Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1642: , The small world past!

Late at night, time is already late. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At least, except for the street lights around the Ikebukuro complex, most of the house lights are turned off.

At this time, sleeping with Laixiang-senpai, and having a lot of chicks together, all fell into sleep.

The whole community seemed to be in a calm state.

However, in the basement of Xiaoniaoyoujia, Zhang Xiang's figure quietly appeared inside.

And just as Zhang Xiang's thoughts moved, bright lights lit up in the basement, illuminating the entire basement.

At this time, the entire basement has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I don't know when, the wall that was originally compressed by mud was completely replaced by a silver-white metal wall.

Moreover, the entire basement became full of science fiction atmosphere.

Because, the whole basement is full of silver-white metallic instruments, whether it is the virtual screen that is flashing data like the ocean, or the blue and white mecha that is not far away is already assembled into half. Was talking.

The scientific research results of this laboratory are far beyond this world.

Yes, after returning from the darkness of the world.

Zhang Xiang used the god’s unique ability to integrate part of the silver USB flash drive into that computer, and constructed it into the original academy city that only existed on the design drawings, but because of the material The problem is that quantum-level supercomputers cannot be manufactured. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

In addition, after Zhang Xiang calmed down the neon in the dark world, he collected information about that world from various channels.

Suddenly, relying on the computing power of those who surpassed the tree graph calculation, and the kind of supplemented basic scientific and technological information, the supercomputer has more than doubled the speed of technological evolution.

The various changes in the basement were made by the supercomputer that evolved by itself and controlled the small robots.

After obtaining such technological evolution, Zhang Xiang even threw the silver USB flash drive directly into the basement, allowing the supercomputer to scan and study it.

However, I don't know what level the silver USB flash drive is.

From Zhang Xiang's return to the present, the information has only been cracked to less than one-tenth the extent!

Don't think that this one is already very fast. You must know that in the academy city, the tree graph calculator can calculate the weather changes in the world, and predict the weather conditions in the next few days, and the accuracy of the report has reached the minute. A supercomputer of the level!

Not to mention that they are more powerful than dendrogram calculators, and they have evolved into quantum computers.

If you can describe it like this, even if you want to simulate the actions of all human beings on the entire earth and evolve the next possible actions, this quantum computer can do it as long as it has enough energy.

However, even so, this quantum computer can only resolve the mystery of the silver USB flash drive so slowly.

From this, we can see what level of secret is hidden in that silver USB flash drive.

Zhang Xiang believes that as long as he can successfully analyze it, he can take his scientific and technological strength to the next level.

Although, most of the power used by Zhang Xiang are the power of the mysterious side.

However, he still feels that the strength of technology is much more than that!

However, Zhang Xiang's visit today is the focus of the basement, not this one.


Zhang Xiang stretched his right hand into the void and directly took out a chaotic ball.

It is a small chaotic ball with a diameter of about fifteen centimeters, and it seems that there is always a misty atmosphere around it, making people unable to see what is in it, but if you look at it, even your mind will be attracted to it. .

And this little ball is not something else, it is what Zhang Xiang has retrieved from the dark world belongs to what once belonged to'him.'

-A small unformed world.

Regarding the memories of that life, Zhang Xiang had a lot of incomplete memories, but most of them were already unclear.

He didn't even know how powerful he was in that life.

Because of the failure to become immortal, most of the memories of that life have been obliterated by the rules of the universe and have become irreparable existence.

However, Zhang Xiang still remembers one thing.

That is, the ‘him’ of that life chose to become immortal!

——Create a world!

Yes, create a world!

The world here is not the kind of semi-illusory and semi-real world that Zhang Xiang once fell into in Inuyasha's illusion of God and Buddha.

It is a real world, a world relying on an infinite collection of universes!

Even if this world grows strong enough, it may become a member of thousands of universes!

Yes, the ‘him’ of that lifetime chose such a crazy method.

For this goal, ‘he’ even wiped out a world that existed like pitch black and directly swallowed it into a singular existence.

Then, with the help of this singularity, he instilled his own power, and directly wanted to create a world in that infinite void.

What a crazy idea.

As long as he succeeds, then he will really become one of the immortal members of the infinite universe, no more than the number of hands!

Moreover, it is the kind of immortal that is least restricted by the universe.

Because there are many ways to become immortal, but most of them are very harsh.

For example, to integrate yourself into the rules of the universe, as long as the universe does not die, the immortal will not be destroyed.

There is also a way to make an ambition and use the aspirations of countless like-minded people in the universe to make oneself an immortal.

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