Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1607: , Unlimited monthly reading!

At the moment when Zhang Xiang's voice fell, the moon that hung high in the sky instantly changed into a scarlet color, and the pattern of the jade reincarnation eye appeared on the moon. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Then, a burst of incomparable bright light burst out from above the moon, shining toward the Tokyo area.

The moonlight pierced through numerous obstacles, shone on the entire Tokyo area unscrupulously, illuminating every inch of the corner.

Whether it was people standing on the road, hiding in the home, or even hiding in the underground shelter, they were all included in the range of the moonlight.

The roof of the house and the thick land simply cannot stop the special moonlight that can penetrate numerous obstacles.

And at the moment when they were illuminated by the moonlight, no matter whether they raised their heads and looked at the sky, no matter what they were doing, their bodies would stay in place and become sluggish.

And unconsciously, their eyes also showed signs of reincarnation.

Yes, it is the eye of reincarnation.

Standing tens of thousands of meters high in the sky, with golden books floating in front of him, and his right hand holding the "Sword of Judgment" filled with majestic fluctuations, like a god-man Zhang Xiang, that pair of special kaleidoscope writing wheels If the eye does not know when, it has already evolved to the point of reincarnation eye.

Moreover, it is the perfect scarlet nine-gou jade reincarnation eye state.

Because, at the same time when he showed the "Unlimited Moon Reading".

The chakra full of vitality in his body spontaneously emerges, sinks into his eyes, and changes it naturally.

Without the special physique possessed by the immortal body, Zhang Xiang relied on that special chakra to perfectly complete the replacement, allowing the ultimate illusion of ‘unlimited moon reading’ to be performed perfectly.

"Change, your faith, hand over your most pious belief to me!" Zhang Xiang's eyes widened suddenly, and the black gou jade in the eyes of the scarlet nine gou jade reincarnation began to spin quickly.

At the same time, a special wave was accompanied by moonlight and spread to the entire Tokyo area.

Every citizen who received this fluctuation trembled in their bodies, and the whole person fell into a deeper fantasy world.

However, what Zhang Xiang created was not a beautiful world, but a world full of war and destruction.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also temporarily erased all their memories in the real world, allowing them to perfectly bring them into the world of destruction illusion created by Zhang Xiang, allowing them to begin to experience all the sufferings of life.

Then, let the figure of the judgment angel appear in the most difficult time of their lives in various ways, saving them from destruction.

Moreover, this kind of illusion reincarnation is not once or twice, but a hundred times or a thousand times.

In every reincarnation of the illusion, Zhang Xiang would erase most of their memories, only retaining their pious heart for the moment they were redeemed.

Let them experience countless reincarnations again, sharpen that pious heart more perfect, and let them fall into the ocean of faith.

It only took less than a few minutes. The people in the entire Tokyo area have gone through hundreds of reincarnations.

Even if some people are standing in place, the temperament exuding from their bodies has undergone earth-shaking changes.

That is, after they have experienced countless reincarnations, they have honed their faith in the angel of judgment.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang was consuming a lot of chakras while maintaining the "unlimited monthly reading".

Visible to the naked eye, it was like a super Saiyan explosion, and a beam of light golden light of the power of faith burst out from the Tokyo area below.

That amount is calculated in millions.

Those light golden beams of the power of faith, although single, seem very thin.

However, when one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand...Finally, the pale golden light beams of the power of faith that reach two million are gathered together, the light golden light beams that open up to the sky can converge the entire Tokyo area. They were all wrapped in.

Looking down from the starry sky, we will see a very beautiful picture: every place in the Tokyo area is glowing with pale golden light, like a star map full of mysteries.

When the power of faith reached a certain level, Zhang Xiang opened his hands.

"Gather, all beliefs!"

All the light beams of the power of faith that emerged from the Tokyo area of ​​two million, as well as the new town not far away, the river of the power of faith in the Osaka area hundreds of kilometers away, are all towards Zhang Xiang’s Converged in one direction.

The extremely powerful power of faith gathered together and wrapped Zhang Xiang heavily in it.

"Believers, contribute your most pious belief!"

At the moment when the voice fell, all the people in the Tokyo area who had been hit by "Unlimited Moon Reading" opened their closed eyes, and the scenes in the illusion were all synchronized to the trial. The moment the angel saves.

Dozens or millions of light golden beams of the power of faith suddenly turned golden, illuminating the entire Tokyo area.

At the same time, the golden orb that wrapped Zhang Xiang's power of faith suddenly turned into a golden color.

"Open it in front of me, the door of the gods!" Zhang Xiang burst into a sudden shout.

At the same time, the golden yellow sphere formed by the power of all beliefs burst out with extremely bright light, just like the scene of the sun exploding in the sky, covering the entire Tokyo area and the periphery. The forests are all illuminated.

Even the Osaka area hundreds of kilometers away can vaguely see the light on this side.

And surrounded by these rivers of faith, Zhang Xiang fully stretched out his body.

Countless mysterious information was instilled into his brain, and the world seemed so clear at this moment.

Everything seemed to be divided into the purest existence.

Just like, as long as you take a step forward, you can touch the whole world.

And Zhang Xiang really took a step forward.

"Profit to the throne of God!" Zhang Xiang said flatly.

At the same time, the golden light burst out suddenly, turning into countless golden lights, illuminating the entire world!

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