Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1714: , Shenluo Tianzheng!

"Clone?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

"Is it a clone? Just let you try it yourself!" Standing in the middle, Feng Jian Youxiang showed a cruel smile.

At the same time, the two avatars beside her disappeared instantly.

Two crazy wind pressures rushed towards both sides of Zhang Xiang.

With that kind of substantive oppressive feeling, Zhang Xiang had no doubt that the other side's figure was fake.

However, it was when Zhang Xiang was about to leave with the instantaneous technique.

A strand of verdant vines broke out from behind Zhang Xiang without knowing when.

It was just a blink of an eye. The emerald green vine, which was as thick as a small grass, had suddenly soared to the thickness of a thigh, and instantly bound Zhang Xiang.

"Oops!" Zhang Xiang felt the powerful sense of bondage.

Although the binding force is not too strong, with the tenacity of the vines, it is completely okay to want to trip Zhang Xiang for one or two seconds.

Take a look at the two that have already swung in front of him, and the whirlwind formed by that powerful fist wind has even bound his body, forming a vacuum domain.

"Combination? It's amazing, the two fist winds merged together to form such a cage! Zhang Xiang quickly analyzed the principles formed in the vacuum field.

But now that he is bound by the double power, he wants to break free from the vine, and it is almost impossible to break this vacuum domain.

In the next instant, Zhang Xiang opened the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel, and instantly captured the location of the two siege Fengjian Youxiang clones, as well as the direction and speed of their shots. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

‘I can stand it hard! Zhang Xiang instantly analyzed the opponent's strength.

I don't know if the strength of the opponent is not enough, or the original limit of the clone.

The power used by Fengjian Youxiang's two clones is only equivalent to 80% of her body.

Don't look at the difference of only 20% of the detection.

However, after the strength is large enough, even a one percent difference is enough to make people feel desperate.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang is fully confident to resist this blow.

And the result was not unexpected, when he maximized the physical reinforcement, letting the magic power be the buffer layer of the first layer and Chakra as the buffer layer of the second layer. ,

The other party's fist, which was enough to open a mountain range through a hollow, was resisted by Zhang Xiang's two arms.

Although, the price was Zhang Xiang's upper body clothes, which burst once again with a bang.

The ground also sank by more than one level under the powerful impact, and the dust in the sky was raised.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang's face changed suddenly.

Because, in the original plan, after being resisted, the two avatars of Kazaki Yuka should be impacted back by the huge rebound force, but after being resisted, they instantly changed their positions, with both hands sticking out. Zhang Xiang's hands were bound.

That kind of speed is like the proficiency that has been practiced thousands of times.

But if he was trapped, Zhang Xiang wouldn't change his face directly like this.

The point is, don’t forget, the subject of Fengjian Youxiang is not far away!

And not surprisingly, the moment he was restrained, the attack had already arrived.

"Under my magic cannon, directly turn into ashes!" Feng Jian Youxiang's figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

However, the other party's figure did not move, still in the smoke.

The reason why Zhang Xiang was able to see the other party was only because the super dark green magic cannon light was a wave that dissipated, and it already made the particles in the surrounding smoke ‘overwhelmed’ receding away.

Then, a dark green magic cannon with a diameter of about two meters came to Zhang Xiang in the blink of an eye.

Not only Zhang Xiang, but even the two clones of the opponent who trapped him were mostly shrouded in it.

This is the fighting determination displayed by the opponent.

As long as Zhang Xiang is defeated, nothing matters.

In the next instant, the dark green magic cannon hit the location where Zhang Xiang was, causing a huge explosion.

Seeing that Zhang Xiang was about to be completely swallowed by the dark green light.

However, it is at this time.

A cold voice already rang.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Accompanied by the sound of this sound, a translucent circle suddenly erupted from the center of the explosion and light, instantly rushing back the surrounding explosion smoke and dust, and the light of the magic cannon. It's coming.

And this time, we can see the situation clearly.

The two Feng Jian Youxiang’s clones around Zhang Xiang, but at this moment, under the impact of that great power, could not maintain the appearance of the clones. They changed into a bright flower again, and then it was like the chalk characters on the blackboard. When wiped off, the two aquamarine bodies were suddenly wiped out.

And this is just a flash of sight.

After that, the infinite impact was already waved to the surroundings, razing everything.

The entire range is approximately one hundred meters away.

However, it's not because it can't be expanded, but because if you want to maintain the corresponding power, this width is already a sign.

After the semi-transparent hemispherical shock wave disappeared, not only the clone of Fengjian Yuxiang and the bombarded magic cannon disappeared, even all the traces that protruded from the ground were erased, and the whole ground was smooth. Extremely.

Although it is still not as smooth as the ice surface, it is still very smooth from a high altitude, like a mirror.

No, it cannot be said to be a mirror.

On this mirror, there is still a scratch.

That is, not far away from Zhang Xiang, the depths are on the edge of the shock wave, and Feng Jian Youxiang is still swinging his right fist.

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