Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1710: , Artificial moon!

In front of them, an entire 800-meter-high mountain suddenly collapsed, and hundreds of huge stones weighing thousands of tons, or even 100,000 tons, smashed below the ground. . Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, at this moment.

The huge stones that fell to the ground stopped suddenly.

As if there was a huge gravity source in the center, countless boulders stopped falling, but suddenly reflected back towards the original center of the mountain.

That speed was very slow at first.

However, as the distance narrowed, the speed suddenly accelerated.

Moreover, this attractive force is still increasing with the passage of time.

Even at such a distance, we can see countless boulders that should have fallen down, hitting everything, sending out a series of sound waves, spreading to the surroundings, but they were magically surrounded by that. The mist was absorbed.

What's even more amazing is that when the inertia carrying thousands of tons of boulders at a speed close to the speed of sound hits the central area, even a little dust did not oscillate out.

Because the fragments that should have been shaken out by the huge impact are because of the restraint of a stronger force.

When they got the initial speed to splash out, they were already offset by this force, and they were allowed to continue to compress toward the center.

Just like a black hole, even if a violent explosion occurs in it, the impact force cannot be transmitted from the black hole.

This is the power of the earth bursting into the sky.

And under the bright ‘moon night’, a small satellite formed by an 800-meter-high mountain is gradually taking shape.

Of course, the satellites mentioned here do not refer to the mechanical satellites launched by humans and circled in the sky.

And like those small satellites orbiting Mars, it is a real planet.

However, the size of this planet is a bit small.

The ‘planet’ in front of Zhang Xiang is only about two hundred meters in diameter.

However, even though its diameter is smaller than that of any natural satellite, its destructive power is about the same.

If an asteroid of this degree falls from outside the earth, I am afraid that the entire neon will be wiped off this planet.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang didn't want it to fall down, but wanted it to continue to rise into the sky.

At least, it needs to rise into low earth orbit.

"This, is this the Earth-Booming Star?" Hui Ye looked at this scene in a little surprise, with a shocked expression on his face.

"Is it the power to create asteroids?" Yorin Yai also looked at this scene in shock.

Although, she has the ability to cut the connection between the moon and the earth.

But this does not mean that she can do what Zhang Xiang is doing at this time.

Not to mention, power will always be more shocking only when it is shown.

And the ‘Earth Exploding Star’ in front of him is obviously a shocking physical force.

"Okay, the diameter of this one should be about the same. If you attract it again, I'm afraid that a huge pothole will appear on the ground..." Zhang Xiang's right hand was facing that direction, analyzing the size of the specifications. .

However, listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Hui Ye's face showed a look of shock.

"Can you still make a bigger asteroid?" Hui Ye's face was shocked.

Because the current scene was enough to shock her.

Asteroids with a diameter of two hundred meters in size can no longer be described in terms of 100,000 tons in weight. They are tens of millions of tons or even hundreds of millions of tons.

It can be said that on this planet, there is not even any creature, that thing can be supported by physical force.

It would be a simple matter to destroy a city casually if it fell from the height of several thousand meters.

Even the whole neon is going to shake.

Even if it causes an earthquake, it is not impossible.

Therefore, Hui Ye was shocked by the present phenomenon.

"Yes, to make this kind of thing, as long as the strength is enough, you can make it as big as you want. Because in addition to the initial group of gravitational factors, you need to keep it growing, so long as it continues The earth changes its wavelength... Well, it’s complicated to say. You just need to know that if my strength is enough, it’s not difficult to create a pseudo-moon directly.”

"However, this is also unrealistic. Because there is not much material in the void. If you want to make a planet the size of a real moon, the only material you need to spend is found on the earth. The amount of earth calculated in megatons can directly disintegrate the earth. Even if it does not disintegrate, it will cause gravitational disturbances. After the two moons alternate, they will collide with the earth. Let alone this kind of power light. According to my words, it is impossible to do..." Zhang Xiang explained to the other party indifferently.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, both Huiye and Bayi Yonglin were secretly surprised.

Because they have already heard Zhang Xiang's hidden meaning.

That is, if you give him enough energy supply, it is not impossible to really do this thing!

Even a thought came into their minds.

Isn't it true that the moon is not formed naturally, but is artificially made like this?

When this thought came up, even Bayi Yonglin was taken aback.

You know, she is the first generation of moon citizens. She knows exactly what the original moon looks like.

However, at this moment.

A voice interrupted their continued thinking.

"Okay, here you are, you can open the barrier to a pit one size larger than the small moon I made." Zhang Xiang turned his head and said to Bayi Yonglin.

However, the other party did not answer.

It was after Zhang Xiang cried out a second time in surprise, and turned his head around before he became sober.

"Oh, no problem." Bayi Yongrin seemed to be returning to her original posture, nodding with a smile on her face.

However, the look she looked at Zhang Xiang had changed from a weak partner to an equal existence.

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