Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1690: , Sixteen Nights-the majesty of the maid

And just two hours later, when Remilia coaxed Fran back to sleep and repaired the broken channel.

Zhang Xiang only received Remilia's communication before returning to the villa.

As soon as they met, Remilia apologized to Zhang Xiang.

"Sorry, my sister has been irritated, so..." Remilia's face showed an apologetic expression.

But before she finished speaking, Zhang Xiang also showed an apologetic expression on his face.

"Well, I should be embarrassed. If I hadn't broken in without permission, this kind of thing wouldn't happen." Zhang Xiang touched his head and said with some embarrassment.

Because, if it is really said, it is really his mistake.

"No matter what, it's all because of me. If it hadn't been for that time, I hadn't protected her well, and she wouldn't have been out of control today..." Remilia said, There was a trace of sadness on his face.

At this time, she was like a vampire who had lived for five hundred years, not a kid who likes to play temper.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang's right hand touched her head.

"The important thing is not the past, but the present. If you feel guilty, you must treat her well from now on..." Zhang Xiang showed a gentle expression on his face and persuaded the other party.

At the same time, Remilia's face also showed a thoughtful expression. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, at this moment.

There was a sound of "cough cough", but it rang.

"Ahem... Miss, tea is already ready..." With the silver plate in her right hand, Shizuye walked to the table where Zhang Xiang and Remilia were sitting, walking in low heels and high heels. , Put the refreshment on the table top.

At the same time, she gave Zhang Xiang a fierce look.

Especially Zhang Xiang's right hand, which pressed Remilia's head, stared fiercely.

At the same time, Remilia seemed to have just woke up.

A little shy, he patted Zhang Xiang's right hand from his head.

"Hate, I'm not a kid anymore, don't touch my head!" Remilia said to Zhang Xiang, pretending to be a bulging expression, and took a sneaky glance at Shiliu Ye.

And Zhang Xiang's face also showed a smile.

Because, only Remilia at this moment is the Remilia he knows, who is so curious and has a bad temper.

At this moment, Ikuya also collected the silver plate and stood beside Remilia.

However, her eyes were still fixed on Zhang Xiang, as if he wanted to do something irregular.

However, watching this scene, Zhang Xiang felt happy for a while.

"It seems that Remilia is not as lonely as she imagined... At least, her maid is very loyal..." Zhang Xiang thought with some relief.

Because, along the way, all the news he inquired about the Red Devil Hall had some bad news.

So, I was a little afraid that Remilia would feel lonely.

Seeing Ikuya standing by her side, Remilia couldn't help but feel a little awkward.

"Um, Sixteen Nights, should you still have things to do?..." Remilia said uncomfortably.

Because she felt that she had to maintain enough ‘majesty’ in front of her maid.

However, she doesn't know that in her daily cuteness, her ‘majesty’ is almost lost like red and white morals...

"Miss, the housework of the Red Devil Hall is basically sorted out..." Ikuyo bowed slightly, said like a real maid.

"So, those holes..." Remilia couldn't help thinking of other excuses.

"Because the hole opened by the battle has been repaired, the clothes are already hot, the flowers are also watered, even the soil is changed, and the quilt is already spilled. By the way, even the garbage is already Lost..." Izayoi gave a polite manner and reported to Remilia.

And listening to her maid's perfect words, Remilia thought about her little head in distress, but she didn't have any excuses.

Then, she had to let the other party stay.

However, fortunately, at this moment, Zhang Xiang helped her out.

"Um, I want to inquire with you, is there anything in Gensokyo that can extend the life of the dying creature?" Zhang Xiang asked Remilia this question with hope.

"Biology? Does it refer to humans? If it is human, there are many ways, such as letting me become a vampire with a bite, or do some practice to become a magician, or practice to become a deity. The purpose of longevity. However, if you are talking about people who are about to die, then except the first method, other methods are not feasible. And the first method, if it is a human being who is about to die, it will succeed. The chances are not great either..." Remilia picked up her black tea and said with a graceful sip.

"No, I mean a dog. Is there any way to extend its life?" Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly, and continued to ask.

"Is it a dog... Then there is no good way. However, if it is a dog, it can be turned into a monster..." Remilia frowned slightly, helping Zhang Xiang to find a way. .

"A monster?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

Because, he also thought of this method.

And there are enough ways to do this.

However, at this moment, another voice rang.

"No, if you want to retain its self-consciousness, it is not feasible to become a monster. A dog that is about to die cannot carry the crazy monster energy, and the evil energy will corrode the will. Yes. Because, if you want to make ordinary creatures a monster, the only way you can use it is to use the fear of rumors (slippery ghost head), your own twisted pursuit of monsters and a pathological desire for something (Naruto), and Use demonic energy to transform these three roads. Each method will affect the mind of the creature..." Pa Qiuli, holding a large magic book in both hands, suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang and others. .

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