Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1583: , Two months of rumors

And time is hurried, time has come two months later. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

In these two months, the changes in the entire Tokyo area can be said to be turbulent.

First of all, after the gastrointestinal animals were repelled, the 32nd stone monument was finally built.

As for the reason why the stone monument was so easily dumped, a series of investigations were launched, and finally the fire burned to Tiantong's house.

There is evidence that a member of the Tendo family accepted a bribe from the contractor who made the stone monument when he was undertaking the construction of the stone monument, and turned a blind eye to the act of cutting corners, which led to the stone monument being attacked by Aldebaran, and it was in advance. Collapsed.

However, it was only burned to one member.

Although everyone knows that without the strong support of certain members of the Tiantong family, it would be impossible to hide the multiple monitoring of the monument.

But after a certain member of the Tendo family ‘self-decision’, the pursuit of this matter ended here.

After all, the Tendo family actually controls most of the Tokyo area.

There is almost no official in the Tokyo area who has no indirect or direct contact with the Tendo family.

In addition to this matter, many people are not necessarily clean, in order to prevent the Tiantong family from burning fire on them.

Since someone was responsible for this matter, of course they worked together to cover up this matter.

Had it not been for this incident to have such a bad impact, and the evidence was revealed to the people, causing great public grievances, there would almost be an incident that impacted the Tokyo regional government.

Someone responsible for this will not happen yet, but the big things will be reduced to smaller ones.

As for why the Tiantong family should have been secretly announced, the secret tents related to the construction of the megalithic stele would appear on the private network and spread widely, and it would never be deleted.

This is of course Zhang Xiang's personal shot.

It is not a difficult task to pull out the relevant memories from the heads of some guys who have participated in the construction.

For Zhang Xiang, who has a writing wheel, this is simply a breeze.

Moreover, he didn't need to find out the tent at all. He just needed to look up the memories of some members who had read this tent, and he would naturally get all the information.

After all, he could use illusion techniques to sneak into the opponent's mind and search for the other party's subconscious memories.

The memory remembered by the subconscious mind is not so easy to forget.

The computer knowledge far beyond this world allowed him to easily hijack the highest authority of the major portals after obtaining detailed tent information and post the information.

In addition, it is also set that it cannot be deleted.

As for Zhang Xiang's purpose in doing this?

To put it more righteously, it is to get justice for the policemen who died on the line of defense.

But the words are more selfish, and there are more truthful words.

It is to make the Tokyo side more chaotic, to shift the attention of the people to other directions, so that the Tokyo government has no time to deal with them.

After all, the fact that the 39th district has been designated as the permanent autonomous region of the Angel Church, Zhang Xiang's inexplicable super force, and the speed of the church's spread are all thorns in their eyes!

They would not allow a country of China, a guy outside their control.

However, the aftermath of this incident was quickly suppressed after the member of the Tendo family ‘self-decision’.

It just won Zhang Xiang less than a month.

However, there are still other things buying time for Zhang Xiang.

That is, naturally, the dragon dragon "Aquarius", which was originally tens of thousands of meters away, disappeared, but appeared in a run-down town not far from Tokyo. This incident was also quickly Spread out.

However, this matter did not involve Zhang Xiang's intervention.

It was only spread in the police system, and it was not exposed to the people.

However, even so, it caused a huge panic among the Tokyo police.

Even Bisuwu is so difficult to deal with, so how should the dragon of the sky be dealt with in the legend that it has gone through ice?

According to legend, the temperature around the dragon in the sky is always within fifty degrees below the lead.

If ordinary people are in this field, they will fall into shock in less than two seconds and let them be slaughtered.

Even the strong among the policemen will suffer a great impact, and at least their actions will become much slower.

In addition, the sky dragon "Aquarius" is not like the Scorpio, whose strength is unknown.

Once because it had frozen the entire city, the military used a few nuclear bombs to carry out a devastating attack on it.

As a result, it survived.

In addition, an unknown metamorphosis has taken place, from a long snake-like monster covered with strange animal tissues and scales to its current appearance in one fell swoop.

——A gastrointestinal animal with antlers, scales, and four claws is like the giant dragon described by the celestial dynasty.

If it weren't for its snow-white scales, Zhang Xiang would really think that it was the legendary Eastern Dragon.

Since then, no one has seen the sky dragon "Aquarius" shot.

However, even so, no one dares to look down on the strength of the opponent.

After all, the other party had frozen an entire city, and even resisted the existence of nuclear bombs that survived and lived more moisturizingly!

Although, the other party's feat of freezing a city was due to certain weather reasons, and because the war did not deal with the other party in time, it gave it time to spread the ice and snow virus.

And the last thing that made the Tokyo government messy was naturally about the incredible power that Zhang Xiang displayed, and the various rumors about the Tokyo government's incompetence spread by the Angel Church.

Because Zhang Xiang didn't hide it in the slightest when he was fighting.

Therefore, his battle was filmed by one of the policemen with a DV carried with him, and it is not known why it was spread on the Internet.

This has aroused all kinds of speculations about Zhang Xiang's power among the people in the Tokyo area, and whether this is the power bestowed by the gods.

And the latter, naturally Zhang Xiang deliberately signaled the Angel Church to spread it out.

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