Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1719: , Sleepy fragrance, stop eight clouds and purple!

Of course, this does not mean that Fengjian Yuka's combat effectiveness is higher than that of Yakumo Zi. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

The reason for this situation is that Feng Jian Youxiang used violent means to tore through the cracks in the space and ignored the rules of Zhang Xiang's God Realm, so Zhang Xiang needed to take action in person.

But the gap between Yakumo Zi is an obvious means of using rules, and being easily countered in his God Realm is not difficult to understand.

After being held by Zhang Xiang's right fist, Feng Jian Youxiang also reacted immediately.

The moment Zhang Xiang just turned her head, her other fist was already silently swung out, and directly swiped towards Zhang Xiang's head.

If it is hit, it will be a scene where the watermelon is blown up in an instant.

But don’t forget, where exactly is this place!

Here is Zhang Xiang's God Realm, how could he not know what happened in God Realm!

"Chain of Judgment!" Zhang Xiang said such a sentence without turning his head back.

Then, in the sound of the sound of ‘huh la la...’, golden chains emerged from the space, binding Feng Jian Youxiang’s body.

Of course, at the same time, Zhang Xiang also retreated backwards like an unknown prophet, avoiding Feng Jian Youxiang's left fist.

And this was the last punch of the opponent.

Because the opponent is completely unable to move.

Even if the other party used all his strength to make the golden chain scream, he still couldn't break free.

"Don't waste your efforts. I have attached an indestructible attribute to this chain, unless your strength can reach the point of shattering the space in place. Otherwise, you can't escape. However, the surrounding space is already Being reinforced by my divine power, it is impossible for you to smash the space so easily." Zhang Xiang looked at the opponent's burgundy eyes full of murderous intent and said flatly. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

At the same time, the small space cracks bombarded by the opponent's left fist were also repaired in an instant.

It seems that the words spoken by Zhang Xiang are justifying the general.

Then, even the opponent's left fist was bound by the chain, and he couldn't move.

Even if the wind saw Youxiang roared, the gray-green aura that was dangerous to Zhang Xiang erupted from all over his body, it was of no avail.

However, even so.

Zhang Xiang was still secretly surprised by the opponent's strength.

If the opponent exploded with such a strong power from the beginning, and also released the gray-green aura that didn't know what it was, and gave him a sense of danger, the battle would be extremely difficult.

However, at this moment, everything is over.

Yes, it's over!

Zhang Xiang drew the'Shadow Demon Blade' from the void, and the jet black sword body exuded a bitter aura, as if the surrounding pale golden fields were interacting with each other.

Then, he swung the pitch-black long sword in his hand toward the front and stopped in front of Fengjian Youxiang's forehead.

In the wielding of a divine tool like the'Shadow Demon Blade', even if the gray-green aura is no longer dangerous, it will be divided by the extremely sharp aura.

And on Feng Jian Youxiang's forehead, a drop of blood also appeared.

That is the sharp attribute of the'Shadow Demon Blade' body, the damage caused by Fengjian Youxiang from the air.

"You have already lost!" Zhang Xiang uttered such a sentence as if uttering the truth.

At the same time, Feng Jian Youxiang also raised her head suddenly, staring at Zhang Xiang's eyes with the burgundy eyes full of infinite killing intent, as if to tear him into countless pieces.

However, at the next moment.

She already stopped struggling and spoke softly.

"I admit, I lost!" Feng Jian Youxiang said softly.

But the killing intent in her burgundy eyes did not diminish in the slightest, but a more enthusiastic fighting intent appeared in her eyes.

However, Zhang Xiang was not affected by the opponent's killing intent.

"So, is our agreement still established?" Zhang Xiang asked while looking at each other's eyes.

"Of course!" Feng Jian Youxiang replied quickly.

"However, can we change a condition. I will help you block Yakumo Zi, but the previous condition is invalidated, and you will fight with me again!" Feng Jian Yuxiang will kill and fight against the eyes , Staring in the direction of Zhang Xiang and said.

However, Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a slight smile.

"Do you think I still need your help?" Zhang Xiang turned his body slightly, letting Fengjian Youxiang look at the scene behind him.

I saw that Yakumo Zi was already trapped by the golden chain.

Although, just trapped, not caught!

——Yakumozi's body is concealed in the gap, but the golden chain is blocking the gap, not allowing it to heal, preventing Yakumozi from escaping.

As for why Yakumo Zi didn't escape from the other part of the gap, it was because the exit in the other direction of the gap was also covered with golden chains.

As long as she dares to come out, she will be bound immediately.

And ask why there is a chain of judgment at the exit of the gap?

This question is easy to answer.

As mentioned earlier, within the scope of God's Domain, the rules are specified by him.

Therefore, where the gap is opened is also determined by him.

And watching this scene, a look of deep regret flashed in Feng Jian Youxiang's eyes.

"That's good, the agreement is established, unless you shoot me again, otherwise I won't shoot you." Feng Jian Yuxiang said in a regretful tone.

"Then, I'll let you out." Zhang Xiang nodded and said softly.

Not far away, Bayi Yonglin, who was fighting against Reimu, was also frowning slightly, her mouth slightly opened to say something, but in the end she chose not to speak.

Because she knows Fengjian Youxiang is a person who does what it says.

Therefore, I am not afraid that the other party will make another shot.

And if she spits in now, I'm afraid there will be another fierce fight after this battle.

As a smart person, she would not do these useless things.

And after Zhang Xiang was a little bit on his right hand, the golden chain disappeared.

As for Fengjian Youxiang, she also kept her promise, and after Zhang Xiang let go of her, she didn't do it again.

Instead, she took out her sun umbrella from an unknown place and held it up under the starry sky without the sun.

The damaged clothes on the opponent's body, as well as the damage on his forehead and right hand, were completely repaired in a flash of dark green light.

Such a scene made Zhang Xiang greedy.

After he came to Gensokyo, he had already burst his shirt twice. If he burst his shirt again this time, he would have no clothes to wear.

This kind of skill, which is similar to a keyboard change, naturally made him greedy.

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