Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1652: , The digital world!

"Something's wrong!" Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes and looked at the aurora in the sky. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"How is it possible to see aurora on the neon side? Isn't it possible for aurora to appear in places like the North Pole?" Zhang Xiang quickly analyzed.

At the same time, he also released his mental perception from his body, and in an instant he crossed a distance of at least tens of thousands of meters and came to the high altitude where the aurora appeared.

"This is?" Zhang Xiang's pupils shrank slightly.

Because, in the flashing aurora, he saw a scene that flashed past like a torrent of the sea.

A segment of pitch-black double helix exists. During countless years of drifting, the pitch-black existence outside the body is gradually worn away, revealing a section of silver-white code, accompanied by countless black fragments like comet debris, in the endless Wandering back and forth in the void.

However, it was in an accidental opportunity.

This silver-white broken code collided with a floating data link.

That is the abandoned data emitted from the network of the human world.

There are close to countless numbers of such data in the online world.

Because every time a piece of useful data is generated, there will be corresponding hundreds of pieces of useless data to be discarded.

And it was in such an accidental opportunity that the instinct of that piece of silver-white code began to activate, pulling the data that collided with a bunch of data to his side and surrounding him.

But it is a pity that when it instinctively wants to swallow data to strengthen itself, its missing most of the code makes it lose its ability to swallow. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, the instinctive reaction caused it to gradually attach all the scattered data close to it.

In this way, I spent countless hours in the online world.

In the data world, a data sphere that is close to infinity, hidden in the dimensionless space merged by many abandoned virtual spaces, has changed.

The countless data attached to that piece of silver-white code was initially dependent on the power of the silver code, but afterwards, the integration of countless codes spontaneously formed an inward force. The silver-white code chain was squeezed in the middle.

Today, it was the moment when the silver-white code was squeezed to the extreme.

With a ‘click’, the silver-white code finally had a crack, and then it broke into hundreds of scattered data.

And the space exposed by the breakup of the silver-white data link caused the attraction of the countless codes and suddenly had the power to move forward.

Then, like the Big Bang, countless data were mixed together, suddenly shrank into a dot-like existence, and then burst out to form countless colors of chaos.

Immediately afterwards, countless unclear pictures flashed past.

It's like experiencing millions of years of history in an instant, the chaotic world formed by the bursting point, the data link in it began to disintegrate and merge countless times, and it began to gradually Condensed.

Then, during those countless data fusion alternations, the digital egg appeared.

The lighter data stream flows upward, forming a blue sky, while the heavier data link is sinking, forming a land.

The digital egg in the middle also began to crack.

Then, the time dimension accelerated again.

Countless pictures from poverty to richness began to flash past the infinite pictures.

If Zhang Xiang’s spiritual power had not undergone further evolution, and had been washed and tempered by divine power, then he might not be able to see these pictures clearly, but should be invisible to all the pictures, and what flashed past should be It's just a snowflake.

And if it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that I can't see anything.

——The time frequency of the flashing pictures far exceeds the time that the human retina can stay. Even the most professional instruments currently cannot capture any point.

Because the time dimension that crossed over was too fast, it was so fast that Zhang Xiang couldn't react.

If it is to be converted, Zhang Xiang only sees it for less than two seconds.

In that illusory world, at least one had to spend time calculating in 100 million units.

This made Zhang Xiang's eyes wide open and he watched this scene somewhat inconceivably.

This is not only because the images contained in these weird aurora made him vigilant, fearing that it would affect everything in this world.

It is even more because the process of a world from scratch in that picture is really too attractive to him.

However, at this moment, the picture in the aurora suddenly flickered into the real world.

The water in a large lake suddenly rolled up, opening a crack of infinite depth from the middle, and several petite bodies wrapped in the data light film were swallowed in.

"The real world?!" Zhang Xiang suddenly burst out all of his mental power perception, instantly covering a whole neon.

However, in the end he only caught the scene where the dark cracks disappeared when the lake water poured back.

Then, everything disappeared, even the aurora in the sky disappeared.

"Going away?!" Zhang Xiang looked up at the aurora dissipating in the sky, and said thoughtfully.

He could feel that the world between half-virtual and half-truth was moving away from this world.

No, it cannot be said to be far away, but to return to the original position.

Zhang Xiang could feel that it was not a real world, but an illusory world.

Yes, an illusory world.

If you use words to describe it, then that world is the reflection of this world, a world of flowers in a mirror and moon in the water.

However, Zhang Xiang always has a feeling.

With the disappearance of the figures of the few human children, the illusory world will one day be transformed into an existence that can greatly affect the real world.

However, at this moment.

A weak "Wang" rang.

Then, at the edge of Zhang Xiang's perspective, the tired body of the Ten Guards fell onto the snow...

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