Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1694: , The people of the moon

Moreover, there is a country on the surface of the moon, whose people call themselves the people of the moon, and its scientific and technological strength far exceeds the difference of a hundred years on the ground.

And because the people of the moon gave up their life.

Therefore, they can stay young forever.

The Huiye in "Take Tori Tale" also really exists, and the other party is really the princess of the moon capital, and it is really exiled because of taking Penglai medicine.

As for the identity of Bayi Yonglin, she is the descendant of Yuedukai National Clan, and she is also the teacher of Yuedu Princess and the producer of Penglai medicine.

The creatures on the earth are regarded as filthy existences by the people of the moon.

However, this story is very similar to "Take Tori Tale", but there is another ending in it.

That is, when Hui Ye's sentence expired.

As the leader, Yonglin proposed that she would be accompanied by other moon messengers and personally go to the ground to welcome Hui Ye back to the moon to atone for her sins.

However, after descending to the earth.

Yonglin betrayed her subordinates and partners.

——When she went to the ground to greet Hui Ye, she killed all the moon messengers who were with her, and closed the only channel between the Moon Capital and the ground, and refused to return to the Moon Capital.

Moreover, in order to escape the capture of the Moon Capital, they came to the depths of the lost bamboo forest and built the "Forever Pavilion".

Of course, in addition to these, there are many other things that refresh Zhang Xiang's three views.

However, they are not listed here.

However, after Zhang Xiang was surprised, he accepted.

After all, the world is different, and some things will change accordingly, which is natural.

"So, as long as you find the Everlasting Pavilion, you can find the medicine that prolongs the life of a living thing?" Zhang Xiang asked Pa Qiuli again. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Well, it's basically like this. And, as far as I know, Hachiyi Yonglin basically follows the principle of equivalent substitution. If it is just a life-prolonging medicine, it should not cost much." Qiu Li nodded to Zhang Xiang to confirm.

"Then, thank you for your information." Zhang Xiang nodded in gratitude to the other party.

"No, because this is an equivalent replacement. You got the information you want, and I got the information I want." Pa Qiuli said with a smile to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang also understood.

The equivalent substitution pointed to by the other party is probably the information about the power of death, and she will also tell the information on the way to extend life.

Let's put it this way, if the other party didn't feel the breath of the'power of death' in Zhang Xiang's body, maybe they would not take the initiative to speak at all.

This made Zhang Xiang a little speechless.

"Hey, I thought that my charm is enough to make girls feel good and take the initiative to help me. I didn't expect it, but it was like this" Zhang Xiang showed a sad expression on his face.

Although, the expression on his face is mostly pretend.

"Well, if you want to describe it in numerical terms. If the charm value that you want to make me feel good about is one hundred, then you can't even make a qualified sixty." Pa Qiuli also followed Zhang Xiang in cooperation. Said solemnly.

At the next moment, everyone couldn't help but laugh.

Not only Zhang Xiang and the others, but even the silver-haired maid who was standing next to her solemnly, looking at everyone blankly, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but show a smile.

Although, it was just fleeting.

However, after a while of jokes, Zhang Xiang also officially bid farewell to everyone.

"Sorry, because the time is relatively short, I have to go on the road first to find medicine." Zhang Xiang stood in front of the Red Devil Hall and said goodbye to everyone.

And everyone understands Zhang Xiang's anxiety.

"Well, it's okay, just remember to come and play next time" Remilia happily waved to Zhang Xiang.

Because the relationship between her sister and herself has improved slightly, Remilia is very happy today.

In addition, Zhang Xiang had already explained to Remilia during the conversation that he had temporarily sealed Fran's peculiar ability.

If she took advantage of this opportunity to learn to control that force while the seal was being gradually released, it would not be impossible to completely grasp this force in the future.

This is the news that makes Remilia happier.

After all, her sister would be like this. In addition to being stimulated when she was young, this uncontrolled force is also one of the inducements.

"Well, if I can control it next time, I will bring Xiao Chi and them to play together." Zhang Xiang also waved goodbye to them.

Then, he moved in the opposite direction.

Because the eternal pavilion is in the lost bamboo forest.

The lost bamboo forest is located in the opposite direction of the fantasy world from the monster mountain.

That is, follow this side in the completely opposite direction.

Therefore, he was in a hurry.

After all, the passage of time in Gensokyo is the same as the real world.

Although, relying on the power of the grinding wheel, he temporarily changed the flow of Gensokyo and the real world.

However, there is not much difference, and it is about 1:2.

His remaining time is less than twelve hours.

Because, after twelve hours, the time in the real world outside Gensokyo will arrive in the morning, which is the time when Sora and others wake up.

In Zhang Xiang's full-speed assault, it only took him less than half an hour to successfully get outside of the lost bamboo forest.

Of course, a lot of things happened along the way.

For example, he was finally on the road in Gensokyo, and finally saw some wild monsters.

Moreover, an attack on Zhang Xiang was also launched.

However, when the monster Zhang Xiangrong jumped out.

Zhang Xiang had already dashed past at the speed of sound, and the high-speed movement and the violent wind specially caused by Zhang Xiang made it circulate in a circle.

When that monster awoke from the circle, Zhang Xiang had already disappeared.

However, he is not without tricky monsters.

When passing through an overly dense mountain forest, he chose to fly directly over.

Therefore, a bird-shaped monster was chased.

Moreover, the opponent's speed was even higher than Zhang Xiang's usual advancing speed, and he attacked Zhang Xiang several times with his agility from high altitude.

However, because it was too annoying, Zhang Xiang directly stabbed him to death.

Well, it contains a finger of ‘power of death’.

However, what makes him feel strange.

The monsters he saw along the way, as long as most of the females turned into humans, they looked good.

But if it is male, it basically maintains a wild appearance, which is the ugly form of the basic monster.

This made him a little puzzled.

But no matter what, in front of him, the lost bamboo forest finally appeared!

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