Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1649: , Uncle is not something...

However, at this moment. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

A news broadcast suddenly appeared on the TV in the lobby, but it interrupted everything.

It made Zhang Xiang wake up from thinking, and it also made Senior Sister Laixiang aware of something, waking up from an inexplicable state of memory.

"Well, you are a bit exaggerated. I have become a qualified dad, and there are so many things to learn." Zhang Xiang scratched the back of his head and said with some embarrassment.

Because of this, he did not notice the sound of the news broadcast:

"Starting from this summer, due to unknown reasons, strange natural phenomena have appeared on the earth accordingly: heavy rains should have been poured, and there was no rain in Southeast Asia, where typhoons frequently hit, and all the ponds have dried up. It should have been arid and deserted in the Middle East. However, due to continuous heavy rains, floods have destroyed many small towns. This winter, the United States experienced the coldest winter ever. As early as this summer, some cities in Japan experienced sudden heavy snowfall. At one point, the temperature dropped to a few ten degrees below zero, and Yuzhi City was also attacked in an unknown manner. Many buildings in the city were damaged, and a small-scale group coma occurred... Today, we are here. Some strange phenomena contacted a well-known weather scientist..."

What happened this year was broadcasted on the TV.

However, it was only the penultimate sentence that caught Zhang Xiang's attention.

Because, the building in Yuzhi City suffered a lot of damage because of Zhang Xiang's battle with Tukuluo cards.

Although, after this, the main damaged roads were all repaired with magic.

However, there are still some places that will inevitably be ignored.

After all, the scope of the battle is too big.

As for the time of group coma, Zhang Xiang guessed that Sakura might be related to some of the Kuro cards in the battle with the stunned Kuro cards, or because Sakura used a certain ability due to special circumstances. The magic that makes ordinary people fall into a coma.

At this moment, Laixiang-senpai's voice rang again.

"In short, Zhang Xiangjun is really a gentle person. In the future, Zhang Xiangjun will become a good father. I really envy Zhang Xiangjun's future wife." Senior Sister Laixiang used words of inexplicable meaning, half as if he was laughing and half as serious. Said this sentence to Zhang Xiang.

And this sentence also surprised Zhang Xiang secretly, and he couldn't help but start thinking about it a little.

After all, Laixiang-senpai has always given her an image, but she never made a joke.

Ahem, well, I never make jokes other than cold jokes.

Therefore, the words she said usually have very clear directions.

However, I was thinking of Senior Sister Laixiang's slightly abnormal behavior today.

Zhang Xiang felt that one head was two big, and he couldn't figure out what the other side meant.

At the same time, it also made it difficult for Zhang Xiang to continue.

However, at this moment, the little chicks just happened to interface.

"Dad? But, isn't my uncle my uncle?" Xiao Chi asked, tilting his head somewhat incomprehensibly, with a puzzled look in those **** eyes.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile.

"Yeah, my little uncle is my little uncle, but my uncle will be my dad before Xiao Chi's father comes back." Zhang Xiang showed a gentle look on his face and examined his head. When he reached the little head of Xiao Chi, he said.

Xiao Chi also showed a smile after tilting his head and thinking for a while.

"Well, in this case, Xiao Chi has two fathers and can enjoy twice as much love" Xiao Chi's face showed a happy smile.

"Yeah, Xiao Chi is really happy. Sister Laixiang really envy you" Senior Sister Lai Xiang also stretched out her right hand and touched Xiao Chi's head, her delicate face pretending to be envious. .

"Ah, then, I will divide my uncle into half for you." Xiao Chi looked at the envied expression on Senior Sister Laixiang's face, exclaimed, showing the expression of pitiful Senior Sister Laixiang, thinking After a while, he patted his chest to make sure.

"Ah, is my uncle something that can be separated?" Zhang Xiang exclaimed, pretending to show an incredible look on his face.

Moreover, Sparkle Lori is also here to join in the fun.

"Also, is it only for Sister Laixiang? Isn't it for Sister Huahuo?" Little Lori Huahuo also pretended to show a pitiful look on her face.

And listening to Zhang Xiang and Hua Huo's words, Xiao Chi's little face also showed a nervous expression.

"Ah, it's not like that..." Xiao Chi explained hurriedly.

"Uncle is not a thing, but one of Xiao Chi's most important family members. And sister Hua Huo, Xiao Chi will give you half of Uncle," Xiao Chi explained a little nervously.

And listening to Xiao Chi's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a slightly depressed expression.

Although, the meaning of Xiao Chi's words, he already understood.

However, listening to the obviously ambiguous words of "not something" and "divide you in half", Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a little depressed.

In contrast to Zhang Xiang's depression, Huahuo's face showed a smile.

"Ah, thank you Xiaochun for giving me half of my uncle," Huahuo Lori said with a smile on her face.

It seems that she can't help being satisfied with Xiao Chi's answer and also satisfied with seeing Zhang Xiang's depression

‘Why did you just ignore me so much and flirting in front of me! Little Lori Huahuo thought in her heart somewhat relieved.

Because of this, she didn't care about how Zhang Xiang distinguished the "half", and did she correct the meaning that the "half" that Xiao Xiao pointed at should be a part.

And looking at the little Lolita who looked at her with a little smug, and the Laixiang-senpai who was smiling and pursing her mouth, Zhang Xiang could only utter a depressed word.

"It seems that no matter what, I am the one who is injured" Zhang Xiang pretended to be sad and speechless.

Looking at Zhang Xiang's appearance, Xiao Chi also hurriedly comforted.

"My uncle, don't cry." Xiao Chi patted Zhang Xiang's back nervously, just like Xiaokong was crying before.

As everyone knows, it was her behavior that made Zhang Xiang more depressed.

But no matter what, Zhang Xiang was only depressed for a while.

In the next moment, he recovered again.

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