Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1641: ,Wedding dress

"So, Sister Laixiang, you ran away because of this, right?" Xiaokong cast his gaze on the suitcase next to Senior Sister Laixiang's sofa, and asked him.

"Well, yes. Who told them not to listen to my explanation! And, here, Xiaokong and others are with me," Senior Sister Laixiang said proudly, her hands hugging Xiaokong and her body. The fireworks next to her, her cheeks rubbed against Xiao Chi's hair.

"Ah Sister Laixiang" Xiaokong said shyly.

"Hold tightly" Hua Huo was also taken aback by Laixiang-senpai's enthusiasm.

"Sister Laixiang tickles" Xiao Chi smiled happily, and brushed away the long hair that had spread to her cheeks.

At this time, Senior Sister Lai Xiang also turned her attention to Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Then, You Taijun, can you take me this poor homeless person?" Senior Sister Laixiang projected her gaze in Zhang Xiang's direction, with a glimmer of expectation in her eyes.

Seeing that the change gradually began to change, it was no longer the former Lai Xiang-senpai who just looked cold because she didn't know how to communicate with others, Zhang Xiang didn't know how to give birth to rejection.

"Well, there is no problem. It's so late today, I don't dare to drive you out even if I want to." Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

"Sister Yelaixiang, I will help you tidy up the master bedroom later. It just happened that my mother had just left, and everything except the quilt was new." Meiyu's face showed a cheerful expression.

"Ah, is Sister Laixiang staying? Little Chin also wants to help tidy up, and Little Chin has to sleep with Sister Laixiang" Little Chin's face also showed a happy expression, raising her little hand and said .

"Xiao Hina, no, don't disturb Sister Lai Xiang to sleep..." Xiaokong persuaded Xiao Hina.

However, before Xiaokong finished speaking, Senior Sister Laixiang had already let out a cry of surprise. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Ah, do you want to sleep with me? It's great, Sister Laixiang, but I really want to sleep with Xiaoxian." Sister Laixiang's cheeks are blushing, she seems to be in a very excited state. Hugging the young chick said.

"But, I'm afraid Xiao Chi will play too late, and she won't have much energy tomorrow." Xiao Kong's face showed a worried look.

Because, the young chick had a conviction before.

On the night that Sasha slept with her everything, she was too excited to fall asleep, and she was making trouble all night.

In the end, I didn't go to bed until more than one o'clock in the evening, and by the next morning, there was no energy.

"It's okay, I, I will supervise the young chick to sleep well, otherwise, Xiaokong, you can come and sleep with me too. If that's the case, you can help put the young chick to sleep." A suspicious surface appeared on the cheek of Senior Sister Laixiang Blushing, he cast his expectant gaze in Xiao Kong's direction.

Looking at the appearance of Senior Sister Laixiang, Zhang Xiang spoke quickly.

He is afraid that even Xiao Kong will "send the sheep to the tiger's mouth"

"Well, that's the case for this one thing. By the way, didn't Miss Sha Xia give gifts to us all? Among them, is there a gift from Senior Sister Laixiang? At this time, it just happens to be given to Senior Sister Laixiang. "Zhang Xiang interrupted and said.

But under Zhang Xiang's reminder, everyone thought of the boxes in the hall.

"Ah, I almost forgot it" Xiaokong whispered.

"Then, let me help Laixiang find it." Meiyu jumped up from the sofa, trot in the direction of the boxes, and started rummaging.

However, at this moment, Miyu suddenly exclaimed.

"Will this, this be?" Meiyu turned out a flat box from the pile of boxes, and walked in the direction of Zhang Xiang and others.

"Miyu, what's the matter?" Xiaokong asked with some confusion.

"This, this seems to be for uncle" Meiyu took the flat box over.

At this time, everyone can see the flat box clearly.

But the point is not the appearance, but on the top of that flat box is the seven words "for my sweetheart".

Moreover, in the inconspicuous place below, Zhang Xiang's name is also marked.

Obviously, this is the clothes given to Zhang Xiang.

"This, this one is for me?" Zhang Xiang asked with some confusion.

"Except for you, uncle, who else is there!" I don't know why, Mei Yu looked at Zhang Xiang with some taste.

"Then, then open it." Zhang Xiang said.

Except for the little chicks, Zhang Xiang opened the box when everyone was inexplicably nervous.

I saw a pure white tuxedo and a red handkerchief next to it.

Looking at this, Zhang Xiang was relieved.

After all, he is really afraid of what wedding dress the other party will give, or other things that symbolize marriage.

Because the last time Miss Sha Xia made the proposal, it really caused too much disturbance.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know.

The red handkerchief that Zhang Xiang originally thought was a Western-style etiquette suit, but on the neon side, it has other symbolic meanings.

That means that even if we are separated, I still have feelings for you. I expect that we can meet again.

The tuxedo has the meaning of implied marriage in it.

"Is it a suit? It's beautiful!" Zhang Xiang nodded and said, taking the suit out of the box and making gestures on his body.

Looking at Zhang Xiang, who still didn't know what this symbolized, Xiaokong and Meiyu couldn't help but stared at each other and sighed.

"Mom's words... probably don't seem to give up." Miyu said helplessly.

"Miss Sa Xia... is this coming for real?" Xiao Kong said with a nervous expression on his face.

"It seems to be." Mei Yu thought for a while, nodding helplessly.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang put on all his clothes so hard to die.

"Well, it fits well, it seems that Miss Sa Xia really has put a lot of thought on it," Zhang Xiang said applauded.

"Uncle!" Mei Yu said a little agitatedly.

"Brother, brother, you big idiot" Xiao Kong was a little angry, and cried out inexplicably.

"What, what's the matter?"

Only Zhang Xiang, who was a little unclear, was left wondering.

But in short, this evening was spent in such a dull but warm daily life

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