Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1608: , Ascended to the throne!

And in Zhang Xiang's spiritual world, the position that was spinning round and round in his spiritual ocean also stopped spinning suddenly. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Endless golden light emerged from an unknown place outside and turned into a golden river, flowing and tumbling in his spiritual ocean, filling his spiritual ocean completely.

In a short while, the entire spiritual world became a golden ocean.

It's no longer like it was before, it's just an empty piece.

That was the power of faith absorbed into his body from the outside world, no, it should be said to be divine power now.

And at the moment when the position in his spiritual world completely stopped rotating, a soft golden light condensed from the mid-air of the golden ocean, forming a golden light group that seemed to be true and imaginary.

And the position of the gleaming silver-white light also split up suddenly, turning into three light clusters of different colors.

Among them, there are two light groups of similar size, one is soft moonlight, and the other is water blue.

As for the last remaining ray of fiery red light, it floated in the air and showed signs of dissipating.

I don't know why, but Zhang Xiang knows that it is a wisp of impurities mixed in the position.

A thread should be a magazine that does not belong to the position of Archangel Gabriel.

Don't ask how Zhang Xiang knew it. He understood so clearly now that there was no secret in his body.

However, the development of the matter did not stop because of Zhang Xiang's doubts.

When the golden light clusters finished appearing, the golden light clusters, the moonlight light clusters, and the water blue light clusters began to approach each other towards the middle. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Then, unconsciously they merged with each other, forming a new position.

At the same time, in the outside world, the golden light burst out completely disappeared, revealing Zhang Xiang's body.

However, Zhang Xiang has undergone earth-shaking changes at this time.

Zhang Xiang didn't know when, but a set of armor made entirely of divine power appeared, covering his whole body.

The ancient book floating in front of him, constructed with the power of golden faith, had also inexplicably changed from illusion to reality at this time, and became a real book with substance and light.

It's just that the words recorded in the classics are in strange shapes.

It belongs to the gods, and uses the power of rules to portray them on the classics.

Unless the **** himself allows it, it is his existence at the same level and he has no right.

Because what is recorded on it is the history of the existence of the gods themselves.

With this book, you can even truly borrow the power of the gods themselves.

And the'Shadow Demon Blade' on his right hand is also covered with a layer of pale golden light. On the dark sword body that was originally full of blood red color and demon temperament, it exudes a burst of sharpness. Deterrence coming from outside.

That is from the power of the artifact itself!

Yes, after Zhang Xiang was promoted to the gods.

The "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand also went further, completely transformed from a demon weapon to a divine weapon.

Of course, because the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ itself devours a lot of lifeless energy, flesh and blood, and even the artifact ‘Cong Yunya’, after another evolution, it already possesses great power.

Therefore, this time evolving into a divine tool, its own capabilities have not been greatly improved.

However, this ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ has been fixed with the attribute of ‘indestructible’.

Since then, unless Zhang Xiang has fallen, or encountered an existence that can completely annihilate its sword body, or even its sword soul, there is no weapon that can destroy it.

In short, it is a physical method, it is impossible to destroy it!

Because it belongs to the gods.

At the same time, at the moment Zhang Xiang succeeded in ascending the position of God, he felt that the world on this side was different.

In the past, this square of heaven and earth was just heaven and earth.

However, at this time, in his eyes, this world of heaven and earth seemed to be connected to him. As long as he moved, this world of heaven and earth could be changed.

For example, just between his thoughts, a strand of snowflakes falling in front of him stopped in front of him for no reason.

There is no energy fluctuation, nor any weird phenomenon.

Just because he wanted to stop this snowflake.

This is the power of the gods.

"What a fascinating power..." Zhang Xiang sighed and was obsessed with the power that seemed to be able to control everything.

However, he also knew that this so-called idea of ​​being able to control everything was just a fantasy.

He just managed to stop the snowflakes, and it was not without consumption.

At least, he could feel the divine power accumulated in his body, as if it had consumed such a trivial point.

Although the number of that point was scarce, it seemed so conspicuous to him who had already been promoted to a god.

The so-called omnipotence is not without a price. When the divine power in his body is not enough to pay for that price, the so-called wishing is impossible.

If you want to use an accurate word to describe it, it is equivalent substitution.

Just like in real life, we need hard work to get good results and hard work to make more money. Everything comes at a price.

Of course, there are things like paying a price without getting rewarded.

Moreover, it is very common.

The so-called gods are just being able to do things that ordinary people can't do at the price of paying the divine power in their body with a single thought.

In this way, the gods seem to have become less mysterious.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang's heart suddenly became somewhat ambitious after he was promoted to the position of God, and he was calm.

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