Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1681: , Roasted firebird!

"Then what is the result?" Shang Bai Ze Huiyin asked quickly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Later they started to fight their big moves. That is the fluctuation you felt. However, because it was too dangerous, I was the first to avoid... So, so, you understand..." Fujiwara Meihong's face showed a slight embarrassment.

And listening to these words, Shang Bai Ze Huiyin's face suddenly became stiff.

It's like, we watched a TV show and saw a climax, and then we suddenly gave you a power outage, or when you were about to complete the five kills, you suddenly disconnected from the Internet.

So, when he heard half of it and wanted to figure out what was going on behind him, Kaneshirazawa Huiyin turned his head stiffly and looked in the direction of Fujiwara Meihong.

"Didn't you say that Kazejian Yuka was beaten up? By the way, even the Sun Flower Field was destroyed?!" Kamishizawa Huiyin grabbed Fujiwara Meihong's shoulder and began to shake vigorously.

That shaking speed is a sign of breaking through the sky.

At least, Fujiwara Meihong's head was shaken so that afterimages appeared in Zhang Xiang's sight.

And with Zhang Xiang's eyesight, it is possible to imagine how fast the afterimage can appear in his eyes.

Zhang Xiang had some doubts, Fujiwara Meihong's head did not fall because of her ‘immortal body’ ability.

"Stop, stop, and shake it again, my head is about to be shaken!" Fujiwara's eyes were already full of circles, and she raised the little white flag that she didn't know when it appeared in her hand and waved.

"Okay, let's let you go first. Look at. Mao. Line. Chinese. Wen. Net. Quickly tell all the information you have learned!" Shang Bai Ze Huiyin did not just explain the text to the children. That kind of patience, and the sluggish look, is completely about to run away.

Looking at Huiyin's appearance, Fujiwara Meihong didn't dare to go around in circles.

"All I know is this, at least, when I left, the sun flower field was completely razed to the ground..." Fujiwara Meihong explained hurriedly.

"So, the wind in your mouth sees Yuxiang being beaten up?" Kamikaze Huiyin stared at Fujiwara Meihong.

"That, that is my guess...because, when I returned, I found that Fengjian Yuxiang seemed to be injured, at least the clothes on her body were already in tatters. Therefore, I guessed that she was beaten up. One meal..." Fujiwara Meihong said hesitantly.

"In other words, you didn't see Feng Jian Yuxiang being beaten up?" The shadow of Huiyin's body completely enveloped Fujiwara Meihong's figure.

Looking at it from a distance, Fujiwara Meihong's figure is as pitiful as a shivering white rabbit.

"No, no." Mai Fujiwara swallowed secretly.

"Then you still rumored that she was beaten violently, if she heard the wind, based on her character, do you guess she would come up to you to settle the account and turn you into a roasted firebird?!!!" Shang Bai Ze Huiyin Without hesitation, she gave Fujiwara sister Hong another head.

"I, I was wrong..." Her eyes circled, and Fujiwara Meihong, who had more air intake and less air, raised her hand weakly and said.

However, Shangbai Ze Huiyin still couldn't take a knife without hesitation... hehe, it was a hammer.

As a result, our Meihong classmate has become an immortal existence...

Ok, just passed out

But at this moment, Shang Bai Ze Huiyin was considered to be back to the original state, she tidied up her clothes a bit, and put on a faint smile on her face again.

"Sorry, something happened just now..." Shang Bai Ze Huiyin said with an apologetic expression on her face with elegant etiquette.

Had it not been for Zhang Xiang just saw her ‘brutal’ side.

He really didn't believe that such an elegant teacher had such a violent side.

"No, nothing...but, due to special reasons, I still plan to go to the Red Devil Hall. Can you tell me? By the way, I have enough self-protection ability." Zhang Xiang's face muscles twitched slightly , Said to the other party.

"Have you really made up your mind?" Shang Bai Ze Huiyin confirmed to Zhang Xiang again.

"Well, yes. Besides, the owner of the Red Devil Hall is my friend, so please don't worry." Zhang Xiang explained again.

Hearing Zhang Xiang's insistence, Shang Bai Ze Huiyin sighed helplessly.

"Well, I'll tell you. I just said that the Red Devil Mansion is located under the mountain of monsters. But in fact, it is still near the lake of mist. However, it should be noted that above the monsters There are a large number of ancient monsters and gods inhabited. Those who enter need to be vigilant. However, there are a large number of monsters inhabiting the Lake of Fog. Be careful of their pranks. Well, that's it. The detailed route starts from the entrance of the village... …" Shang Baize Huiyin explained in detail.

Not long after, after figuring out how to go, Zhang Xiang thanked the other party and set off in the direction of the Red Devil Hall.

And, in order to prevent encountering Fengjian Yuxiang's probing evil spirit on the road.

He also chose to use the Transfiguration Technique to change the shape, and also changed the breath of energy outside the body, and set out on foot in the direction of the Red Devil Hall.

Of course, when it is said that it is on foot, it is actually a ninja way forward, very fast.

It just disappeared in the forest in a blink of an eye.

And shortly after Zhang Xiang disappeared, Fujiwara Girl Red, who was supposed to be knocked out, was a carp and jumped up.

"How is it? Isn't the aura on his body the outsider who is in conflict with Yuuka?" Kamikaze Huiyin asked Fujiwara Meihong next to him.

"Not like. But what is strange is that when I came here, I clearly felt that the power fluctuations on his body were very similar. Even his body shape was similar, otherwise I wouldn't be like you. The scene is here to test him..." Fujiwara Meihong said with a frown.

While listening to Fujiwara Meihong's words, Kamishizawa Huiyin shook his head slightly.

"Forget it, the existence of Yuxiang's resistance is not something we can be the enemy. Just let him go, don't watch..." Shang Bai Ze Huiyin didn't know what he thought of, and said slightly, shaking his head. .

Then, her figure walked back into the house again, leaving only Fujiwara Meihong who continued to look at the direction of Zhang Xiang's disappearance in doubt...

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