Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1682: , Cirno?

After Zhang Xiang quickly passed through a weird forest, he continued to flew towards the foot of the monster mountain in the direction pointed by the opponent. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

The reason why this forest is a bit weird is because there are weird mushrooms that spontaneously grow out of two legs when they feel animals or humans approach.

There are some weird vines, even piranhas, and the most common monsters.

But these things were all dismissed by Zhang Xiang casually.

Because these are far from being big monsters, but only small monsters, or the existence of weird vines and flowers, it was thousands of years before Zhang Xiang wanted to hurt Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang was even more surprised.

In this strange forest, he even saw an unattended barbecue stall.

Moreover, there are also some barbecue skewers with remaining warmth on it, which is what makes Zhang Xiang speechless.

Just imagine, in the face of the infestation of monsters and the forest with all kinds of strange animals and plants, will anyone come here to sell barbecue?

As for why it is selling barbecues instead of self-service barbecues, it is because that barbecue stall is a mobile stall.

In general, this is a very strange forest.

Fortunately, thanks to Zhang Xiang's fast speed.

It only took him a few minutes to successfully traverse the past.

Then, after passing through a few villages with a small number of monsters and a few sparse human villages, Zhang Xiangzhong came to the foot of the mountain of monsters.

No, to be precise, he stood on an ancient tree that was at least sixty meters high.

Even Gensokyo is like spring most of the time.

However, at such a high place, there was still a bit of cold wind blowing through the sky, causing his clothes to tremble slightly.

"Well, let me take a look. She said that after coming here, as long as you climb to the highest point and look towards the side with the lake, you can find the traces of the Red Devil Hall." Zhang Xiang held his hands in front of him, Looking into the distance.

In the next moment, Zhang Xiang searched for the existence of the Red Devil Hall.

It was a row of large villas similar to a villa group, with a Gothic style.

However, it is said that it is a group of villas, in fact, it can only be regarded as one house, but the area is a bit larger.

This is because the Red Devil Hall, which has a retro Gothic style in the 1980s, occupies an area of ​​at least tens of thousands of square meters.

If you look at it from a distance, you can see that it occupies a corner of the lake.

And the most conspicuous place is probably the big clock at the top of the tower in the middle and the highest point of the Red Devil Hall.

However, this big clock is now strangely not moving.

And in front of it, um, in front of it, between Zhang Xiang and the Red Devil Hall, there is a legendary lake of mist.

The hazy mist shrouded the lake of mist, and strands of crystal light wandered past it from time to time, like elves playing on the lake.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that it was not a fairy, but a fairy born naturally from nature.

Although he looks like an elf, he loves pranks.

In addition, because of the power gap, if a human irritates these fairies, they may be seriously injured or even killed because of the other party's mischief.

But it is undeniable that when the sun falls from the sky and falls on the misty lake filled with mist, it really has a very wonderful feeling.

After the confirmation, Zhang Xiang no longer hesitated, and the speed of the whole person accelerated by a few points, and quickly rushed to the side of the lake of mist.

But in the close vicinity, Zhang Xiang could be regarded as feeling the inexplicable and unperceivable special artistic conception.

Looking at the hazy misty surface of the lake in front of me, and the bodies of big fishes occasionally wandering past the lake surface, it really felt a kind of leisurely feeling.

"Well, the scenery is really good." Zhang Xiang stood on the bank of the Lake of Mist, looking at the lake.

From a close point of view, the size of this piece of Hu Po was a bit smaller than he expected.

From the lakeside here to the Red Devil Pavilion on the opposite side, the distance is only a thousand meters away. Compared with those super large lakes with a diameter of tens of kilometers, it is indeed a bit small.

However, this also facilitates Zhang Xiang to do some things.

"Okay, just give up the plan of flying directly from the sky, which would look dazzling, and change to running directly from the water." After thinking for a while, Zhang Xiang made a decision.

After all, the Lake of Mist is not a place where you can fly as long as you want to fly. The thick fog in the case contains a large number of unknown monsters and fairies.

If he flew directly over the lake, he would offend some unreasonable monsters.

For Zhang Xiang, who can fly on the lake without sinking, the distance of thousands of meters can only be regarded as one or two minutes away.

And this still considered the reason why the speed should not be too fast, so as not to attract the attention of some monsters living in the lake.

"Well, there are a lot of fish." Zhang Xiang, who was walking fast on the lake, could not help but let out an exclamation when he watched the occasional fish wandering by over the lake.

Moreover, under an accidental situation.

With his excellent eyesight, he also saw a big fish about five or six meters long, wandering past the lake not far away.

When it wandered past, a lot of ghosts really appeared on the lake.

However, at this moment.

Just as Zhang Xiang was about to reach the bank of the Lake of Mist, the surrounding fog had gradually weakened, allowing Zhang Xiang to easily see the Red Devil Pavilion, which was only less than fifty meters away, but a burst of icy fog Was coming from a place not far away.

On the surface of the lake in front of him, a piece of ice appeared strangely.

One with light blue hair (tied with a blue bow), wearing a blue dress, with a red bow tied to his chest, with a pair of pure eyes, and three pairs of ice crystals around him The ordinary winged ice fairy appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Qilno?" Zhang Xiang called out the other party's name in surprise.

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