Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1614: , The dark ending!

One day later, the war was completely over.

Zhang Xiang returned to the new town and established a separate administrative team, centered on the recruited Self-Defense Force members, re-organized a guard to guard Tokyo, and began active rescue operations in the frozen Tokyo area.

The government of the original Tokyo area was completely paralyzed because of many attacks and many other officials who fled and were cast aside by the people.

But on the second day, the administrative team led by Zhang Xiang had completely controlled all the areas in Tokyo.

Three days later, the search and rescue operation in the entire Tokyo area was almost complete.

The snow that is permeating the Tokyo area has already melted severly because of the re-rising of temperature.

Of course, only the sky dragon has stayed for a long time, and the places hit by his light blue soil system, the ice and snow are still strong.

Some ice cubes, even if they are cut with an axe, can't shake it.

But fortunately, there are not many residents living nearby, and it saves a lot of things. As long as you wait for a while, it will naturally melt.

After half a month, all the destroyed places in the entire Tokyo area have been cleaned up.

The Angel Church officially settled in the Tokyo area and re-enacted a law to make the Tokyo area a country where politics and religion are united.

The next day, Zhang Xiang issued a new "Cursed Son" protection decree, ordering it to be within the control of the Tokyo area, and it is not allowed to abuse the cursed child.

Then, in the next half month, because the gastroenterologists within hundreds of miles of the Tokyo area were wiped out, the counties and cities that could not be recovered due to the invasion of the gastroenterologists were greatly developed. . See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

People in the Tokyo area like ants took less than half a month to move almost all useful things within a radius of hundreds of miles back to the Tokyo area.

At this point, the Tokyo area has ushered in a stage of ultra-fast development of material richness.

Especially after cleaning up a few nearby cities, moving back a lot of valuable, especially some rare technology equipment in a military base, and then cooperated with Zhang Xiang's part of the technology from the school city. after that.

The entire Tokyo area finally ushered in a super explosive development.

Almost every day, a new scientific research result is researched and applied to the military and civilian fields in the shortest time.

It is worth pointing out that after about half a month of research, the members of the Tokyo team that Zhang Xiang searched for finally used the latest biotechnology to create an antigenic enterovirus vaccine.

At this point, the erosion of the cursed child has been effectively suppressed. As long as the vaccine is regularly administered, the virus in the cursed child can be completely eliminated within half a year.

Although, after the virus is completely eliminated, the cursed son's powerful ability will lose most of it.

But it is also an encouraging scientific achievement.

At least, those cursed children who have reached the peak of erosion do not have to leave the world with regret.

And those humans who have been attacked by gastroenteritis virus and injected with gastroenteric virus will not be without hope of surviving.

Of course, this is one of the most exciting biological research results.

Scientists have also made great strides in the development of machinery. They have used the combination with biotechnology to create mechas in a sense.

As long as you wear that huge device, you will gain power hundreds of times stronger than humans.

At the same time, heavy weapons were also worn on the test mecha, such as the Green heavy machine gun, which was a super weapon that could knock a truck into the air.

Moreover, the cost is only one billion yen in construction cost.

This effectively strengthened the defense capabilities of the Tokyo area.

Although, this mecha can only be used on the ground at present, and the altitude can only leap to a low altitude of ten meters due to various reasons.

And the last result is about the angel church.

After accumulating enough power of faith, Zhang Xiang, a god, finally began to give true feedback to believers.

After a month of integration, the church finally sorted out a team with the most pious beliefs and a decent fighting capacity.

Moreover, every believer has also gone through Zhang Xiang's "cleansing of faith", and has reached an existence that can bear the power of divine power and can borrow the power of faith outside the realm of God.

In normal times, they are just a fully equipped protective guard.

But when they need it, they will borrow the power of the gods to descend from the gods and become a terrifying existence that changes the terrain of one party.

The weakest one can withstand the sniper rifle, and can shoot out the presence of the gastroenterologist in stage four with one shot.

As for the highest class, the existence of a blind girl has reached a terrifying place.

They can even destroy the existence of a small city alone.

In short, this is a terrifying single-soldier team, everyone can compare to a fully equipped squad.

What's even more frightening is that although the power input that this team can borrow is different because of the difference in personal physique, the total amount of power that can be borrowed is close to infinite.

If you can't kill the enemy, you can consume the enemy;

If the enemy cannot be consumed, the injury can be replaced by injury;

Then, use divine power to recover in a shameless manner, and then exchange injuries with the opponent, until finally hit the opponent!

And half a year later, the entire Tokyo area has developed to an extremely deep existence, which can be regarded as a school city comparable to another world, only showing its superficial strength.

Then, the war broke out!

When the roots of the sacred tree spread to the edge of the entire Osaka area, it officially launched an attack. It only took two days to completely take down the Osaka area.

Then, after a training session, after running into each other.

These two teams with high technology and magic skills respectively launched a sweep of the other three areas of Hakata, Sendai, and Hokkaido.

Excluding the time spent on the road, the time it took to win these three areas turned out to be less than five days.

At this point, the entire neon area divided into five areas has changed back to a country again.

Moreover, the site is still expanding with the spread of the roots of the sacred tree.

And the only faith in this country is the Angel Church!

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's dark layout has completely ended, returning to the main world!

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