Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1684: , Sixteen nights!

At this moment, Zhang Xiang had already come outside the Red Devil Hall. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Looking from a distance, a young girl in emerald green clothes with long red hair and turquoise eyes was leaning asleep in the direction of the outer fence gate.

"Hello? Can you hear my words?" Zhang Xiang walked over, shaking his right hand in front of her.

But it is a pity that the other party seems to be very sleepy, dozing off between the ups and downs of the bubbles in the nose.

After waking the opponent several times, Zhang Xiang had to walk into the Red Devil Hall by himself.

After pushing open the fence door of the Red Devil Hall, walking into the front of which huge villa, and then walking down a small path, after pushing a door open.

Zhang Xiang finally came to the inside of the Red Devil Hall.

But unfortunately, it seems to be to accommodate the habit of vampires that don't like sunlight, but the whole villa looks a little gloomy.

There are not even a few windows. The only windows on both sides are hidden by curtains.

"Is anyone there?" Zhang Xiang walked in.

However, only Zhang Xiang's echo was echoed.

"Aren't you at home?" Zhang Xiang said with some confusion.

While talking, he walked towards the inside of the Red Devil Hall.

He wanted to go in and find a place to sit, waiting for Remilia to come.

Of course, it would be better to find someone.

However, the road in the villa is a bit tortuous, especially when there is no window to tell where it is. It makes people feel that they don’t know where they are.

"Oops, are you lost?" Zhang Xiang scratched his head speechlessly.

It was when he wanted to release his mental perception and find out where the way out was.

From the depths of the corridor, there was a sudden sound of high heels stepping on the ground.

The sound seemed very crisp.

"Hello, is anyone there?" Zhang Xiang shouted toward the place where the sound of high heels came from.

And it was at this moment that the other party's figure appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

It was a girl wearing a maid costume, with short and medium purple hair, two braids tied on both sides, even her eyes were purple-blue, and a maid costume on her head.

"Intruder?" The maid girl asked with a flat voice, holding her left hand.

"That? I'm not an intruder..." Zhang Xiang wanted to explain.

However, he hasn't waited until he finishes.

"Invader, clear!" Without hesitation, the maid girl with purple-blue eyes threw out the flying knife that she didn't know where she took out, and turned it into several afterimages and flew towards Zhang Xiang's body.

Faced with the small knives that were flying over, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to stretch out his right hand and pass the knives to the next.

"I'm really not an intruder..." Zhang Xiang hurriedly wanted to explain.

However, at this moment.

The maid girl with purple-blue eyes moved suddenly.

"So that's it, do you have the fighting power to take my knife? So, how about this one!?" The servant girl with purple blue eyes suddenly flew over and swung her right fist towards Zhang Xiang. .

"I said, I'm really not..." Zhang Xiang explained helplessly, while easily avoiding the opponent's physical attack that was stronger than ordinary people.

However, at this moment, the girl with purple and blue eyes in front of Zhang Xiang suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, a sense of crisis was conveyed from behind him, as if something was flying towards him.

He hurriedly flashed away, but found that he had shot a few shiny silver knives from where he was originally standing.

At the same time, the girl with purple-blue eyes who was launching a frontal attack on Zhang Xiang ran behind him without knowing when.

"Movement?" Zhang Xiang asked in surprise.

"No, just grab it!" The maid girl with purple-blue eyes responded coldly to Zhang Xiang.

At the same time, the figure of the servant girl with purple blue eyes disappeared again.

And this time, not only was the knife shot towards Zhang Xiang from one direction, but the knife shot towards Zhang Xiang from the front, back, left and right, and even from above.

It was as if at the same moment, dozens of small knives emerged from the void and shot towards Zhang Xiang.

However, no matter how great the number of knives, it would not have much impact on Zhang Xiang.

Zhang Xiang's hands turned into phantoms, and dozens of small knives were picked up in an instant.

Then, one let go, and Zhang Xiang was thrown onto the ground in the voice of'Kara'.

"It's useless, you'd better give up, I'm really here as a guest, I'm here to find..." Zhang Xiang took a step forward, past the small knives that fell on the ground.

However, the girl with the purple-blue eyes of the other party was still undead.

"So, what about it!" A light flashed in the eyes of the girl with purple-blue eyes.

It was just a blink of an eye. Hundreds of small knives spread all over the entire passage and shot towards Zhang Xiang.

"I said, even if the number is great, with such speed and strength, it won't hurt at all..." Zhang Xiang showed a bored look on his face.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang's face changed suddenly.

Because, right in front of his eyes, what was supposed to be a small knife flying at a speed close to tens of meters per second, but the speed exploded to nearly tens of times in an instant.

At that moment, in Zhang Xiang's eyes, it was like a tortoise that was crawling slowly, turning into a rocket running speed.

This scene scared Zhang Xiang slightly.

Let him even have time to open the writing wheel, because the length of the passage is too short, only a few dozen meters.

The speed of the knife was already close to dozens of times the speed of sound. It can almost be said that it can pierce the entire length of a channel without even blinking an eye.

However, Zhang Xiang managed to dodge the past.

It was like that the flying knife that filled the entire passage did not touch him at all.

Because, he used teleportation to dodge the past at the very moment.

And it was at this moment that the flow of flying knives like a long dragon bombarded the wall behind Zhang Xiang and made a hole without hesitation...

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