.

It only took more than two minutes, and they caused the gastrointestinal animals that Zhang Xiang could slaughter in about half an hour.

This is the power of human technology.

Of course, if Zhang Xiang initiates a fire and directly uses a world-destroying magic-the "Fire Rain Hero Arrow", it is not difficult to clean up all the primitive gut animals in the Tokyo area in an instant. (I want to explain here that the reason why the "Rocket Rain" in the Academy City can achieve the real extinction effect is because the world of the Academy City is a religious world with high magic and high technology. And Gabai The column is also one of the four basic elements that make up that world. It has been worshipped by mankind for thousands of years, and it has a corresponding position that can call the power of the world. Therefore, it can achieve the true meaning World-destroyed. And Zhang Xiang’s position was stolen from Gabriel, although it is true, but because it is a doppelganger position, there are reasons for assimilation with the world (ascended to the position of God), but it is not Can use the power of the world to strengthen one's moves. Well, this can only be reluctantly justified. Finally, Hippo, you, a physical destruction expert, if you really write according to the power you describe, Lord Earth It has already exploded dozens of times!!!)

However, he didn't want to do that.

Because, doing so, it did not benefit him in the slightest.

Moreover, without the pressure of the gastrointestinal animals, all kinds of contradictions erupted, especially the contradiction between the cursed son and ordinary humans.

However, the facts have proved that the human side is too happy.

Just above the line of human defense, when the pressure began to cheer, bad luck came.

The dozens of roads are dazzling, about a dozen meters long and a few meters wide. From a distance, they look like an elongated cross-like'gun of judgment', but they suddenly cut through the sky and moved eight The fighter jet wrecked into a ball of fire in mid-air.

And the remaining prestige of the "Judgement Gun" that landed has opened large holes one after another on the ground of the defense line.

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