Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1702: , Penglai Mountain Huiye!

And Ling Xian's next reaction also proved Zhang Xiang's guess. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

"Princess, Princess!" Ling Xian hurriedly stood up.

But because of his rush, he almost tripped with his left foot and fell with his right foot.

But in the end, she saluted.

"Well, Lingxian, no need to be polite. By the way, we are always coming to the pavilion. Why don't you have tea?" Hui Ye said with a leisurely fan, holding a fan in her right hand.

"Yes, I'm sorry, princess, I almost forgot." Ling Xian showed a panic expression on his face, and quickly got busy, taking out the tea set from the cabinet next to it.

However, it looks like it hasn't been used for a long time.

And looking at Lingxian's busy schedule, Zhang Xiang was also a little sad.

"No, I rarely drink tea." Zhang Xiang smiled and refused to the other party.

However, the other party shook his head.

"That's not okay. Tea is very good for inviting the stomach and refreshing, and it is also the etiquette necessary for the eternal pavilion to welcome guests. Since you are a guest, our side must do enough etiquette." Hui Ye He shook his head slightly and said.

With a full smile on her face, she glanced at Ling Xian not far away.

And listening to her princess's words, Ling Xian also quickly accelerated.

However, it would be nice if Ling Xian's movements were slow. With her ‘inertia’ that she has trained over the years, it would not seem difficult to do these things well.

However, after speeding up, it seemed to be a little frantic.

Several times, I almost didn't break the teacup, and once I almost didn't get hot water.

Zhang Xiang, who was next to him, couldn't stand it, and wanted to go up and help the other party first. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

But fortunately, Ling Xian finally got everything ready, and he also slapped a pot of water from nowhere.

Seeing that Ling Xian finally got everything ready, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's not easy..." Zhang Xiang whispered softly.

Just now, he was worried for a long time.

However, just when Zhang Xiang breathed a sigh of relief.

The other side also seemed to pass a sigh of relief.

"Finally, it didn't mess up..."

However, when Zhang Xiang raised his head and looked in the direction of Hui Ye, he was looking at Zhang Xiang in the sitting position of an elegant princess.

"Then, Ling Xian, you should withdraw first. By the way, take Emperor Inaba and go down too." Kaguya spoke in the direction of Ling Xian with elegant words.

And hearing Hui Ye's voice, Ling Xian also quickly stood up.

"Yes, princess!" Ling Xian nodded in panic.

Then, she stood up and dragged Inabadi out.

The reason for using drag is because Emperor Inaba wanted to sneak away again, but he was caught by Lingxian.

Then, Lingxian did not hesitate to adopt the method Zhang Xiang said before, grabbing Inaba Emperor's two cotton candy-like long rabbit ears with both hands, and dragging it away.

All that is left is that Emperor Inaba’s unwilling resistance left a few scratches on the tatami.

As for the purpose of dragging the other party away, of course, as mentioned before, pulling her to do a day of hard work.

This allowed Zhang Xiang to fully comprehend a truth.

That is, rabbits cannot steal carrots, especially monster rabbits...

And after Lingxian dragged the Emperor Inaba away, only Zhang Xiang and Huiye were left in the house.

At the same time, Huiye also began to perform tea art for Zhang Xiang.

What should I say.

It should be said that Huiye is worthy of being the princess of the Moon People, with a good education, and has been ravaged by various noble rituals.

The tea art performed in front of Zhang Xiang where the other party was, seemed to be fluent, as if it had been done thousands of times.

Whether it is using ancient bamboo charcoal to start a fire, to make hot water, to wash tea cups and other miracles.

There are still all kinds of complicated actions, although it is a bit dazzling, but it gives people a pleasing feeling.

When the last piece of light green tea flowed from the mouth of the teapot and fell into the teacup.

That kind of strange tea fragrance, even if he doesn't drink tea often, he can only be regarded as a cow drinker Zhang Xiang, and he knows that this is a good cup of tea.

"Qing drink" Hui Ye stretched out his right hand and handed a cup of hot tea to Zhang Xiang.

"Thank you!" Zhang Xiang also extended his right hand and took the teacup.

Then, Zhang Xiang read the other side's expectant gaze gently.

Suddenly, a sweet scent rushed towards him, and the slightly hot tea entered his mouth, and he felt full of sweetness.

"Good tea!" Zhang Xiang's eyes lit up and praised.

"Thank you for your appreciation!" Hui Ye responded softly.

However, Zhang Xiang clearly saw the opponent's eyes narrowed, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

This makes Zhang Xiang a little baffled.

But in the end, Zhang Xiang was only able to conclude that the other party hadn't shown tea art in front of others for a long time, and he would be so happy to receive praise.

And after Zhang Xiang drank a cup of tea, the other party finally spoke.

"Excuse me, what did you want to do when you came to Forever Pavilion?" Hui Ye said in an elegant voice.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also began to repeat his reasons.

"That's right, I'm here to ask for medicine. I ask for medicine that can prolong life." Zhang Xiang told the other party his purpose.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang suddenly felt that the atmosphere suddenly became tense, and a dangerous light flashed in the eyes of the opposite Hui Ye.

"What is the life-prolonging medicine? Penglai medicine?" Hui Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and the atmosphere became more tense.

Faced with this suddenly tense atmosphere, Zhang Xiang also felt inexplicable.

However, at this moment, he suddenly remembered the story about Eternal Pavilion that Remilia told her.

It seemed that Huiye had to live in seclusion in the eternal pavilion because of Penglai medicine.

Thinking of this, he understood what the other party was worried about.

The other party thought that he wanted to ‘ask’ Penglai medicine, so he seemed so nervous.

After knowing the reason, the situation afterwards becomes easier.

Just tell the truth to get better.

"No, the medicine I want is a medicine that can prolong the life of a puppy whose life is close to the limit." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

The other party also raised his head and looked at Zhang Xiang's eyes for a while.

It wasn't until she confirmed that what Zhang Xiang said was true, the atmosphere suddenly calmed down.

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