Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1605: , The sacred tree comes!


As the crimson tyrannical Chakra beam rose into the sky, the huge body of Ten Tails broke free from the beam. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Its huge body fell on the ground, and ten crimson red tails that were hundreds of meters long, swaying in the air, exuding tyrannical chakras, and steadily scattered towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, a depressive momentum was instantly suppressed in the entire Tokyo area.

Even the 39th district in the distance has been affected.

The dark clouds that had dispersed in the sky had signs of closing again.

Don't forget, Ten Tail Ke also possesses a powerful existence that causes the world to change.

Even though what appeared to Zhang Xiang now was only a reconstruction of most of the chakras and a part of the flesh and blood of the ten tails, it still possessed immense power.

At least, it would not be a problem at all if there were a few oversized tail beast jade and wiped out the entire Tokyo area at one stroke.

You know, the full version of Ten Tails has the ability to destroy the world.

Even if it is an incomplete version of Ten Tails, if even one or two cities cannot be destroyed, wouldn't it be called Ten Tails.

And just when Ten Tails completely broke free from the seal, it began its instinct to destroy everything by itself.

In the frantic dancing of the ten tails, the tyrannical fuchsia chakras began to gather frantically, and gradually formed a tailed beast tens of meters in size.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't change his face when he stood in front of Ten Tails, who was full of tyranny and was about to launch a super-large tail beast jade. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

His body slowly rises towards the sky, and rises to a position where it is at a high position with the head of Ten Tails.

And in the higher place in front of him, there is the oversized tail beast jade that can destroy a small part of Tokyo.

And when Zhang Xiang rose to this level, Ten Tails also discovered the existence of Zhang Xiang.

Among the ten tails that were dancing wildly, one of them burst out suddenly, blasting towards Zhang Xiang's body.

However, its actions only do this.

The crimson tail, which was hundreds of meters long, had to stay in front of Zhang Xiang when it was swung halfway.

Because Zhang Xiang has already opened his special double-pupil kaleidoscope to write round eyes.

The pentagram and the pitch-black pattern of keys revolved frantically in his eyes.

And in the depths of the ten-tailed jade reincarnation eyes in front of him, I don't know when the same pattern as Zhang Xiang's special double-pupil kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes appeared.

He actually used the eternal kaleidoscope to write the round eyes, controlling a higher level, no, it was the nine-gou jade writing round eyes that was two levels higher.

Moreover, it is the ancestor of Chakra, the will of Togo.

Even though, this is only composed of most of the chakras and part of the flesh and blood of the ten tails, the ten tails are not rational.

But this is enough to shock people!

"Stop for me!" Zhang Xiang said in the cold voice.

At the same time, under Zhang Xiang's control, the tail that had shot in front of him slowly retracted.

And the super-large tail beast jade that was surging madly was also under his subtle control, and was gradually dispersing, returning to the slightly dry body of Ten Tails.

After all, this is not the complete ten tails.

For his future plans, Chakra will save while saving.

And just after doing this, Zhang Xiang's body also slowly fell, and his feet stepped on the head of Ten Tails.

"So, let's get started, Chakra connection!" Zhang Xiang slowly closed his eyes, opened his hands slightly, and faint chakra fluctuations began to surge out of his body.

It was a chakra that was completely different from the ten-tailed tyrannical chakra, and even different from the people in the original Naruto world.

It was after Zhang Xiang's spiritual consciousness was improved, it merged with nature and possessed all the characteristics of Xianshu Chakra, but it was a special Chakra that didn't need to be transformed specifically.

Or, it should be said that his current chakra is a fairy chakra with the concept of life.

And just after his chakra escaped from his body, under the control of Zhang Xiang's consciousness, he began to dissolve the tyrannical chakra in the ten-tailed body.

At the beginning, the chakra with the concept of life was really incompatible with the destructive ten-tailed chakra.

Even several conflicts broke out, triggering Ten-tailed instinctive defensive resistance.

If it weren't for Zhang Xiang's timely control, I'm afraid Ten Tails would break free of control.

However, these conflicts disappeared completely after Zhang Xiang's mental power dissipated and formed a bridge to connect them.

Zhang Xiang's evolved mental power is like an omnipotent container, combining the vigorous chakra in his body and the furious chakra with ten tails.

And this combination triggered a miracle.

Tokuo's huge body began to twist and re-transform into a huge chakra ball, as if it was re-breeding other things.

Then, as the surface of the chakra ball that gradually changed from crimson red to dark green cracked, the huge tree roots struggled out of the chakra ball and plunged deeply into the ground. In the remnant body of the sky dragon that was constantly wriggling, all the nutrients in its remnant body, including the extremely powerful vitality, were completely absorbed.

And in the next moment, a huge plant completely broke the dark green chakra ball, soaring up into the sky and going straight into the clouds.

When it stopped growing, it was already close to more than 300 meters high.

If you look down from a high altitude, you will see that in the snow-covered Tokyo area, in the middle of the ruined community, a plant full of emerald green is soaring up into the sky, full of A feeling of vitality.

And more importantly, on the top of that huge plant, a huge fruit is brewing.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang's voice slowly fell.

"The sacred tree is coming!"

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