Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1616: , A winter walk

And after washing up, eating a hot breakfast that was just cooked, put on a thick cotton coat, and put on cold-proof earmuffs,

Zhang Xiang led the young chicks and set out with the ten guards. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

By the way, the reason why I changed to eat breakfast before walking was because it was too cold this morning.

Yesterday, I didn’t know what was going on, and there was heavy snowfall, and it didn’t stop until not long after I got up this morning.

Anyone who has experienced snowy winter knows that when there is no strong wind, after snowfall is undoubtedly the coldest time.

Because, at that moment, the ice and snow had just begun to melt, releasing a large amount of cold air, causing the surrounding temperature to drop.

Because of this, Xiaokong asked Zhang Xiang and others to eat dinner before going out for a walk.

Moreover, today is the day when Xiaokong and Miyu start school.

Eat early, and you don't have to rush to pack things up and go to school.

As for the young youngsters, they are also going to school today, but due to the snow today, the class is delayed, and the class will probably not officially start until ten o'clock.

Of course, at that time, it was time for Zhang Xiang to take the chicks to class.

"Go!" Xiao Hina waved her little hand, with a happy expression on her face.

Even when he walked out of the house and the cold wind blew, Xiao Chi's cheeks were already a little red from the cold.

However, these did not reduce her enthusiasm for walking.

Because, today was the last day she took the Ten Guards for a walk so early.

After all, school is already starting today, and she can no longer get up so early every day, take ten guards out for a walk, and then come back to catch up.

Moreover, the weather has gradually become colder.

In order to prevent her from catching a cold, Xiaokong and Miyu would undoubtedly object to her continuing to go out for a walk so early.

Therefore, today's chicks are so energetic.

"Well, let's go." Zhang Xiang also waved his right hand full of anger, and took the small hand of Xiao Chi's right hand with his left hand, followed Xiao Chi and looked at each other, and walked towards the street.

The ten guards also seemed to feel the active atmosphere, and they started to circle around the young chicks, and they made the sound of "Wang, Wang".

In this way, Zhang Xiang and others took the first step in the morning walk.

Creak, creak, creak

The sound of footsteps on the snow constantly rang.

Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chu left two rows of footprints on the snow.

And around these two rows of footprints, there is a row of slightly scattered plum-shaped footprints.

Undoubtedly, that was the footprints left by the ten guards when they circled Zhang Xiang and Xiao Chu.

But time passed quickly, and the clouds in the sky that had originally fallen after college, but also under the gradually intense sunlight, began to show signs of dissipating.

However, there is no sign of melting in the snow below.

And walking on the snow is undoubtedly more physical than flat.

The chicks who can usually trot for half an hour, even if they take an hour's walk, are not tired, and they start to pant slightly.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but care a little.

"Little chick, are you tired?" Zhang Xiang squatted down, looking a little tired in front of him, his face flushed, and his feet were struggling with small steps, walking in the snow that was about five or six centimeters thick. , Stepped on small footprints one by one.

"Huhu Xiaochun, I'm a little tired" Xiaochun stopped her footsteps and wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead with her right hand wearing a cute panda glove.

"Are you tired? Then, let's go back." A smile appeared on Zhang Xiang's face, and he stretched out his right hand to touch her little head, and put her plush panda ears on both sides of her ears. Put it on again.

"Yeah." Xiao Chi nodded.

However, after nodding.

The young bird held Zhang Xiang's trousers with his right hand, raised his little head, and looked at Zhang Xiang with those **** eyes, as if he was telling something.

"Uncle, um, um..." Xiao Chi's tiny feet were treading on the snow with a little twist, and among those **** eyes, she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with a hint of embarrassment.

And looking at Xiao Chi's twitchy look, Zhang Xiang immediately understood something.

"Xiao Chi, do you want to ride a shoulder car?" Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face, put his hands on Xiao Chi's shoulders, and asked gently.

"Yes!" Xiao Chi nodded heavily, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

However, at the next moment.

There was a hesitant look on her delicate and cute face.

"But..." A hint of hesitation flashed over Xiao Chi's face.

"Is it because of the last incident, I'm afraid that Sister Xiaokong and the others say you are right?" Zhang Xiang seemed to see through Xiaochi's hesitation, and immediately said what she was worried about.

"Well, yes. Uncle, can you not tell my sister them?" Xiao Chi's face showed expectation, and those big pleading eyes flashed at Zhang Xiang.

And watching this scene, where can Zhang Xiang say no!

"Well, I really lost to you, this little cute. Uncle promised you." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and scraped Xiaoqiong's nose with a smile on his face.

And on Xiao Chi's little face, there was also a shy expression of joy.

"Really?" Xiao Chi's face showed a surprised expression.

"Really! But I'm done. This time, I can't let go of both hands like the last time! If that's the case, my uncle won't give you a ride in the shoulder car in the future." Zhang Xiang's face showed a slightly serious face, and said to Xiao Chi.

"Yeah, okay. Hang on the hook and won't change for a hundred years." Xiao Chi's face showed a happy face, stretched out her little hand and hooked Zhang Xiang's big hand, in a crisp voice of the young girl. Resounded through this alley.

After hitting the hook, Zhang Xiang also hugged the young chick and put it on his shoulder.

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