Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1685: ,time adjustment

Watching this scene, even Zhang Xiang couldn't help but a cold sweat came out of his forehead. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

It's true that his physical fitness is dozens of times that of ordinary people, but there is no such thing as a knife that can resist lasing at dozens of times the speed of sound.

If he is really hit by the red, I am afraid that he will suffer a little injury.

"Hey, no matter how foolish you are, there must be a limit! You rushed to kill me!" Zhang Xiang said angrily.

"Invaders, don't need to stay alive. No, you can leave it to the second lady for lunch!" The maid girl with purple-blue eyes said mercilessly.

"It seems that I don't want to teach you a lesson, you don't know that you have converged!" Zhang Xiang also became a little angry.

You know, he was inexplicably pulled by Fengjian Youxiang into a fight today, and he is still very depressed now!

As soon as his voice fell, the two of them disappeared in place at the same time.

But what is strange is that in Zhang Xiang’s perception, the girl who originally possessed a physique stronger than ordinary people exploded at a speed far beyond his expectations, but he felt it. The intensity is unexpectedly small, which is really contradictory.

Moreover, there are other weird things.

That is, whenever Zhang Xiang is about to catch the opponent, the opponent will always disappear in front of his eyes at an unusual speed, and will launch a counterattack against him.

However, Zhang Xiang easily dodged him every time.

Moreover, the power of the attack sometimes appears very fast, which contains a lot of power.

But sometimes, it was not much different from the throwing knife she threw at the beginning. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

All these have attracted Zhang Xiang's attention.

He couldn't help but release his mental perception, and he began to monitor his surroundings.

"Oh, is that so? The ability to control time! It's incredible!" Zhang Xiang appeared on one of the passages, and behind them, a series of walls were destroyed and filled with Knife off the wall.

"I see, so what?!" The purple-blue-eyed girl threw out the dozen knives in her hand again.

Zhang Xiang felt a little unbelievable when he watched the dense flying around and the small knives on the wall behind the girl.

Because, from the beginning of the battle to the present, the opponent has thrown at least hundreds of knives, but they are still throwing them as if they are endless.

"Could it be that the knives are hidden under there? Or does she have a different-dimensional pocket similar to Doraemon?" Zhang Xiang couldn't help but stare at the other party's maid skirt, muttering.

However, his behavior is considered abnormal.

"Do you care about the sight under my skirt? What a pervert! Now, let me take you on the road!" The purple-blue-eyed girl disappeared in place again.

And after the investigation of his own mental perception, a place where time is passing at an abnormal speed, the figure of a girl with purple-blue eyes is rapidly approaching.

The place of attack is exactly the place of his descendants.

"I'm tired, the Buddha is also on fire, stop it!" Zhang Xiang suddenly opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel, and with his mental perception, he could see the other side's figure clearly. .

At the same time, he also exploded at least twice as fast as the one he had just exploded, submerged into that small space with an abnormal flow rate of time.

And in the space that this small piece of film can contain, the girl with blue eyes is running at the speed of an ordinary person.

In an instant, Zhang Xiang came behind her at a speed that was imperceptible to her naked eyes, and put one hand on her shoulder.

"Caught it!" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a smile.

"At such a close distance, can you still use time to accelerate or decelerate?" Zhang Xiang smiled triumphantly.

And just when he wanted to stun the opponent.

The girl with purple-blue eyes suddenly uttered a name.

"Space shock!" The purple-blue-eyed girl simultaneously used the two abilities of time acceleration and time deceleration.

And because time acceleration and deceleration will affect space.

For example, time acceleration will lengthen space, while time deceleration will compress time.

When the two abilities work together, the space on one side will be extremely compressed and the space on the other side will be elongated, resulting in an unstable spatial transmission force.

And at that instant, an overwhelming force attacked Zhang Xiang.

"Damn, you are crazy!" Zhang Xiang's expression changed, and he suddenly released the right hand that was pressing on the opponent's shoulder.

Because the scope of the opponent's spatial shock is exactly where he is less than twenty centimeters in front of him.


A huge explosion caused by space turbulence blew up all the surrounding walls and collapsed the ground under their feet.

Let both of them fall into the basement.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, the two people who were not far apart could stand up.

"Ahem...You are crazy! If I don't let go of the trick you just made, you're afraid you'll hang up on the spot!" Zhang Xiang was a little angry and said helplessly.

If the other party is not Remilia's family, or a friend or something.

He definitely didn't let go at that moment, and he had to pull the opponent over to block him.

In that case, he wouldn't be reduced to falling below, and choked on the smoke.

Of course, he didn't suffer any injuries.

A little space impact, not a space crack, how could it hurt him?

However, at this moment, from the basement room, there was a sudden sound that did not belong to the purple-blue-eyed girl just now.

"Haha Little Bear, finally someone came down to play with Fran." With the sound of the voice, a girl with long blonde hair but a petite body, a little shorter than Remilia appeared. In the eyes.

Her eyes were scarlet, she was wearing a red dress and a hat on her head. She was somewhat similar to Remilia, and she was holding a toy bear.

At the same time, the voice of the purple-blue-eyed girl who seemed a little alarmed also rang.

"Second Miss!"

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