Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1582: ,over!

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang came out with words that surprised her.

"It's okay, I can help you restrain it." Zhang Xiang said slightly, shaking his head.

"Really, really?" The cat-eared girl stunned slightly, then asked again with some surprise.

"It's true." Zhang Xiang nodded.

However, after nodding, Zhang Xiang went on to say another sentence.

"However, this comes at a price. I don't know if you can accept it. Because your virus erosion rate is already too high, and even your body's genes have been greatly affected. Therefore, if you If you want to continue to maintain the human form. Then, there is only one way. That is, let me completely seal the virus in your body. But, in that case, you will lose all combat power and become an ordinary People. And, in order to prevent the virus from mutating, you still need to stay close to me and accept my continuous reinforcement of the seal." Zhang Xiang said slowly.

At the same time, he also raised his head and looked in the other direction of the stone.

A man with short silver-white hair and a golf cap, but stepped on anxious steps, ran over to this side.

When he saw the girl with cat ears, there was a hint of surprise on his face, as if he wanted to shout at the girl.

Obviously, the cat-eared girl is a very important figure for convenience. It may be the starter or the guy who plays the role of the big brother.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the one with the golf cap showed an expression of ecstasy.

However, at this moment, the girl with cat ears was the first to speak.

"Well, will I definitely lose all my combat power? And, besides this one, is there no other way?... Well, sorry, maybe I've got an inch. But I really need to have combat power. Otherwise, I won't be able to help my facilitator." The girl with cat ears showed a somewhat anxious expression on her face and asked Zhang Xiang.

However, to her disappointment, Zhang Xiang's answer was yes.

"Yes, at present, there is no other way." Zhang Xiang resolutely shook his head and said.

"Really..." The cat-eared girl showed a disappointed expression on her face.

However, after taking a deep breath, the girl with cat ears made a new decision.

"Then, can I ask you something?" The cat-eared girl raised her head again and said softly to Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, go ahead." Zhang Xiang nodded.

"Please leave the chance to save me to others." The cat-eared girl said something that was not in line with common sense.

At this moment, the young man wearing a golf cap couldn't help but speak.

"Why?" the young man with a golf cap said anxiously.

And listening to the familiar words, the cat-eared girl exclaimed slightly less than that.

"Zhangmo, is that you?" The girl with cat ears showed a hint of surprise and panic on her face.

And Zhang Xiang also stood up and sighed slightly.

"Let's talk about it. After making a decision, look for me outside the forest." Zhang Xiang stood up and left the place in a flash.

Because he knows the reason why the cat ear girl made such a decision.

Because she knew that if she agreed to Zhang Xiang to help her treat her, she would definitely leave the facilitator youth and would not be able to participate in the battle.

Initiators who have no combat effectiveness will not be carried by any promoter.

This is not a question of combat effectiveness, but a facilitator out of concern for the initiator.

Because in the life of a policeman, the facilitator is likely to be caught in battle at all times. If a starter with no combat effectiveness is nearby, not to mention whether it will become a burden, this starter is even more of a time. Life is in danger at all times.

However, in this sad world, most starters think that the reason for their existence is to fight.

If their fighting power is deprived, then they still don't know whether they are living in this world or whether they have any meaning.

The reason Zhang Xiang didn't say it before was because he saw that the girl in front of him was just such a person.

This can be seen from the fact that she didn't want to drag others down, and came to the forest alone to do her best.

Therefore, he hadn't said these words before.

And he chose to speak out, that's exactly the reason.

Such a person needs to find other motivations for her to survive before she can rejuvenate her vitality.

And there is no doubt that she used to be the promoter of the meaning of existence, and she is the best object of persuasion.

It was Zhang Xiang who saw that the other party was the facilitator of the cat-eared girl, and also saw the two people's feelings similar to brothers and sisters, so Zhang Xiang said it directly.

"Hey, I'm really a saint. I was thinking about whether I could use my charm to save a Loli's begging heart. However, it seems that I really don't have the charm of Uncle Snake." Zhang Xiang said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

However, although he said so.

However, there was a contented expression on his face.

Because, even if he failed to do it successfully.

But other people did it and saved the life of a loli. Isn’t it good too?

And a few minutes later, in Zhang Xiang's perception, the silver-haired young man wearing a golf cap also walked out of the forest.

And in his arms, it was the cat-eared girl who had fallen asleep.

A trace of tears remained at the corner of her eyes.

"Please," the silver-haired young man solemnly said to Zhang Xiang.

While talking, he also passed the cat-eared girl's body.

"No problem." Zhang Xiang also nodded, and took the cat-eared girl into his arms.

At the same time, on the horizon in the distance.

A ray of dawn hit the earth again, penetrating the pitch black, and illuminating the world once again.

A new day is here!

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