Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1675: , Yakumo purple and red and white without integrity

However, Zhang Xiang was bombarded and flew away, but the troublesome thing did not disappear. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The two forces that conflicted and swallowed, due to the sudden loss of a master, were spreading in all directions at a speed far beyond imagination.

Although, the imperial sister who appeared in time, dressed in a purple dress and with a slightly curly golden hair, displayed a power called "the power of realm".

However, with this power alone, it was only possible to temporarily suppress the unreserved energy that contained a big monster and a god.

"It's not good... just can it be suppressed temporarily?!" A bad expression appeared on Jin Jinyu's face.

It is very easy for her to avoid the impact of this force.

Because she has the existence that can freely open the gap and freely shuttle in the space.

However, if she avoided it, at least half of the territory in the fantasy would be affected.

Even the two barriers that envelop Gensokyo will be devastated, and at least some of their abilities will be lost, leaving Gensokyo exposed to the sight of the human world again.

This is intolerable to her.

"Damn it, if it's just one of them, I can also forcefully use the power of the realm to directly transform it into nothingness. However, the mixture of the two powers and the extremely complicated rules because of the mixing are interfering. Hold on to me!" Jin Jinyu bit her lower lip.

However, she was about to be unable to resist it.

Even a gap was opened behind him, revealing a passage with hundreds or thousands of scarlet eyes shining in it, ready to escape at any time. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. Between the flashes of thunder, the power of the energy sphere that had spread to the surroundings was greatly disturbed, and there was even a feeling of being compressed back. .

"Did it make the shot?" The long-haired elder sister slightly narrowed her eyes, looked towards the big lake in the distance, covered her chin with the fan, and said in a somewhat unclear way.

However, she still didn't remove the power of her realm, but continued to surround herself.

And at this moment, a red and white figure finally flew from the sky far away.

"I'm here" the other party shouted from a distance.

When her voice fell, she had already rushed to the other side.

"Ah, Yakumozi, why are you here?" The red and white maiden rushed here, asked somewhat suspiciously to the long-haired imperial sister.

"Of course you came here to prevent the disaster, how about you? Why did you come here so slowly, Reimu? Isn't it just playing with your gift box?!" Yakumo Zi covered the fan in front of him, He opened his eyes and looked at the red and white maiden with a careful look.

And listening to Yakumo Zi's words, there was a trace of embarrassment on the face of the red and white maiden.

But immediately, she shook her head resolutely.

"No, how could I feel sorry for myself because there are too few coins in the gift box, and because I fell the gift box and wasted my time here looking for money? I am a conscientious person, determined to protect The maiden of Gensokyo is here!" The red and white maiden covered the embarrassment on her face and said with a glorious look.

"Oh, that is to say, you accidentally fell into the gift box because of self-pity, you came so late to find the missing hundred yuan coins, and almost caused Gensokyo to be destroyed like this?" Yakumo purple squinted slightly Closed his eyes, looking at the direction of the red and white witch.

"No! It's just a word of one hundred yen, so you don't need to look for that long. There are eight hundred yen coins in the gift box!" The red and white maiden seemed to be stepped on her tail. , Said a little excitedly.

When talking about 800, the expression on his face did not know whether he was proud or disappointed.

However, after speaking.

Her face immediately stiffened.

Because, she just remembered that she seemed, as if she had exploded what she had done before.

"Oh, it turned out to be so" Yakumo Zi said in a long voice, and there seemed to be a glimmer of a plan in his eyes.

"Yakumozi, listen to me to explain. It's not what you think..." The red and white witch Reimu seemed to want to explain something.

However, Yakumo Zi interrupted her words.

"If you want to explain, just wait for the explanation later. Now, you should find a way to solve this troublesome thing." Yakumo Zi put away the fan in her hand and pointed to the unknown place not far away. The power of the name was bound, but it did not cancel out, and there was no compressed hundreds-meter elliptical energy sphere.

"Hiss... a powerful and complex power!" The red and white witch looked at the energy ball next to her, her face could not help but showed a solemn expression.

Although the red and white maidens have no moral integrity, well, they have no moral integrity at all.

However, when facing business affairs, she will still take due responsibility.

"However, fortunately, has it been initially suppressed?" After careful analysis, the Red and White Witch could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Zi, I will destroy and eliminate the demon power in it, and the remaining divine power will be solved by you!" The red and white witch took out a bunch of talismans from her arms.

A huge, black and white yin and yang jade also appeared beside her.

"Yeah." Yakumo Zi nodded.

"Go, yin and yang jade, shake the two entangled forces apart!" The red and white witch screamed.

And in the next moment, the black and white yin and yang jade directly penetrated the shackles of unknown forces, and plunged into the violent energy torrent that could tear all the items under the artifact, and directly combined the two Different forces smashed away.

Freely back and forth in the torrent full of destructive power, crushing all the energy into the original shape.

Then, the red and white maiden threw the talisman in her hand.

"Dream Seal!" The red and white witch whispered.

A burst of vigorous spiritual power burst out, countless invisible spiritual power bullets burst out, immersed in the chaotic energy sphere, and directly rushed towards that monster power.

Then, at the moment of touch, that demon power was completely suppressed and sealed.

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