Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1643: , Immortality and fusion!

However, these methods have many flaws.

For example, the way to integrate yourself into the rules of the universe.

Not to mention whether the rules of the universe are so easy to touch. Even if you successfully touch them, can you ensure that your consciousness is not assimilated by the rules of the universe?

Moreover, even if you are lucky enough to seize the one-tenth of a ten thousandth chance and make you successfully compatible with the rules, your consciousness still remains.

However, you will only act within the scope permitted by the rules throughout your life.

As long as others do not touch the corresponding rules, you cannot act, only your consciousness is moving, just like a living dead.

And the use of ambition to make an oath to become immortal also has such concerns.

Although consciousness will not be assimilated, life after life has to act for that impossible goal.

Because the reason why ambition is ambition is that it is almost impossible or even impossible to do.

Once you have deviated from the goal of the ambition, you will immediately be directly ‘corrected’ by the great power of the ambition and do things that are conducive to the realization of the ambition.

Even if it is your most important person, if the other party does something that hinders the realization of the ambition, "you" will kill the other party.

In other words, at that time your thoughts are not important anymore, what is important is the direction of your ambition!

However, usually the people who have issued the ambition and are corresponding to the ambition are usually those who have abandoned everything and only wish for the vision of the ambition.

Therefore, the above-mentioned things are almost impossible to happen. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

From this, we can see the difficulty of proving immortality, as well as the various restrictions that we need to suffer even to prove immortality!

But Zhang Xiang's life was even more crazy. He turned out to be a different way, directly planning to open up a world, let himself become the master of that world, and control its rules.

Then let that world merge into the infinite universe, so as to integrate yourself into the rules of the universe, and thus prove immortality.

In that case, he has a double guarantee.

Opening up the world and becoming the master of the world will bring him infinitely close to mastering the rules and mysteries of the infinite universe.

And the last step to integrate the world into the universe is to allow him to slowly enter the infinite universe in the process of the world, thoroughly prying into all the rules and mysteries of the infinite universe, so that he can master it.

Of course, this is the best idea.

The mystery of the infinite universe is not so easy to spy and control.

The greatest possibility is that he uses the part of his integration into the world to become an immortal who is subject to certain restrictions but can move freely.

Because there is a buffer zone that is integrated into the universe, as long as he is not frantic and has been fighting against the collection of infinite universes.

Then, in theory, he would be the freest immortal.

However, the idea is so beautiful.

However, just by looking at Zhang Xiang's existence, we can know that this plan ultimately failed.

In that life, although he successfully opened up a world, and successfully spied the rules of the infinite universe, he became the strongest under immortality.

However, at that time, he didn't have such good luck, or the automobile transportation!

After slowly controlling the speed of integrating the world into the universe in units of billions of years, and prying into the path of the rules of the infinite universe, it was the last moment that the world merged into the infinite universe.

His cheating-like behavior was discovered by the instinct of the infinite universe.

It should be said that he didn't know that the moment he became immortal, he would merge with the entire infinite universe in an instant.

But at the moment he was about to become immortal, he was enveloped by the rules of the infinite universe that only the immortal could accept, and thus turned into ashes.

The world that was about to be fully integrated into the infinite universe and only accepted a part of the concept of immortality was also at that moment, was blown up by the power of the complete immortal, and re-evolved into a singularity-like existence, accompanying him All of the wandering in the torrent of time and space.

In the end, I experienced all kinds of things and fell into the dark world.

And because this world was created by Zhang Xiang himself, some of the broken concepts in it are the dragons in the sky that instinctively inhabit this lost little world, and develop in the direction of the eastern dragon known to Zhang Xiang. .

Therefore, the sky dragon is very similar to the legendary Eastern dragon, and has the ability to control the weather and so on.

The reason why Zhang Xiang’s life was able to appear did not turn into gray with the “he” of that life. It was because a part of Zhang Xiang’s original consciousness was exposed to immortality after all, and was not able to be able to be immortal. The power of contact completely turned into ashes.

That part of the original consciousness finally evolved into Zhang Xiang's existence and reintegrated into the reincarnation of the infinite world.

This is the origin of Zhang Xiang.

It was also the reason why he was able to travel through these worlds and evolve a system with the last trace of "he", the roulette wheel loaded with thousands of world space coordinates, and the reason why the system created things that didn't exist in the first place.

"Then, let you start to recognize the world again, starting from the chaotic half-singularity, half-small world-like state, toward the complete world..." Zhang Xiang released the chaotic ball in his hand and let it float In mid-air.

However, at the next moment.

That chaotic ball is like a heart with life, and it began to'beat' gradually. An inexplicable wave is expanding and contracting with the chaotic ball, surging towards the whole world, with Signs of slowly blending into this world.

At the same time, the rules that originally belonged to this world are being accepted by the chaotic ball, and the chaotic ball is re-evolving into the world.

In this way, at that moment, while the chaotic ball was constantly ‘jumping’, it also gradually disappeared into the air.

But Zhang Xiang knew that it did not leave, but merged into this world.

It is learning things from this world.

"Study slowly, and when you have collected the rules that can become a world, I will let you re-open you into a great world, and then re-integrate you into the infinite universe, and contact the infinite rules... At that time, This is the moment when I can prove immortality. Because, my consciousness is already immortal..." Zhang Xiang's voice slowly disappeared into the basement.

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