Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1644: , Xiaokong's mind

At half past six in the morning, the sky outside the window just lit up.

Zhang Xiang already opened his eyes and looked out the window.

No way, he just did a major event last night, and he was a little excited even after one night.

"Well, get up and help Xiaokong cook breakfast" Zhang Xiang made a decision, sat up from the warm bed, and took less than three minutes to prepare all the clothes and everything.

Only when Zhang Xiang went down the stairs.

The busy figure of Xiao Kong had already appeared in the kitchen beside the stairs.

"Xiao Kong, wake up so early?" Zhang Xiang shouted to Xiao Kong in the slightly warmer kitchen.

"Ah? Did your brother get up already?" Xiao Kong, wearing an apron, pointed out his dark brown hairy head from the direction of the door.

And looking at the diligent Xiaokong, a sigh flashed in Zhang Xiang's heart.

Xiao Kong, who was always confused in the morning and didn't like to sleep in bed because of some low blood sugar, has also grown into a mature sister, or "mother".

"How about? Can I help you?" Zhang Xiang rolled up the sleeves of his hands and walked in to help.

However, Xiao Kong responded with a voice of rejection.

"No, brother, just wait and eat. As a man, how can you enter the kitchen so easily!" Xiaokong stretched out his hands and pushed Zhang Xiang, who originally wanted to help, out of the kitchen door. .

However, Zhang Xiang still didn't want to'surrender'. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

"Then, I will help you wash rice? Winter is relatively cold, and you will feel very cold with low blood sugar." Zhang Xiang was persuading Xiaokong.

However, Xiao Kong resolutely shook his head in response to Zhang Xiang.

"No, I have used disposable rice since my brother said about me last time." As the eldest daughter, Xiao Kong resolutely shook his head and said. (Wash-free rice, as literally means, rice that can be cooked without washing. Usually, it is rice that has undergone special treatment and does not need to be washed, and it also retains nutrients that the washed rice does not have, but the price It's more expensive.)

After listening to Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang remembered that some time ago, because the weather was too cold, Xiaokong still used his hands to wash the rice, making his hands red with cold.

Zhang Xiang, who is distressed, has replaced the rice at home with disposable rice since that time.

Therefore, Xiao Kong doesn't need to wash rice in cold water at all.

"Then, shall I help you wash the vegetables?" Zhang Xiang said frustratingly.

"No, I will clean it with warm water, please don't worry" Xiaokong said firmly, pushing Zhang Xiang out of the kitchen door.

"Anyway, brother just waits to eat." Said Xiaokong, who was wearing an apron with his hands on his waist.

And Zhang Xiang had no choice but to agree.

Ever since Xiaokong and Aunt Zhang Xiang started to learn how to cook, she seemed to have learned some rules from the other side.

Among them, when the hostess is at home, the male host is not allowed to cook in the kitchen.

Zhang Xiang had no choice but to learn from his aunt, who was more inclined to the old-style etiquette.

Because, in the old-fashioned neon society, this phenomenon is still very common.

He can't force Xiao Kong not to do this, right?

Not to mention, he still enjoyed this treatment very much.

However, Zhang Xiang did not know.

Xiaokong will do this today. There is a big reason for her staying in, and Miss Sa Xia’s letter made her feel the crisis.

In order to declare Zhang Xiang's sovereignty.

Don't forget, the previous rule is for the host and hostess.

The hostess naturally refers to Zhang Xiang, and the hostess naturally refers to Xiaokong himself.

Of course, Zhang Xiang would naturally not understand this kind of careful thinking that belongs to women.

In other words, even if you know it, you will be confused if you know it.

However, shortly after washing up.

Zhang Xiang began to feel a little boring. There were only serious news on TV in the morning, and some nonsensical funny variety shows, and he couldn't stop Zhang Xiang's G spot.

"By the way, go and get Meiyu and the others to get up!" Zhang Xiang looked at the clock in the hall, hammered the palm of his left hand with his right hand, and made this decision.

Because, if in normal times, now is the time when everyone is about to get up.

After making a decision, Zhang Xiang tiptoed towards the second floor.

"First of all, it's Mei Yu." Zhang Xiang looked at the room closest to the stairs and knocked on the door gently.

"Miyu, get up and wipe it early and it's almost done" Zhang Xiang called softly.

"Um... Uncle... let me sleep for a while" Miyu's somewhat lazy voice rang from behind the door.

"No, Miyu, morning is very important. Moreover, if you don't eat breakfast, you will definitely be hungry when you go to school." Zhang Xiang continued to shout into the room.

"Woo" Meiyu let out a scream.

Not long after, Miyu's door opened slightly.

"Uncle Wuhuai won't let me sleep for a while," Meiyu said with a loud voice.

——From the crack of the door, you can see that Miyu's cheeks puffed up cutely.

"No way, get up quickly and get your hair done." Zhang Xiang stretched out his hand and touched Meiyu's golden hair.

"Woo no girl's head can't be touched, it's true. Uncle is still the same and lacks the sensibility to treat girls!!!" Mei Yu broke her head from Zhang Xiang's hand, blushing and complaining to Zhang Xiang With.

"Then, okay, let's get your hair done first" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also knocked on the door of the fireworks opposite.

However, Huahuo is also a ninja born into a ninja family, and has the good habit of going to bed and getting up early.

When Zhang Xiang knocked on the door, she already opened the door and walked out.

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