Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1708: , Eternal Night Change!

And the time soon came to night. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, when night comes, to be precise, it is when the moon gradually rises from a distance and reaches the mid-air.

Everything began to change.

A vigorous force burst out from Gensokyo's eternal pavilion, and passed directly into the sky.

But what is strange is that this vigorous force is confined within a certain range, directly submerged into the night sky.

It was like a drop of water dripping into the surface of the water. A wave of waves that were invisible to the naked eye wafted in the night sky, and then disappeared completely from everyone's vision.

However, Zhang Xiang knew.

Some things have changed.

"Yue, has it disappeared?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, stretched out his right hand from under the eaves of the corridor, and touched the moonlight projected from the unusually bright moon in the sky. But there was a clear and doubtful expression on his face.

Because, in his perception, the real moon was already hidden by the other party.

Yes, it was hidden by the other party.

At least, within the scope of Gensokyo, the real moon was already hidden.

Even the night sky full of stars is just a false image.

Because the moonlight projected down is a false existence, it looks like moonlight, but it has no moon properties.

Zhang Xiang, who possessed the attribute of the moon, wanted to perceive this, that was something that couldn't be easier.

However, it is said to be hidden. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Rather, there are huge barriers between the earth and the moon, completely blocking the communication between the two.

Then, a special method was used to create the same scene in the night sky.

"Is this the power of Bayi Yonglin? It's really amazing!" Zhang Xiang felt the power of the moon that was blocked, with a look of wonder on his face.

"However, such a thing will be discovered soon, right?" Zhang Xiang's eyes looked outside the eternal pavilion, seeming to have penetrated the barrier of the misty bamboo forest and came outside.

Because, it's not just him, there will definitely be many monsters, even powerful humans who feel this.

After all, the moon is a source of power for many monsters and even some special humans!

The power of the moon is blocked, it is bound to cause a huge wave of whole Gensokyo.

You know, in Gensokyo, there are more monsters than human beings!

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang spoke again.

"Perhaps, this is the reason why you want me to help you resist the eight clouds and purple?" Zhang Xiang looked at the sky, the ‘moon’ that had risen to the highest sky, as if talking to himself.

But at this moment, a figure came out from the shadow behind him.

"Yes, because I know that even if my spells are perfect enough, I can fool some little monsters. However, Gensokyo does not have the same level of existence as me. They want to see through this, yes It's very easy." Bayi Yonglin's figure gradually appeared behind Zhang Xiang.

She still had the two-tone blue-red dress with four squares on her body, and she was still staring at the special nurse's hat over her head.

However, her eyes, which were originally a little confused, appeared extremely bright at this time.

Moreover, on her left hand, she also held a long bow with a bow tied on both sides.

The opponent is already ready to fight.

Looking at the other party's dress, Zhang Xiang's face also showed a slight surprise.

"Will they find out that you did it so easily?" Zhang Xiang asked with some surprise.

After all, if the other party had just used a spell to cover up the entire night sky, it would be difficult to detect if Zhang Xiang was in the eternal pavilion.

According to his imagination, it takes a certain amount of time for the people in Gensokyo to detect something wrong.

Coupled with the time to find the culprit, it takes at least one day and one night to spend.

At least, you can also delay the other party for one night.

At that time, he can easily fulfill his promise without having to make a move.

And he was found, in his imagination, it was the result of the other party deliberately looking for it for insurance.

After all, according to the strong spell fluctuation just now, it will be successfully covered up.

It must not be a matter of one or two days for the other party to prepare this one, and the selected time cannot be changed at will.

Now that the time has been chosen, the other party could not foresee Zhang Xiang's arrival today.

So, Zhang Xiang's participation is bound to be temporarily increased by the other party for insurance.

In other words, the other party should have planned and foolproof.

But now it looks like this is not the case.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Bayi Yonglin's face showed a slightly bright smile.

"Don't underestimate the abilities of Yakumo Zi and others. After all, Gensokyo can be established, but she has given a lot of power! Besides, other people are not vegetarian. This can be achieved in Gensokyo. There are only a few people who come from this scene. When they exclude themselves, the target is actually very small." Yoshihide Yoshiki shook her head slightly.

"Furthermore, the barrier of this'astronomical secret burial method' is not perfect. If it can allow moonlight to penetrate smoothly, but does not follow the original orbit, I am afraid that we can delay this move. By daybreak. After all, as long as the real moonlight comes in, Yakumo Zi will become lazy in winter, and Reimu was lazy, and the tens of thousands of coins I threw in her offering box, they It’s not going to start the investigation so quickly. Moreover, my goal was that as long as the moonlight didn’t shine in, or projected along the original trajectory, it would be considered a success.” Hachii Yongrin looked at the sky with regret. Said the'moon' in the middle.

However, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt his eyes light up when he heard the other party's words.

"You mean, if moonlight can be projected in, but not along the original trajectory, your original goal can be achieved, and you can successfully delay those who might come to investigate temporarily?" Zhang Xiang suddenly Asked Eternally Yakiya.

"Yes, do you have a solution?" A surprised look appeared on Bayi Yonglin's face.

"Yes, if you can make a hole in the center of your so-called astronomical secret burial method, and let the things I made pass smoothly, I can do what you just said! "Zhang Xiang said seriously.

Because if he can, he doesn't want to fight with others.

After all, they are in the same world. If the enemy finds it, it will undoubtedly be very dangerous for Xiaokong and others who can't fight back.

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