Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1701: , Marshmallow ears

"Master? Well, I'm here to find your master. Look at'hair, thread, Chinese, text, net" Zhang Xiang nodded and said.

"Oh, is that the case? But, at this time, the master should be practicing medicine in the pharmacy behind the eternal pavilion." Ling Xian's face showed a suddenly realized expression, even the pink and white long The rabbit ears also shook slightly.

"Yes, that baga should be staying in the pharmacy at this time." Emperor Inaba who was next to him also nodded.

However, at this time.

Ling Xiancai seemed to recall the original event in a daze.

"You... Emperor Inaba... and today... Ah, yes, my carrot, return my poor carrot!" An angry face appeared on Ling Xian's face, looking at Emperor Inaba's Direction.

It was almost impossible to jump up and kill the opponent.

And listening to Ling Xian's words, Emperor Inaba immediately made a posture of holding his head and squatting.

"Woo, please forgive me, don't eat me!" Emperor Inaba showed a pitiful look, without the slightest hint of pranking air.

That scene seemed to be very happy.

And I don't know if it is because of the effect of the medicine or because it has been vented, but this time Ling Xian did not succeed in blackening.

After Emperor Inaba apologized and Suzusen ‘retaliated’ fiercely-after rubbing the soft ear of Emperor Inaba vigorously, she let him go.

It's just that, although he let him go, he wanted him to work and pay for the carrot that was eaten by Emperor Inaba.

That is to help Ling Xian work a day!

In addition, Emperor Infan was also due to the lax supervision of Zhang Xiang and Ling Xian. After accepting Ling Xian's "ravaged", he secretly found an opportunity for Convenience and escaped through the crack of the door. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Of course, the opponent's actions are in Zhang Xiang's mental perception.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't try to expose her.

Because Zhang Xiang wanted to give the other party a chance to'reform and renew'.

It's just that when the other party escaped from the room, his face reappeared with a mischievous smile, and shouted to Forever Pavilion: ‘I will come back for revenge’.

Zhang Xiang knew that to cure the bad habit of the other side's pranks, he still needs to make heavy efforts!

And listening to the sound coming from outside the courtyard wall, Ling Xian also became angry.

"Damn it, she ran away. Moreover, she stole my carrots and was so arrogant!" Ling Xian held her little pink fist, and shook her waist outside the courtyard wall and made a'prank' In the declaration, the somewhat arrogant Emperor Inaba shouted in the direction, with an unwilling expression on his face.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang showed a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, she can't leave." Zhang Xiang smiled and said to Ling Xian.

"Impossible. She still needs to be familiar with all parts of this bamboo forest. As long as she wants to run, even if we are faster than her. But when we chase out, she will hide in time. Go into the mist. Then take advantage of the familiarity with the terrain and escape!" Ling Xian said helplessly, shaking his head.

Because she has experienced this situation many times.

In the situation where the other party succeeded in pranking so many times, she did not fail to catch him.

However, as long as she is careless, she will definitely escape again with the help of the bamboo forest outside.

She is quite sure of this!

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang shook his head at her and smiled.

"Don't worry, because I have locked her in. Now, I will catch her back!" Zhang Xiang said, but he dipped his right hand into the air.

Then, in Ling Xian's surprised eyes.

Zhang Xiang's right hand that had penetrated the space and disappeared, as if grabbing something, he would pull something out from the gap.

Then, as Zhang Xiang's right arm gradually came out.

A figure was also in the void again and appeared in front of her.

"Emperor Inaba?!" Ling Xian exclaimed the name of the figure caught by Zhang Xiang's soft ears.

At the same time, Emperor Inaba, who was grasped by his ear by a right hand drawn out of the void, also showed a shocked face.

"Yakumozi?! No, why are you?!" Emperor Inaba looked at Zhang Xiang who was holding his ear, and said in shock.

At this time, Zhang Xiang didn't care about the other party's words, but felt a little relieved.

Because the feeling passed from his right hand is really soft, like cotton candy!

This made him squeeze involuntarily.

It's just that Zhang Xiang just started it, but Emperor Inaba was already screaming.

"Ah...what are you doing?!" Emperor Inaba's face was flushed, with a look of surprise and anger, but his feet were a little weak and sat on the tatami.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiang realized that his behavior seemed to be a bit hentai.

Even Ling Xian looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang with a skeptical look.

But, fortunately, Zhang Xiang's mind is turning extremely fast!

"This is to punish you for running away. Ears are your weakness. The purpose of catching your weakness is to prevent you from escaping again!" Zhang Xiang said in'righteous words'. Turned his behavior into justification.

Moreover, in order to prevent Ling Xian and the other party from thinking about it, he hurriedly changed the subject.

"By the way, when you just watched me use the space power to pull you back, what is the matter with the eight clouds and purple you called?" Zhang Xiang asked with some doubts.

And it seemed that Zhang Xiang had successfully driven his thoughts, and Emperor Inaba had temporarily forgotten his shame.

"Oh, did you say Yakumo Zi? She is also a Paka, an old monster who always pretends to be tender!" Inaba Emperor answered subconsciously.

However, at this moment.

Another voice came from outside the room.

"Ahhhhhhhh...Lingxian, have we always been a guest from the pavilion?" A slightly elegant voice rang outside the room.

Zhang Xiang looked up, and the other person's figure came into his eyes.

The pink jacket, the red skirt embroidered with fallen leaves, and the jet-black hair and crimson eyes are undoubtedly Penglai Shan Huiye for convenience!

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