Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1693: , Come!

And Pa Qiuli also seems to have guessed that Zhang Xiang is not clear about this.

Just after she asked, she started to ask and answer.

"The so-called magician is a person who uses magic (art). A magician is a person who can connect to the root, master and create magic. The one who created the existence of the'Book of Death' It's a magician. Moreover, it is the only existence that can leave things in reality after contacting the root cause." Paqiuli told Zhang Xiang her understanding.

However, Zhang Xiang also knew that this was just her understanding. (Note that magicians, magicians, and magicians are different. A magician is an existence close to a magician, but not a magician. A magician is close to a magician, but uses magic (magic : Low mystery'magic'. The so-called magic is what modern technology can do, and magic is something that current technology can't do. When modern technology can do it, magic will be reduced to magic. But the power remains the same)-this is a part of the setting from the type month. Note that only a part of it is intercepted.)

Because, in different worlds, the sources and applications of magic are sometimes not the same thing at all.

For example, the magic in the banned magic book catalog mainly contains the meaning of religion and worship. (Furthermore, according to the bald head, the magic and superpowers in the Forbidden City are all related to the principle of ‘Schrodinger’s Cat’.)

Although Xingyue also has religious and worship meanings in it, the emphasis is different.

As for the so-called root, in Zhang Xiang's understanding, it should be something similar to the origin of the world.

However, after hearing this, Zhang Xiang also understood.

"You mean, this book was originally a tool he wanted to resurrect, but it was an incomplete product. That's why it would have swallowed every owner without resurrecting the other party." Zhang Xiang said Out of my own understanding. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Pa Qiuli's face also showed a slightly surprised face, as if there was some approval in it.

"Yes, based on everything that has happened, it is speculated that the'Book of the Dead' should be an incomplete tool for resurrection. The most important thing missing in it is the soul of the resurrected. In fact, when his The moment the soul reaches the root cause, he is already assimilated by the root cause. What he hopes to be able to separate his soul at the last moment is impossible to succeed."

"For this reason, after devouring so many people according to the set level, the owner of the'Book of the Dead' has not been resurrected. So that it can only follow the set purpose and seek the target again and again, Qualified targets are swallowed."

"However, in your body, it is because of some special reason. After the'Book of Death' is scattered, it cannot be recombined back. Only the purest'Power of Death' is left for you to coincide with chance. Was absorbed.” Pa Qiuli told Zhang Xiang her guess.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also appeared to be afraid for a while.

Fortunately, at that time, he swallowed the potion, allowing the potion to activate the flesh and blood energy that was usually swallowed deep in his body.

Otherwise, there is no abundant vitality to restrain the expansion of the power of death, nor will the book of death be unable to restore its original state, and the strange instinct consciousness contained in it will gradually disappear with the passage of time.

As for why the ‘Book of Death’ appeared in the magic banned book catalog, in the golden treasure chest he burst out from ‘Daguai’.

Perhaps, when the ‘him’ of that life came into this world, he was already instinctively caught.

As I said before, he would have a system before, and he would have the ability to travel through the world, which was the arrangement made by the only trace of consciousness he himself had left.

Before completely dissipating, it is also very possible that the valuable things captured by oneself while traveling into this world will serve as rewards in the plan without passing through the police.

"So it's like this..." Zhang Xiang nodded and said with a solemn expression.

At the same time, he also launched a detailed inspection of the ‘power of death’ in his body.

However, what made him breathe a sigh of relief.

There is no set level in that ‘death force’, and even the instinct consciousness of the magic book itself has disappeared.

But immediately, he took the current situation for granted.

Because, at the moment he became a god.

In fact, they are communicating with the root of the world, that is, the rules.

If there is something wrong, at the moment of ascending the gods, he will be aware of something wrong with the moment of fusion with the world.

Therefore, this moment has come.

The heart he mentioned was finally let go.

Therefore, the ‘power of death’ is completely his thing!

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang finally remembered the business of coming here.

"By the way, I almost forgot about business. I would like to ask, if the method I just said doesn't work, is there any way to make a dog continue to live?" Zhang Xiang asked Pa Qiuli .

"Well, there are several other ways besides monsterization. One is to make it into a magic structure, the other is to wake it up after its death, and the last is to go to the eternal pavilion to find Eirin Hachiyi In the legend, she once made Penglai medicine, if it was just a medicine that prolonged life, she could already make it easily.” Pa Qiuli counted the ways to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, he frowned when he first heard that the Ten Guards were made into magical structures, and when they were directly turned into ghost creatures.

Because, if these two methods are used, there will be some damage to the soul of the Ten Guards.

However, when it comes to the last method.

Zhang Xiang was suddenly surprised.

"Penglai medicine? Eternal Pavilion?" Zhang Xiang showed a look of surprise on his face.

"Yeah." Paqiuli nodded.

"The Penglai medicine you are talking about is the legendary medicine for immortality?" Zhang Xiang's face was shocked.

Because, as long as they are from the celestial dynasty, they are always familiar with Penglai medicine.

Chang'e is flying to the moon, but it is a children's story that can often be heard.

"Yes, but what you have learned may be different from the actual situation." Paqiuli shook her head slightly and said to Zhang Xiang.

And at this moment, he also calmed down.

After all, this world is not the world without supernatural power in his previous life. (At least on the surface.)

Then, in the explanations of Paqiuli and Remilia, Zhang Xiang's Three Views were directly refreshed!

The medicine of Penglai was not made by Queen Mother Xi, but by Yonglin Bayi who was ordered to test the temptation of immortality by the ruler of the earth.

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