Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1606: , Summon Yueling!

And there is no doubt that in the snow-white Tokyo area, an emerald green plant that is more than three hundred meters high suddenly appeared. It was so eye-catching.

At the moment when the sacred tree came, most of them were cheering, or slumped on the ground, even the people who were forced to desperate by the invaded scattered primordial animals turned their attention to the sacred tree. direction.

However, this is not over yet.

After summoning the sacred tree, Zhang Xiang's body began to soar into the sky again.

The six pairs of water wings of different lengths behind him trembling slightly, his figure has already risen into the sky, penetrated through the layers of dark clouds that are gradually dissipating, and reached a full tens of thousands of meters. The sky is up.

At this height, the entire Tokyo area was taken into his eyes.

At this time, almost all places in the entire Tokyo area were plunged into white snow.

It was caused by the drifting snow when the sky dragon changed the weather before.

Now that the dragon in the sky has passed away, and the dark clouds in the sky have gradually dispersed, the snow falling from the sky has gradually reduced to nothing.

However, the snowflakes that are more than ten centimeters thick can not be transformed in a moment.

And in the snow-white Tokyo area, there are many places stained with blood red, that is the blood splashed on the snow by humans killed by invading primitive gut animals. It seems so conspicuous.

And the screams rang out from time to time in this city.

Obviously, those people who are cheering and even forgot Zhang Xiang's rescue are thinking too much. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The danger is far from gone!

Even if only ten stage 3 gastroenterologists invade the Tokyo area, it would be enough to create a human tragedy in the current Tokyo area, killing and transforming nearly half of the residents into gastroenterologists.

Not to mention, there are hundreds of gastroenterologists now invading the Tokyo area.

And this number is increasing as those humans who have been injected with a large amount of gastrointestinal virus gradually transform into gastroenterologists.

I'm afraid, it only takes a few days.

This neon first city will also be like other cities, completely reduced to a dead city under the raging of countless primitive gut animals.

Of course, about one-fifth of the residents who had already fled to the underground refuge in advance can hold on for a longer time.

However, after completely losing the superficial control of the Tokyo area, how long can the underground shelter last?

One month or two months?

When the food is completely consumed, it is time for the entire shelter to collapse.

Perhaps, if you can't wait for that day, the despair and terror before this will cause the residents inside to riot.

The primitive bowel animals are not without action underground.

If the Tokyo area is occupied and the passage happens to be found, I am afraid that it will not last for half a day.

Because that is completely the rhythm of catching turtles in the urn.

However, Zhang Xiang just lowered his head, and after scanning the Tokyo area, he raised his head and looked at a bright sky.

At this time, the time just came to ten tenths near two in the afternoon.

Now, it is a period of time after the sun's strongest.

The huge sun is still hanging high in the sky, unscrupulously releasing its own light and heat. Although the violent ultraviolet and cosmic rays are offset by the ozone layer and the earth’s magnetic field, in this place where there is no cloud offset, Still very violent.

But just as the huge sun occupies the entire sky, it is difficult for the naked eye to distinguish where other stars are coming from, but Zhang Xiang is looking at a place.

It was a sphere that looked so small under the violent rays of the sun, with some pits on the surface.

However, in Zhang Xiang's eyes, this surface is a bumpy sphere, which seems so important.

Because the other party is his next next step in the plan, which can be said to be the most critical step.

Zhang Xiang took a deep breath, and slowly unfolded the six pairs of irregular water wings that were only a few feet short but hundreds of feet long behind him, allowing them to completely unfold.

And Zhang Xiang also put the faith book in his left hand in front of him, letting it float in the air.

And his right hand was holding the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ with golden light, pointing in the direction of the moon.

"Summon Yueling!" Zhang Xiang shouted loudly.

At the same time, a golden beam of light exploded from his body, lasing directly into the sky.

And the golden lower part is connected to the sacred tree that is gradually opening its buds.

When the golden beam of light directly sank into the endless void, the scene in the sky also began to change.

It was supposed to be a broad daylight full of violent sunlight, but it gradually became darker and darker.

It's like, suddenly from day to night.

However, at this moment.

A bright spot gradually brightened up in the starry sky, connected with the golden beam of light, and formed a star that was gradually expanding in the horizon.

That is not some other star. The star that is exuding incomparably bright light is the moon that was originally the size of a basketball in the sky, but just stayed dimly under the sunlight of the sun.

However, the moon at this time was exuding extremely bright light, illuminating the entire starry sky.

If we look up, we can even see the big holes on the moon clearly with our naked eyes.

"The last step of the plan, execute!" Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his kaleidoscope eyes.

At the same time, the buds of the sacred tree were also completely opened, revealing the jade reincarnation eyes with nine hooks.

Just as Zhang Xiang’s special kaleidoscope writing round eyes, the black pattern of the pentagram and the key began to rotate, the nine-hook jade round eyes also began to rotate, blasting a scarlet light directly along the beam of light. Submerge on the huge moon in the sky.

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