Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1648: , Xiaochun is my sister

But after the two hurried up, only Zhang Xiang, Laixiang-senpai, Xiao Chi and Hua Huo were left on the dinner table. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Oh, no, there are ten guards guarding the chicks like a loyal dog Hachiko, nesting at the table and eating dog food.

Now, it is also an important member of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

Usually, Zhang Xiang sent the young chicks to school together. As long as it was not snowy, the Ten Guards would always follow Zhang Xiang to send the young chicks to the kindergarten, and then returned together.

The ten guards, who are already equivalent to the old age of human beings, are also very familiar with human nature, and can always do corresponding things.

For example, things like urinating or defecation do not need to be handled by Zhang Xiang and others. It can solve these problems alone.

It's like a well-trained domestic dog.

However, this also made Zhang Xiang a little bit puzzled as to why such loyal Ten Guards were abandoned.

But Zhang Xiang didn't think about this. Now the Ten Guards are an important member of Xiaoniaoyou's family.

However, after his sister left, perhaps because there was still a lot of time, Xiao Chi started to interact with the Ten Guards, and stopped halfway through the meal.

"Xiao Xiao, you must eat well, the food will be cold." Zhang Xiang persuaded Xiao Xiao.

"No, Xiao Chu will watch the Ten Guards eat." Xiao Chu lay on the edge of the child seat and shook his head towards Zhang Xiang.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a look of helplessness.

Because, in this family, not only Xiaokong and the others have grown up, but even Xiaoxiao has also grown a lot. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

After all, it's been a year, and the young bird is already four years old.

However, what troubles Zhang Xiang a bit.

Although the young youngsters have grown a lot, they have already begun to mature in certain things, and they are no longer noisy.

But on certain things, he has learned to talk back.

But fortunately, as long as she speaks to her seriously, Xiao Chi will still be obedient.

"Little chi, this is wrong. If the meal is cold before eating, the belly will be uncomfortable. Do you remember the last time Xiao chi ate ice cream and then had diarrhea?" Zhang Xiang looked happily Said the little chick who was eating with ten guards.

"Ah, diarrhea? That time, Xiao Chi was so hard, so hard, and her belly hurts." Xiao Chi seemed to think of that thing, her face wrinkled, and hesitation appeared on her face. The look comes.

Seeing that the persuasion had an effect, Zhang Xiang couldn't help adding another force.

"Also, you see, the ten guards are almost finished eating. If the young chicks don’t finish eating sooner, they will be laughed at by the ten guards because ah, the young chicks eat earlier than the ten guards" Zhang Xiang touched Xiao Hina's long black hair, pointed to the ten guards on the carpet and said.

That carpet was specially cut by Xiaokong and the others to give the Ten Guards a special seat for dinner.

To a certain extent, the Ten Guards is the most popular existence of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, and looking at the ten guards who were already licking their faces after eating, Xiao Chi also let out an exclamation.

"Wu Xiaochun won't lose to the Ten Guards because Xiaochun is my elder sister." Xiaochun seemed to have made some major determination, and when he gathered up his energy, he began to wipe out the remaining breakfast.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but was slightly taken aback.

But immediately, he understood that Xiao Chi was thinking of herself as the older sister of Ten Guards.

Although, no matter the actual age, or the converted age, the age of the young bird is undoubtedly a big difference.

But as long as Xiao Chi is happy, everything is fine, right?

After doing the exercises (licking the face) after the meal, the Ten Guards also seemed to lie lazily on the carpet, giving people a feeling of being asleep.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that this was not the case.

The Ten Guards was actually sleeping on a fake day. As soon as Xiao Chi called its name, it would immediately get up and trot to Xiao Chi's side.

Although, when Zhang Xiang and others call, sometimes it doesn't work.

However, from this, we can see the Ten Guards’ love for the young.

But looking at the ten guards lying on the carpet, Zhang Xiang was worried.

Because the age of the Ten Guards is too big, it's time for most dogs to die.

With the advent of winter, the Ten Guards began to dislike walking a bit, and were still asleep for most of the day.

More importantly, Zhang Xiang found that sometimes when the Ten Guards accompanied Zhang Xiang to send the chicks to the kindergarten, they would show a tired look after they saw the chicks walk into the kindergarten.

This made Zhang Xiang feel a little worried, the other party may have been unable to survive this winter.

Perhaps this is one of the possibilities that the Ten Guards will be abandoned.

However, at this moment, Xiao Hina put his small bowl on the tabletop.

"Ah, Xiaochun is already full" Xiaochun put the bowl and spoon on the table satisfactorily, and said with a little hand patted her belly.

"Xiao Chi, just eat full, don't pat her belly, it will be a bad joke." Zhang Xiang stopped the small hand of Chi Chi slapping her belly, but at the same time he took out a tissue to wipe Xiao Chi's mouth. After that, she will also tidy up the scarf around her chest and prepare to wash it.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt a look.

"Zhang Xiang, you really have become a reliable father now." Senior Sister Lai Xiang seemed to have thought of something, her eyes were very complicated and she stared at Zhang Xiang and Xiao Hina, and said softly. .

And Zhang Xiang also inexplicably saw the desire for Zhang Xiang's behavior from the other's eyes, as if he wished that he was a little chick.

This thought made Zhang Xiang a little surprised.

But then, he felt a little inexplicable.

Because the Laixiang-senpai he knew was not of this kind.

The other party is a cute kid who likes very much, even reaching a certain degree of pampering and pervertedness.

If the other party is envious, it shouldn't be the act of envy Zhang Xiang, right?

Look at the memory of the other person's eyes again.

Zhang Xiang suddenly felt that his understanding of Senior Sister Lai Xiang seemed to be incomplete, or even lacking...

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