Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1709: , Forbidden to burst into the sky!

"What?" A look of doubt appeared on Bayi Yonglin's face.

"A small moon!" Zhang Xiang said.

"A small moon?" Bayi Yonglin opened her eyes somewhat surprised, listening to what Zhang Xiang said.

Her first reaction was that Zhang Xiang must be talking nonsense.

However, when she looked at Zhang Xiang's serious eyes.

She knew that Zhang Xiang was not talking nonsense anymore, and even her expression began to become solemn.

"What you said is true?" Bayi Yonglin curbed the doubt and smile on her face, and asked Zhang Xiang seriously.

"It's true! However, there will be some noise in the vicinity of the eternal pavilion. However, I believe you should be able to cover it? After all, you have covered up such a big spell fluctuation!" Zhang Xiang stared at each other's eyes and said.

"Yes, I can do it. However, I'm curious, how exactly did you plan to make a small moon and successfully transport it to the designated location?" Hachii Eirin's face She smiled again, but her eyes did not leave Zhang Xiang's cheeks.

"Only this one!" Zhang Xiang suddenly widened his eyes.

Three gouyu write round eyes, the eternal kaleidoscope write round eyes, the eyes of reincarnation flow in an instant, and finally stay on the position of the eyes of reincarnation.

"This is?" The pupils of Yorin Bayi's eyes shrank slightly.

Because she could feel a special vigorous power in Zhang Xiang's eyes.

"Reincarnation Eyes!" Zhang Xiang said the names of these eyes.

"Reincarnation Eyes..." Bayi Yonglin said the name of this pair of eyes lightly.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang didn't continue talking to the other party. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

He stood up and looked at a barren mountain behind the eternal pavilion.

In his perception, there is no life on this mountain.

"Yes." Although Bayi Yonglin was a little confused, she nodded.

"Then, please set up a barrier of invisibility and silence. The target location is that mountain and its surroundings." Zhang Xiang pointed to the one not far away, which was 800 meters long, and struck down my opponent. Shan Feng said.

But after a little doubt, Yonglin Bayi agreed.

"No problem!" Bayi Yonglin said.

Then, I saw her casually waved, a special energy wave waved out of her body, connected with the mist outside the eternal pavilion, and then penetrated to the surrounding mountains not far away.

Then, a thick fog began to emerge from the void out of nowhere, enveloping that mountain.

But this has not stopped.

After the thick mist enveloped the entire mountain peak, Bayi Yonglin turned a little bit in that direction.

A line that seemed to be cut by the sharpest machete appeared in front of everyone.

And with the appearance of that line, that mountain also reappeared in everyone's eyes.

But at this time, it was only visible from one direction of Zhang Xiang and others, and the other directions were all shrouded in mist.

Behind Zhang Xiang and others, there is another misty bamboo forest.

Therefore, the entire mountain seems to have been swallowed from the world.

"Okay." Bayi Yonglin said at this time.

"Then, let me start!" Zhang Xiang said while looking in that direction.

But at the next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

Between his hands, a black ball the size of a ping-pong ball suddenly appeared.

Inside, it seemed as if there was infinite darkness constantly circulating in it.

A dangerous breath suddenly erupted, causing the surrounding houses to start shaking a little.

At the same time, the pupils of Yorin Bayi’s eyes shrank suddenly, and the whole person had already retreated suddenly to the two outer sides of the corridor, with the bowstring in his own hand on his right hand, which was also very dangerous. The energy breath also fluctuates on her body.

I don't know when, Kaguya, who was hidden in the house, also stood beside Hachii Yonglin, and raised his right hand.

An aura containing mustache and eternity diffused from her body.

However, Zhang Xiang did not pay attention to the other party at this time.

"Forbidden to explode stars!" Zhang Xiang called out the name of the six forbidden arts.

By the way, he also threw the pitch black ball that was controlled between his hands, as if it were the most dangerous.

No, it should not be said to be throwing.

But under Zhang Xiang's control, he directly impacted towards the distant mountain.

It was only at this moment that Bayi Yonglin and Huiye, who had been closely guarding Zhang Xiang, relaxed slightly.

"What's that thing?" Hui Ye, who didn't listen to the dialogue between Zhang Xiang and Bayi Yonglin, took a step forward and asked Zhang Xiang with a slight frown.

Because she smelled a particularly dangerous breath from inside.

You know, gravity is the only thing that interacts with time.

As long as the gravity reaches a certain level, it can easily affect time.

Therefore, she will feel the danger is a natural thing.

"You heard it too, the earth bursts into the sky, this is its name." Zhang Xiang said the name of this trick as if it didn't matter.

"Earth Burst Sky Star..." Hui Ye frowned slightly, repeating the name once.

"So, what exactly is its function?" Hui Ye asked unclearly.

At the same time, Bayi Yonglin also looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Because she also didn't quite understand what kind of abilities that pitch-black ball had.

"Didn't I say it before? It is to help you complete the incomplete plan and complete it." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

"Complete the plan?" Hui Ye still didn't understand.

But at this moment, Bayi Yonglin's face changed slightly.

"Could it be that..." Bayi Yonglin asked in disbelief.

"Well, that's it. Make a small moon come out!" Zhang Xiang said as he turned his head, looked at the earth-booming star and directly sank into that mountain.

And Bayi Yonglin and Huiye also looked in the direction of that mountain at the same time.

Then, a flash of light flashed by, and the scene of the sky and the earth broke!

The mountain began to crack and the earth began to rise...

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