Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1707: , The immortal is not short of time!

"Eight Cloud Purple?!" Zhang Xiang's eyes narrowed slightly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because he knows who Yakumo Zi is.

In the previous conversation with Remilia, Remilia had already told him who was the high-end battle in Gensokyo.

And just in the other party's introduction, the name "Yakumo Zi" was in it.

"Oh, it seems that you are different from what I imagined. You still know a lot of things in Gensokyo." With a slightly surprised expression on his face, Bayi Yongrin looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Well, I know a lot, and I also know that she may not be the most powerful in Gensokyo, but she must be the most difficult guy to resist!" Zhang Xiang looked into the opponent's eyes and said.

"So, are you going to accept this exchange?" Yorin Bayi asked with a smile on her face.

It was like, not afraid of Zhang Xiang rejecting her at all.

In fact, Zhang Xiang did not intend to reject the other party.

"I promise you. However, I want all the information about Yakumo Zi! Believe that you want me to resist her, must you be prepared?" Zhang Xiang extended his hand to Yakumo Erin. Said.

"Yes, that's all the information about Yakumo Zi. I hope you can find a way to crack it as soon as possible." With a smile on his face, Eirin Yakui pulled a pile of information from under the table. The place was taken out, placed on the table, and pushed in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, no problem." Zhang Xiang said as he brought the information over and started on the spot.

The above information was also unfolded in front of Zhang Xiang:


Yakumo Zi is a monster that cannot be classified into any other clan, being an individual is equivalent to a race. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

This monster is a monster that no one wants to be an enemy of because of its dangerous root-related abilities, supernatural appearance and unkind personality, and completely different behavior principles from humans.

Appearance is no different from human beings like gorgeous clothes and holding an ocean umbrella.

The main activity time is at night. Sleeping during the day is a typical monster (while the number of humans active at night increases, the number of monsters active during the day also increases.).

In addition, even though it is said that they have been hibernating in winter, because they only talked about it and where they actually live cannot be confirmed, the degree of authenticity cannot be determined.

In ancient times, Gensokyo Genki Aichi (the original written by Gensokyo Genki, with a history of more than 1,200 years) also featured similar monsters in the Yokai Book.

She had already appeared in that era.


Possessing the ability to manipulate the realm is a terrifying ability that can subvert everything from the root.

As we all know, the existence of things is based on the existence of realm.

Without water, the lake does not exist.

Without the earth, mountains and sky would not exist.

Everything exists as a whole, but if one of the elements becomes the opposite element, what will the result be?

That is self-evident, everything that should have been left to its nature will be destroyed.

In other words, the ability to manipulate the realm is the ability to create and destroy logically.

Essentially create new existence, and essentially deny existing existence.

One of the most dangerous abilities among the abilities possessed by monsters that can match the power of gods.

In addition, she can also move instantaneously from any place through the cracks in space, or move part of her body to other places.

It is said that not only physical space, but the other party can also move in paintings, dreams, and stories.

In addition, she also has a superhuman mind (because it is a monster, it is of course to surpass humans.), especially strong in mathematics.

Moreover, because of the long life, the knowledge and experience are very rich.


Zhang Xiang was watching carefully, because even though Remilia had already told herself some of the other's abilities.

However, he was still not sure whether she would miss something.

After all, before this, neither Zhang Xiang nor Remilia knew that Zhang Xiang would collide with Yaunzi.

Therefore, inadequate preparation is also natural.

Not to mention, for example, the opponent's living habits and fighting habits, Remilia must have not told him.

Therefore, supplementary information is necessary.

Of course, the information listed above is only a part of it.

I don't know how the intelligence of Yorin Yoshii was collected.

The information about Yakumo Zi is close to a hundred thousand characters.

It can be said that many things have been completely investigated by the other party.

"It's amazing. You can get such detailed information. It must have taken a lot of time?" Zhang Xiang showed a slightly admired expression on his face.

And the admiration expression on his face was not pretended.

Because he, who has worked in Anbu, knows how much energy and time it takes to collect this information.

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words.

On the contrary, a smile appeared on Bayi Yonglin's face.

"The immortal, the most important thing is time!" Bayi Yonglin said, shaking her head slightly.

And listening to the other party's voice, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but was slightly taken aback.

Because, in his intelligence, the existence in front of him is really an immortal.

At least, the other party has experienced at least a thousand years of history.

Such a long period of time is enough for the other party to exercise enough patience and experience.

"Really? So, the last question. When is the launch of your plan?" Zhang Xiang responded with some unclear meaning, raising his head to look at the other party, and asking him questions.

It is impossible for him to stay in Gensokyo 24 hours a day.

Moreover, the life span of the ten guards is within these few days.

Wouldn't it be useless if he gets life-prolonging drugs after that?

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the smile on Bayi Yonglin's face became even brighter.

"Don't worry, it won't be long, just tonight!" Yorin Bayi looked at the fading sunlight outside, but the expression on her face looked a little mysterious.


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