Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1691: , The magician Paqiuli

"Isn't this all right?" Zhang Xiang showed a disappointed expression on his face. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

But this disappointment was just a flash.

Because, he still has one last way, that is to transform the ten guards into undead dogs.

But in that case, because the breath carried by the undead creatures has a lot of harm to humans, it is impossible for the ten guards to continue to accompany the young chicks.

Not to mention, there are many magical existences in the fantasy.

Before that, he had never known that with the ordinary human body, he could manipulate the mysterious thing of time. (Sixteen Nights)

"By the way, are you?" Zhang Xiang asked the other side only then.

At this moment, the other party also came over and sat on a chair not far from Remilia.

"Myself, Paqiulinuo Leiji, is a magician." Paqiuli showed Zhang Xiang the etiquette that an ancient magician would display.

And seeing that it happened to be in the already shattered magical book, and having seen such etiquette, he couldn't help but stand up and return the etiquette of a magician to the other party.

"Sure enough! You are also a magician, no, it should be a magician. Moreover, you are also a person with a legacy of death power comparable to the power of life. Compared to that, that book is known as one of the oldest. The magical book is on your body, right?" Paqiuli felt a light in front of her eyes and asked Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but feel a sense of vigilance in his heart.

Because, he had never said these words to Remily Assyria.

It can even be said that even no one has said it.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang's mood also became a little cold.

"Well, yes, I can barely be regarded as a magician." Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

However, he stopped talking about the following words.

The other party also seemed to see Zhang Xiang's guard mentality.

"Oh, sorry, it was a bit abrupt to ask you such a secret question at the beginning. Let me explain it first. The reason why I know you have the power of death is only because my eyes see you in your body. The power of death is nothing but the power of death! Therefore, I can tell at first glance that you have either just touched or used the power of death."

"And in Gensokyo, no one can grasp a high-end power like the power of death. Besides, you came from the direction of the sun flower field, and it burst out from that direction not long ago. There was a wave of fluctuations in fighting with the wind and seeing Youxiang. And Fengjian Youxiang is the master of the four seasons flowers, it is impossible to master this kind of power. Therefore, I will guess you have the owner of the power of death." Paqiuli said to Zhang Xiang explained.

And listening to the other party's explanation, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a faint look.

After learning about this situation, Zhang Xiang's vigilance was also reduced a lot.

More importantly, he believes in his own strength. If all of them burst out, only the Dragon God who does not know where is hiding can contend.

Therefore, he will slightly let go of his vigilance.

This is the so-called daring of the high art!

At this moment, Remilia also spoke.

"Don't worry, Pa Qiuli is my friend and the curator of the Red Devil Mansion Library. You can believe it." Remilia assured Zhang Xiang.

"Well, then I will tell the truth. I do possess the power of death. As for the oldest magic book you mentioned, if you are referring to the'Book of Death' that is not true or false. Then, it used to be on my body. However, it is not anymore..." Zhang Xiang explained to the other party in detail.

"So, where is it now?" Paqiuli showed expectation on her face.

For a magician, to be able to see more magic and to see more of the mysteries of the world, especially to be able to see the mysteries in the oldest magic book, that would be great.

"It has been destroyed...No, it should have disappeared automatically and merged into my heart." Zhang Xiang pointed to his heart and said to the other party.

"Destroyed? This is impossible! As the oldest magic book, it was once hated by many people. They wanted to destroy it, but they had not succeeded... As for fusion, this should also It’s impossible. I’ve never seen the magic book merge with human beings, but human beings are swallowed by the resentment and mystery contained in the magic book. I have seen a lot..." There was a puzzled expression on Li's face, her brows frowned slightly.

"About this matter, I don't know too much. It's just that I almost died once, but after I came back alive, I found that the magic book had been completely shattered and merged into my heart. "Zhang Xiang shook his head and said.

"By the way, it is fused in the position of my heart. Because it is fused, the heart beats very little now, making me feel like I am half dead." Zhang Xiang pointed to his heart with a wry smile. Said.

Had it not been for him to feel that the power of death entrenched in his heart had no impact on his daily life, and could even play a major role in battle, he would have long thought of a way to drive the power of death. Got rid of.

After all, he had seen the power of death act in power.

He has personally experienced the crazy gesture of cutting off all vitality and destroying everything!

"Is it fused in the heart? And, is it still when the body is seriously injured? I think, I may already understand something!" Paqiuli's brows, which were entangled with something, loosened slightly, revealing a trace in her eyes. Suddenly.

Looking at the other person, Zhang Xiang also hurriedly asked.

After all, he is also very curious.

"Well, what do you understand?" Zhang Xiang asked.

"Let me sort out my thoughts first..." Paqiuli's right finger wiggled around her head.

Looking at her thinking, everyone waited with bated breath.

After ten seconds, the other party finally showed a smile.

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