Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1674: , All parties reacted!

At this time, everywhere in Gensokyo, everyone was consciously looking in the direction of the sun flower field in the distance. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Ah, what a big sun... But why does the sun appear in that place? And... has it become a bit oval?" One was wearing a blue dress with a red ribbon on his chest, behind him The fairy with three pairs of ice crystal wings, delicate cheeks, short and medium blue hair and eyes, put his hands in front of his eyes and looked in the direction of the sun flower field.

The powerful pressure that was supposed to hit this direction, strangely disappeared when it arrived above this big lake.

Therefore, she was able to speak these words so gracefully.

However, at this moment, the lake below her was slightly tumbling.

A pair of huge eyes flashed through it.

Only the blue fairy girl was left, she was a little unclear, so she nodded her lips and said, "Ah, are there waves in the big lake?"


At this time, in a large villa not far from the big lake, she was lying on a soft sofa and watching comics. She had crimson eyes, and a fluffy dress. Behind her was Remy with a pair of bat wings. Leah also narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she had seen the conflict in the distance through the walls of the villa.

"What a powerful force!" Her body was filled with a strong scarlet color, isolating the wave that had spread to almost the entire Gensokyo.

"But...inexplicably feel that one of the powers makes people feel both disgusting and familiar?" Remilia frowned somewhat unclearly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Forget it, just go and take a look!" Remilia made up her mind in an instant.

Although the explosive power of these two forces is extremely powerful, with her power, as long as it is not close to the center, it is impossible to cause any harm to her.

Therefore, when her voice fell, her figure had already turned into a scarlet afterimage and disappeared in place.

The speed of vampires, especially ancient vampires, cannot be underestimated.


And the same is in this villa, but in a relatively remote room full of books.

One has long purple hair and is also wearing a fluffy long skirt, but the ribbon on the edge is purple. His left hand is holding a magic book exuding powerful magic waves, and his right hand is holding ink that can output magic. The girl who was writing something with her pen also raised her head.

"This huge and boundless demon power is the power of the Lord of Flowers of the Four Seasons. And who is that power that can fight against the Lord of Flowers of the Four Seasons? Such a pure and pure power, I have never seen it before. Also, the feeling of divine power seems to be slightly different from the feeling of gods in the record..." The purple-haired girl frowned slightly, thinking about something carefully.

But immediately, she gave up thinking.

"Forget it, Remilia has gone out again with these two huge forces, I'd better prepare for the impact. Maybe, the entire Gensokyo will be exposed to the real world from now on..." She Said with a solemn expression on his face.

At the same time, her body also rose up, inspiring her many magic circles set in this library, which instantly spread out and enveloped the entire group of villas.


And right at the center of the shocking energy that burst out, the two fists were still holding each other.

Because of the extremely powerful physical forces colliding with each other, at the moment of collision.

All of Zhang Xiang's clothes from his right hand to Shang himself collapsed into countless fragments in an instant, and then torn into countless particles by the violent energy outside.

And the clothes on the opposite side may be due to the high quality, or it may be due to the construction of pure monster power, but the sleeve of the right hand was directly shattered, and part of the shoulder near the chest was shattered. Others But there is nothing less.

However, even so.

With Zhang Xiang’s powerful vision, he was able to see the white tube top on the opponent’s chest through the tyrannical two-color energy mixed together, and the thrilling trembling slightly with the opponent’s force. A touch of whiteness.

This made Zhang Xiang a little distracted.

So, at the next moment.

It was supposed to be evenly matched power, but the opponent gained the upper hand in an instant.

"Not good!" Zhang Xiang's face changed, and he wanted to save the disadvantage again.

However, since the scene of a close match was suppressed, how could it be pulled back so easily?

So, at the next moment.

The opponent's unbridled power came in, trying to crush Zhang Xiang directly into flesh.

The opponent's murderous intent, which had converged deeply, also burst out like a flood.

"Die!" The killing intent and fighting intent in the eyes of the dark green short-haired girl unreservedly tilted out, causing her strength to increase a lot.

The other party's face was full of excitement and enthusiasm, and even his cheeks were flushed, as if he was enjoying this moment very much.

"If you want me to die, don't think so beautiful!" Zhang Xiang was also struggling to resist.

However, under the impact of the opponent's continuously increasing strength like a tide, Zhang Xiang was bombarded with a punch.

Like a shooting star, an indescribable force spread through his fist to his whole body, directly bombarding him and flying out, even his right hand made a sound of ‘click’, which was obviously a fracture.

However, Zhang Xiang's right hand was bombarded and broken, even the moment he flew out.

On the contrary, a smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Xiang's mouth, and the dark green girl's face changed suddenly.

"This is..." The dark green girl's face was very bad, and even at that moment, her face became a little pale.

"Enjoy the power of the'Power of Death'!" Zhang Xiang just came and said a few words.

Then, his figure pierced thousands or tens of thousands of meters at a speed close to tens of times the speed of sound, and disappeared in everyone's eyes.

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