Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1676: , The power of realm!

At the same time, Yakumo Zi said at the same time.

"The power of the realm transforms from reality to reality!" Yakumo Zi waved the fan in his hand towards the energy ball not far away.

Then, the golden divine power originally surrounded by the unknown **** gradually faded, until it completely disappeared into the void.

It's like, that extremely violent divine power has never existed at all.

Only the sun flower field that has been completely destroyed, the hill that has completely disappeared not far away, the pit with a diameter of about 100 meters in place, and the embarrassing environment around it, Explain what.

And at this moment, the red plaid dress on his body had become dilapidated, revealing the faint underwear in it, as well as the fragrance of the spring breeze, before it slowly descended from the sky.

"Yuka, what the **** are you doing? Do you want to destroy Gensokyo?" Yakumo Zi frowned slightly, and asked Kazemi Yuka in front of her.

"It's just that I met a guy who deserves to be shot! He broke into my sun flower field and hurt them. So, I shot. Moreover, the opponent is very strong and should not die! No, it should be a minor injury. Nothing!" Feng Jian Youxiang's crimson eyes contained a strong sense of war.

While she was speaking, she used her right hand to pull the tattered red plaid dress directly off her body, revealing her body in underwear only.

But this scene is just a flash.

In the next moment, as the demon power on her body fluctuated, a red plaid dress that was indistinguishable from the original was put on her body.

"Who is it? Do you know?" Yakumo Zi asked immediately.

She was in an emergency situation just now, but she did not see Zhang Xiang's figure clearly, just remembered his energy attributes.

It was from a god, and that was the first message she got. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"I don't know, it doesn't belong to Gensokyo's existence." Kazami Yuka shook his head and said.

Then, she took her own steps, and a slight demon power surged out, seeming to be communicating with the surrounding nature.

Looking at this scene, Yakumo Zi's eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly, blocking his figure in front of the opponent.

"What do you want to do?" Yakumo Zi asked with his eyes slightly squinted.

"Do what I want to do!" Feng Jian Yuxiang said in a flat voice.

However, as long as you look at the frenzy and excitement in her crimson eyes, you will know what she wants to do.

The battle, no surprise, is to continue looking for Zhang Xiang's figure to fight.

The demonic spirit that spread out as if communicating with nature is looking for Zhang Xiang's figure.

Don't forget, what her name is.

She is the legendary "Lord of Flowers of the Four Seasons"!

As long as there are flowers, she will be able to find the person she wants to find.

Of course, it must be within the scope of her demon power.

And it just so happened that her demon power covered the entire Gensokyo, so there was no pressure.

However, facing Feng Jian Youxiang's words, Yakumo Zi shook his head.

"No! You can't go!" Yakumo Zi flatly refused Fengjian Youxiang's request.

"You want to block me?!" A dangerous light flashed in Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes.

She was in a warrior spirit, but she wouldn't be so easy to listen to others.

"It's not me, but us. And, have you forgotten the oath you made when Gensokyo was founded?" Yakumo Shi said slowly, blocking the fan in front of him.

At the same time, the red and white witch soul also stood beside her.

But Feng Jian Youxiang didn't shrink at all.

However, at this moment, Yakumo Zi said a word that made Feng Jian Yuxiang finally choose to give up.

"Also, before, it also shot. You should feel it too?!" Yakumo Zi said with his eyes narrowed slightly.

But at the next moment, Feng Jian Youxiang turned around and walked towards his own sun flower field.

And with her steps, the sunken ground also began to heal.

Blossoms of sunflowers that had been completely destroyed in the first place emerged from below the ground, re-spotting the sunflower fields.

But after Feng Jian Youxiang's figure disappeared completely, the two of them's vigilance was gradually lowered.

But what they didn't see was that Feng Jian Youxiang's face looked paler than usual.

And Yakumo Zi's eyes also looked in the direction Zhang Xiang flew away...


Let us turn our vision back to Zhang Xiang's side.

Immediately after he was knocked into the air, he directly entered a state of rapid inverted flight, and countless scenery retreated at an extremely fast speed in his eyes.

And his right hand, which only needs to bear strength, is a little lowered.

"Hey, I was a little too careless." Zhang Xiang stretched out his left hand and straightened his broken right hand bone.

Of course, he would not admit that he was a little distracted because of the white snow on the opponent's chest and ended up with the current one.

Well, everything is just an accident.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's left hand moved one by one, and the broken right hand bone was connected in the ‘click’.

Then, relying on Zhang Xiang's incomparable physical fitness, and the treatment of the medical chakra that emerged from his left hand.

In less than two seconds, the right hand was completely healed.

"It seems that whether it is my own body's recovery ability, or because of that advancement, Chakra's treatment is a lot stronger." Zhang Xiang felt the unaffected right hand and made himself The judgment comes.

"However, it is finally a strategic withdrawal. Otherwise, it will really fall into a battle of life and death!" Zhang Xiang said helplessly.

That's right, the ‘full effort’ that Zhang Xiang just displayed was just the full power that he made the other party think.

After all, he had heard Remilia say it a long time ago.

If you do something that does not conform to the rules in Gensokyo, you will definitely be expelled.

In this case, wouldn't his plan to find drugs to treat the Ten Guards be bankrupt?

Therefore, he will accompany the other party to perform such a battle of life and death.

In addition, he is still secretly testing how much his current physical fitness and strength have improved.

Otherwise, at the moment he fisted, he directly instilled the'power of death' that had been controlled since he was promoted to the gods into the opponent's body, otherwise he could die successfully. Is the other party?

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