Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1713: , Feng Jian Youxiang's clone?

"Don't worry, as a maiden of Gensokyo, I will definitely honor my duty and remove the monster that destroys peace in Gensokyo!" The red and white unscrupulous maiden showed a firm look on her face. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, it hasn't waited until Yakumo Zi speaks again.

Feng Jian Youxiang walked out rarely.

There was a smile on her face, but there was a crazy war in her eyes.

"I really didn't expect that I thought I would not see you anymore. However, I didn't expect to be able to meet you once! Come on, continue our unfinished battle!" Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes Burning with a frenzied fighting spirit, he rushed towards Zhang Xiang without any hesitation, without even letting him say a word.

Only Yakumo Zi looked in Zhang Xiang's direction thoughtfully.

"It turns out that he is the invader?" Yakumo Zi said thoughtfully.

However, the battle has already begun.

She didn't have time to think about it, she was already involved in the battle between Hachiyi Yongrin and Kaguya.

Of course, she was the first to issue the attack!

Let us turn our perspective back to Zhang Xiang's side.

Facing Feng Jian Youxiang with the zealous fighting spirit in his eyes, Zhang Xiang already knew that this time the battle could no longer be avoided.

However, he also did not expect that much talk had not started on both sides.

Even without asking whether the change was caused by them, Feng Jian Youxiang had already launched an attack outrageously.

Just in the blink of an eye, Feng Jian Youxiang's figure in a red plaid dress appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

It was still the familiar fist, and the familiar fist style that had been suppressed to the extreme, even already substantive.

Facing such an attack, Zhang Xiang had to raise his hands to resist him.

Then, a huge shock wave spread.

Zhang Xiang successfully resisted the opponent's attack.

However, a pothole full of cracks appeared under their feet, and the houses behind them were destroyed into fragments by the strong shock wave and waved towards the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiang frowned slightly.

‘You can’t fight here. If it’s over, I’m afraid the whole lost bamboo forest will be gone. Zhang Xiang looked at the destroyed buildings within 50 meters, and couldn't help but frown.

However, Feng Jian Youxiang's attack will not stop because of Zhang Xiang's thinking.

On the contrary, looking at Zhang Xiang was obviously ‘absent-minded’ about fighting.

Feng Jian Youxiang felt that Zhang Xiang was looking at her.

"Are you looking down on me?!" Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes flashed with a sharp light, staring closely at Zhang Xiang's direction.

Her body suddenly rotated one and a half times, swiping towards Zhang Xiang's waist.

If a man is kicked in this position, he is afraid that his kidney will burst and die soon.

Even if it does not die, a certain ability will be greatly reduced.

From this, we can see Feng Jian Youxiang's sinister intentions.

Of course, facing such a clear attack, Zhang Xiang certainly dodged in time.

"Damn!" Zhang Xiang hurriedly left the place with a flashing technique.

However, above the ground, amidst the sound of a ‘bang’, all within a radius of 50 meters sank a distance ranging from one meter to several centimeters.

And in the midst of the smoke and dust, Feng Jian Youxiang came again with a kick in the direction of his kidneys.

However, just when Zhang Xiang was about to avoid.

He stopped suddenly, and his gaze scanned the ground full of gravel and potholes that remained in place after the mountain peak behind him was broken.

Look again, under the attack of Fengjian Youxiang's physical skills, nearly one-fifth of the eternal pavilion has already collapsed.

‘Okay, move the battlefield to another place! Otherwise, if the pavilion is destroyed forever, it would be bad for Bayi Yonglin to settle accounts with me. Zhang Xiang made a decision instantly.

Therefore, his hands resisted the kick for the first time.

The strength of the legs is worthy of twice that of the hands. Even if Zhang Xiang used his hands to resist, he still felt an unstoppable force coming, causing his legs to slide a constant distance.

But at the same time, Zhang Xiang also took advantage of this opportunity to grab her right leg.

"Catch it! Then, teleport!" Zhang Xiang concentrated instantly, activated the Flying Thunder God technique, and moved the figure of himself and Feng Jian Youxiang to a distance.

However, just when the two of them teleported to the foot of the distant mountain.

Feng Jian Yuxiang also reacted, her body was spinning in midair, but she used deadly scissors.

Of course, because of the skirt the other party was wearing.

The scenery under the other party's skirt also appeared in front of his eyes, but this time he was not lost.

One of his left hands was against the opponent's left leg.

Then, he grabbed the opponent's right leg with a sudden force, and threw the opponent's light body while the right hand muscles were slightly bulging.

Suddenly, under Zhang Xiang's full pull, the opponent's figure felt like an afterimage.

Then, the other side's figure turned into an afterimage, and it slammed into the forest not far away, making continuous rumbling noises.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't take advantage of the victory, but stood still.

Because he knew that the other party didn't hurt at all.

No, it cannot be said that it was not hurt, but it should be said that it was cured soon.

In the midst of the smoke and dust, the red plaid dress that was already torn apart and looked a little dirty once again appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

"Very good, this time, are you finally willing to attack me? It's really good. This kind of battle is a real battle! However, I have to get serious! Just look at you Can withstand a few of my attacks!" Feng Jian Youxiang showed a cruel smile, and the crimson eyes were full of fighting spirit.

At the same time, from the ground on both sides of her side, something began to come out, turning into two thick vines, blooming with bright flowers.

However, in the next moment, Zhang Xiang's face became serious.

Because he already knew what Feng Jian Youxiang said in the last sentence.

In the gradually dissipating smoke, three identical figures of Fengjian Youxiang gradually appeared in his vision...

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