Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1686: , Play with Fran

"Ah, is it Sixteen Nights? Have you come to play with Fran too?" A smile appeared on Fran's delicate cheeks.

That scene is like a normal girl who is happy to have friends to play.

However, in the next moment, this scene changed suddenly.

Just when Fran's voice fell, the bear doll in her hand suddenly exploded, and the part of her head suddenly exploded, revealing the cotton part.

"Second Miss, please calm down, I'll go and invite Miss to come over." The maid with purple-blue eyes, that is, Ikuyo stretched out her hands and gestured in Fran's direction.

However, at this moment, Fran's figure had already risen into the air.

"No need it. My sister always keeps me in this room and doesn’t let me go out. After all, so many people come to play with Fran, how can we let you go? At least, I have to play with Fran. For a while, I’ll just play the eagle and catch the chicks. Well, I’m the eagle, you will be the chicks.” Fran’s right hand pressed her lips, a happy expression appeared on her face, and she patted her little hand. , Seems to be commending myself for being able to come up with this game.

At this time, Zhang Xiang also saw that something was wrong.

Because Zhang Xiang felt a deep danger from the opponent.

Wherever the opponent's gaze passed, there was a general feeling as if he was being stared at by a beast.

"What's wrong with her?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, and asked the maid chief Shiliuye not far away.

"Second Miss, she..." Sixteen nights seemed to want to say something.

However, at this moment.

Fran waved the wings made of colorful gems behind her, and flew quickly in the direction of Zhang Xiang and Shiliuye. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"I'm here, you guys, but be careful, don't be broken so quickly like a little bear." Fran's figure suddenly swooped towards the direction of Izayoi.

At the same time, Sixteen Nights' complexion changed drastically.

"Be careful, don't be touched by the second lady! The moment you are touched, it is time for you to end!" Shizuye's face changed, and the ability to accelerate time was suddenly applied to him On top of his body, let himself quickly dodge from the direction where Fran flew.

"Hum, well, I dodged Fran's first pursuit." Fran's face showed a silver bell-like smile.

Then, she turned her head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Ah, it's so strange, there are so few things you can touch on your body, it seems, it's almost the same as that on my sister." Fran's face showed a curious look, and she looked in Zhang Xiang's direction, it seemed a little bit Looks puzzled.

And Sixteen Nights, who was familiar with Fran's attack method, looked in Zhang Xiang's direction with some surprise at this time.

Because, as far as she knows, the second lady’s attack method is capable of destroying touchable and untouchable things.

To describe it specifically, in her eyes, all things have important parts called ‘meshes’.

If you want to destroy something, you can achieve the effect of destruction as long as you put more force on it.

She can reach the ‘eye’ into her hand and destroy the ‘eye’ in her hand (the object can be destroyed by making a fist), and the object will be destroyed accordingly. It is a terrifying ability that cannot be resisted.

In Fran's eyes, the more ‘eyes’ on the opponent, the weaker.

On the contrary, if there are fewer ‘eyes’ on the body, the stronger the strength.

Although it is somewhat inaccurate to use this method to judge strengths and weaknesses, there are still no errors in most cases.

Because the body of the strong has been tempered and tempered, and there are absolutely very few places with weaknesses.

And the stronger the strength, the higher the level of life, the more able to resist this kind of attack similar to the rule.

After speaking, Fran waved the colorful gemstone wings behind her and attacked Zhang Xiang at a faster speed.

That kind of speed can be described by a fast speed.

"This kind of weird feeling." Zhang Xiang felt the impulse and reached out in front of him, stretched out his right hand to touch Fran's right hand, but frowned.

Because, according to his calculations.

The opponent rushed into it at such a speed, and he couldn't hurt himself at all. Instead, it was the opponent who was injured.

But strangely, he felt a sense of danger.

It's like once you are touched, you will definitely be hit.

No, it can't be said to be a serious injury, it can only be said to be a general injury.

Reminiscing about the words spoken by Sixteen Nights, Zhang Xiang moved away from the place in an instant in the next moment.

It was the moment he left.

"Caught it" Fran smiled happily.

But at the next moment.

Fran's body passed through the afterimage left by Zhang Xiang and flew onto her big bed.

But something strange happened.

There was a ‘bang’.

In Zhang Xiang's eyes, the whole bed exploded from inside in an instant and fell apart.

Zhang Xiang was very sure that it was not caused by the impact, but by an unknown force that erupted from the inside to the outside.

But just as the cotton flew around, Fran's pouting body reappeared.

"Ah, it's no fun, the big bad guy, I actually avoided it. Fran is going to use her real ability!" The enraged Fran floated into the air, and then a powerful magical power spread out, forming a Then a magic circle, a little dangerous light emerged from the magic circle.

At the same time, a squeaking sound rang.

It turned out to be the figure of the servant girl with purple blue eyes, already appearing in the direction of the gate.

"You are here to play with the second lady, I will find the lady." With a trace of anxiety on his face, I closed the door after speaking.

By the way, the light of the magic circle that sealed the entire room was also bright.

"I'm tired, is there anyone selling teammates like this!" Zhang Xiang shouted angrily.

But he can only complain about these few sentences.

Because Fran's next game also began at this time.

The light of a large number of magic bullets has filled the entire room.

Looking at the light of the massive magic bullets, Zhang Xiang also sighed.

"Forget it, it seems that the only thing to do is to help Remilia educate her sister..." Zhang Xiang looked at the oncoming magic bullet and said helplessly...

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