Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1695: , Lost Bamboo Grove!

"Is this the lost bamboo forest? It really deserves its reputation!" Zhang Xiang looked at the mist-filled bamboo forest in front of him, and couldn't help sighing. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

I don't know what magic was applied to the entire bamboo forest. Soon after Zhang Xiang's mental power invaded the bamboo forest, it was like stepping into a swamp.

Although it is still possible to move forward, there is an inexplicable sense of hindrance.

How should I put it, if his previous mental perception could cover the entire battlefield in an instant, now the speed of his mental advancement is extremely slow, and the speed of his advancement in the bamboo forest is only a few meters per second. The speed is only.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's eyes flashed a golden light.

That is he has activated the rule power belonging to the gods.

For an instant, the bamboo forest, which was just misty in Zhang Xiang's eyes, suddenly changed.

In his eyes, the misty bamboo forest, at this time, has countless lines of different colors, intertwined in the whole bamboo forest, and then spread to the depths of the bamboo forest.

Among these lines, there are the most gray lines, which are constantly flowing with the passage of time.

But the speed is inexplicably maintaining a strange balance.

"Is that so? The entire eternal pavilion was hidden using power, and a maze was built. If you don't know the point, I am afraid that you will not be able to go where you really want to go in your life..." Zhang Xiang Looking at the pattern of intertwined gray lines, a clear expression flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, his right hand is also facing forward a little bit, and it is on one of the gray patterns. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Suddenly, it was like a chain reaction, and the countless gray lines that were flowing also stopped flowing.

Even the lines that represent the colors of the normal world are suddenly disturbed.

However, this is not the case in reality.

"Let me take a look, where are you hiding?" Zhang Xiang said softly.

But at the moment when his voice fell, the mist that originally filled the bamboo forest suddenly dispersed and showed signs of fading away.

But at the same time, a large building in the depths of the bamboo forest also appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

For convenience, it is built about a thousand meters away from the outside of the bamboo forest.

If it weren’t for the space between the bamboo forests enough, there were some traces of human walking around, and Zhang Xiang’s eyesight was also strong enough to know the specific situation at a glance.

Then, he really couldn't see the eternal pavilion hidden so deeply.

"Is it there?!" Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in that direction.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also let go of Na Ding's right hand holding the gray line, so that the flow of the gray line returned to normal.

However, in a certain room in the eternal pavilion.

The woman dressed in red and blue, with silver hair and a weird nurse's hat, suddenly raised her head.

"Is there any distinguished guest here? It seems that I have to greet her," Hachii Yongrin said inexplicable words.

At this moment, the eternal pavilion in front of Zhang Xiang was again wrapped in thick smoke and dense bamboo.

"Let's go." Zhang Xiang said while raising his leg and stepping into the misty bamboo forest.

What was beyond Zhang Xiang's expectation was that after entering the misty bamboo forest, the concentration of the fog was far beyond his expectations.

It can be said that as long as it is more than three meters away, everything is hazy.

"According to this fog density, even without the influence of that weird force, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to break in." Zhang Xiang said with some emotion.

However, in the case of such a difference in sight.

Zhang Xiang still took a step.

Because he does not only rely on his eyes to observe the surroundings and predict danger, but also has the ability to perceive mentally.

Although the expansion speed is very slow, it is still barely able to keep up with Zhang Xiang's walking speed.

Not to mention, he had already locked the direction of Forever Pavilion.

Even if this wave is shrouded in the entire misty bamboo forest, it can make people feel completely disoriented, so as to achieve the magic that makes people lose their way, but it cannot have any effect on him.

In this way, Zhang Xiang moved step by step towards the direction of Forever Pavilion.

However, it is at this time.

A figure suddenly entered Zhang Xiang's mental perception, it seemed to be the figure of a young girl.

However, it looks a little strange?

Because she is jumping forward, the speed is still very fast.

Besides, there are a pair of white ears on the head?

But at the next moment, the other party's figure appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

It was a girl wearing a sailor suit similar to a high school student, with a red tie on her chest, long pink hair, very delicate, and a pair of pink and white rabbit ears.

And the moment Zhang Xiang saw the other party, the other party seemed to be aware of Zhang Xiang's existence.

Her head turned, and the moment she saw Zhang Xiang in those bright red eyes, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

But immediately, a look of panic appeared on her face.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The girl, who was advancing in a leap-like manner, said, waving her hands in panic.

Because she was in mid-air, but there was no way to change her direction.

And her figure rushed directly towards Zhang Xiangfei!

And looking at the other person's panic, and the appearance that didn't seem to be attacking, Zhang Xiang also stopped his dodge action.

And, he opened his hands, planning to give the opponent to the next.

Because behind him is a hard bamboo pole...

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