Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1615: , My uncle changed

Winter mornings are always lazy. The lazy sunlight comes in from outside the window and shines into the room, making the room that is full of heating but still slightly cold, gradually becoming warmer. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

At this time, Zhang Xiang was sleeping beautifully on the bed.

After returning from the dark world, Zhang Xiang immediately hid in the bed and fell asleep.

In the familiar taste, Zhang Xiang quickly fell into sleep.

In his feeling, it was just a blink of an eye, and the time had already arrived in the morning.

When the warm sunlight entered the room, he was already awake from a deeper sleep and entered a shallow sleep.

In this state, although he is asleep, his spirit is already awake.

And it was at this moment that the familiar sound of opening the door, as well as the footsteps of "stepping, stepping, and stepping" sounded as usual.

Then, a petite figure skillfully climbed onto Zhang Xiang's bed, pressing his small body on the quilt outside Zhang Xiang's body.

Then, the familiar cold feeling passed from Zhang Xiang's neck.

And Zhang Xiang, who was already awake a long time ago, stretched out his hands, and immediately grabbed the little figure who was doing the strange thing.

"Ah, the big monster is waking up and is going to eat the little white rabbit." Zhang Xiang did what he would do every morning, and immediately embraced the little figure in his arms. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

And then, the familiar laughter of silver bells came from the mouth of the little figure.

"Ah, the big monster is so bad that I can't get up so late, and I have to eat the little white rabbit that made the big monster get up." The delicate and crisp voice came from the mouth of the little figure who was embraced by Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, the big monster is bad, otherwise, how can it be a big monster? Look at my tickling attack" Zhang Xiang also showed a happy smile on his face, and hugged the small figure in his arms tighter. , To prevent her from rolling off the bed because of disorder.

Moreover, he used his chin to rub the delicate cheeks of the little figure.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter of ‘cuckled, chuckled’ spread throughout the room again, bringing more warmth to this winter morning.

However, just after the daily frolic is over.

The petite figure seemed to have discovered something curious, and he refused to get down on Zhang Xiang's body.

After realizing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help opening his eyes and casting his gaze on the petite figure lying on his quilt.

I saw that I was wearing a bear costume and a bear hat on his head. The slender black hair was **** by a hair band with two cotton balls. The little chick with the bunny in his arms was lying prone. On the quilt, she was staring at Zhang Xiang with her big, pure black eyes, as if she had found something wrong.

"What's the matter, little chick?" Zhang Xiang asked with a smile on his face, the cute little chick with a puzzled expression in front of him.

"Uncle, you have changed." Little Chin moved her delicate face forward slightly, and leaned in front of Zhang Xiang. Those **** eyes stared at Zhang Xiang's cheeks, and then he seemed to have found something, sure. Nodded and said.

That small look, it's like discovering some incredible secret.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, a hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

‘Has it been discovered? Could it be that the changes after I became a **** are so great that even the young ones can see it? Zhang Xiang thought with some doubts.

It's just that Zhang Xiang suddenly felt something wrong with Xiao Chi's look of looking at her cheek seriously.

"Little chick, where did the uncle changed?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his hands and hugged the chick. By the way, he also sat up from the bed and put the chick in front of him.

In an instant, a blast of cold air struck into the bed.

However, this bit of cold has little effect on Zhang Xiang at all.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's question, Xiao Chi's face also showed a serious expression, and she stretched out her right hand to point to Zhang Xiang's cheek.

"Uncle, your beard has grown so long, it's almost longer than that of the Ten Guards." Xiao Chi stretched out his right hand, pointed at Zhang Xiang's chin, and gestured with her little hand, exaggeratingly. A scale.

Listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help being taken aback, stretched out his right hand and touched his chin.

Then, he found that the beard on his chin had grown to a length of about half a centimeter.

Feeling this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile on his face.

"It turned out to be this one" Zhang Xiang said with some relief.

That was a few days before he came back from the dark world. Because he was busy arranging the follow-up things in the dark world, he forgot to shave, and he grew so long.

But after coming back last night, it was because I lay down on the bed all at once, so I didn't tidy up my face in time.

However, at this moment, the young bird started to move again.

"Ashamed, my elder sister said, after boys grow up, they need to shave their beards and beards clean. If they are good children, they are bad children." Xiao Chi stood up from the quilt and pointed towards Zhang Xiang It's a shameful gesture.

The expression on the small face is very serious.

"Oh, bad boy? Uncle can't be a bad boy. Let him go and shave off his long beard and become a good boy." Zhang Xiang smiled on his face and hugged the young chick. Got up, got up from the bed.

"Well, after shaving the beard, we have to go for a walk with the ten guards and then come back to eat the rice cakes cooked by my sister. Well, the youngest loves rice cakes. They are sticky, sweet, and delicious." There was a happy expression on Xiao Chi's face, counting one by one the things he was going to do today.

"Well, let's go." Zhang Xiang hugged the young chick with a happy expression, and walked toward the bathroom.

And downstairs, a scent was beginning to diffuse.

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