Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1653: , Ten guards are sick

"Ten guards, ten guards, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Xiang squatted down quickly and picked up the ten guards lying on the ground. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

In the next moment, he felt a wave of heat coming from his hands.

In his hands, the ten guards were sticking their tongues out, and there was a weak look on their faces.

"Have you caught a cold?" Zhang Xiang frowned, stroking the body of the ten guards.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang felt the distant virtual world. He also gritted his teeth abruptly and gave up on tracking.

"Ten guards, hold on, I will take you to the hospital immediately!" Zhang Xiang hugged the body of the ten guards, and regardless of whether the opponent's body was clean, he took off his coat and wrapped it up. Up.

For Zhang Xiang, although it took less than three months for the ten guards to come to this house.

However, it has become a member of Xiaoniaoyoujia.

It's like the kind of existence that you usually feel dispensable, but in fact it is already familiar. Once you lose it, you will feel heartache and regret.

Not to mention, the Ten Guards is still one of the most important spiritual sustenances of Xiao Chi.

If the Ten Guards died, the young bird would be very sad.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the Ten Guards also seemed to understand, and said a'Wang' towards Zhang Xiang, as if they were saying:'Don't worry about me'.

However, the cry of the Ten Guards at this time was extremely weak, and even its wagging tail when it called normally became wilted. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Don't worry, once you get to the hospital, if you take the medicine, you will be well soon." Zhang Xiang started to trot, and slammed his body into the alley.

In the next moment, his figure appeared near one of the many pet hospitals in Ikebukuro.

He ran out of the alley and trot into the hospital.

In a short while, Zhang Xiang's figure appeared in the hospital.

"Where are the doctors and doctors?" Zhang Xiang hurriedly asked the nurse at the front desk as soon as he entered the door of the hospital.

Looking at the ten guards in Zhang Xiang's arms, the other party knew that the situation was a little urgent.

"Hello, please come with me." The nurse at the front desk stood up and quickly led Zhang Xiang inside.

After ten seconds, Zhang Xiang came to the pet hospital.

And beside the white pet bed, a veterinarian who was about forty years old and wearing a mask also turned around.

"Doctor, there is a sick beast." The nurse at the front desk called to the other party.

"Oh, isn't it? Quickly, put it on the hospital bed." The opponent turned around and shouted to Zhang Xiang, removed the pet on the operating table, and signaled Zhang Xiang to put the ten guards on. Go up.

"Okay." Zhang Xiang hurriedly put the ten guards on the bed.

"What's the situation?" The veterinarian, who was wearing a mask and looked a little plain, asked Zhang Xiang.

And Zhang Xiang also began to tell the truth, and also told the fact that the ten guards were already very old.

"How can we take such an old dog out in such cold weather and heavy snow?!" the veterinarian said angrily.

However, although he was talking, he was dissatisfied with the speed of his men. He picked up the flashlight and started checking.

It only took a while, and he finished the inspection.

But his face was a bit solemn.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiang hurriedly asked the other party.

"It's a cold. I fell ill due to the cold from being overly tired. But..." The veterinarian said, but he stopped talking.

"But what?" Zhang Xiang asked immediately.

"This one, let me do some emergency treatment for it, let's talk about it after injecting the medicine." As the veterinarian said, he started to pick up the medicine quickly, grinding some medicine into powder, and then adding some liquid medicine. Fuse together, and then **** into the needle tube.

And Zhang Xiang didn't dare to disturb the other party either. After watching the other party inject the liquid medicine into the ten guards, he was about to speak again.

However, the other party seemed to see what Zhang Xiang was thinking clearly, and waved to Zhang Xiang to signal him to walk outside.

Then, after instructing the nurse to adjust the temperature in the room, and hanging drops on the dog, he walked out with Zhang Xiang.

"Well, although the disease is a minor disease, as long as the injection is given and the bottle of drops is finished, it will be almost healed. After all, it is only suffering from wind chill and excessive fatigue, like a human taking medicine. , There will be nothing to do after sleep..." The middle-aged veterinarian said to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's explanation, Zhang Xiang's face showed a sigh of relief.

However, looking at the other person's completely unhappy face, Zhang Xiang raised it again in his heart.

"You just said'but' and'if'..." Zhang Xiang showed a questioning look on his face.

"Yes, I said but. Because, I can feel that this dog has run out of time. In the previous examination, many organs in its body have been exhausted to a certain extent. If so It’s okay if there is no wind cold this time. However, after experiencing this wind cold, even if it is completely recovered, I am afraid that there is not much" The middle-aged veterinarian showed a sad expression on his face. .

"You mean...?!" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes wide, looking at the ten guards lying on the bed in an incredible way.

He couldn't imagine that the Ten Guards were so fast, no, they would leave them after a while.

"Yes, time is running out." The vet nodded.

"Because it is not a disease, but the organs of the body have failed to a certain extent. Therefore, we have no way. At present, there is no medicine to treat this kind of'disease'..." The middle-aged veterinarian was explaining to Zhang Xiang .

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly raised his head.

"How much time does it have?" Zhang Xiang asked the other party.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the other party's words that were originally persuading Zhang Xiang tactfully also gave a sudden.

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