Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1720: , Eternal Night Change!

But Zhang Xiang just thought about it casually, and then returned his sight to the scene. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, he didn't make any more movements, just watched the situation in the field quietly.

However, at this moment.

Hui Ye, who had been defeated by Yakumo Zi, had reluctantly ascended to mid-air from above the ground.

It's just that the expression on her face now is a bit anxious.

"You hurry up to help the master, Yakumo Zi, I'll just look at it." Hui Ye forcedly endured the pain of the injury and said to Zhang Xiang.

After all, even though she took Penglai medicine, she was immortal.

However, this does not mean that she will not be hurt or feel pain.

She was severely injured, and it would take a day or two for her to recover.

However, listening to her words, Zhang Xiang still stayed in place, not moving.

This made Huiye, who had flown to the vicinity of Yakumozi's blockade, raised her head in surprise and looked in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

"Why aren't you going?" she asked in surprise.

But Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly in response to her.

"My agreement with you was just to stop Yakumo Zi, and it didn't say that I would also help you deal with other people. Since I have already helped you to block all the wind and see Yuxiang. Then, what I promised is already Over-fulfilled. The rest is up to you to take care of yourself. Moreover, she is not at a disadvantage now, is she?" Zhang Xiang said in a flat voice.

In fact, it is just as he said that all the things he promised have been completed.

If the person who is currently fighting is Ling Xian who has a good impression on him, then he may have shot.

However, Hachii Yongrin is only his trading partner, he naturally does not want to waste power, but also erects one more enemy. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

However, the other party obviously did not want to understand Zhang Xiang's correct approach.

"Damn it!" Hui Ye dragged his severely injured body and waved his right fist towards Zhang Xiang.

However, she had forgotten.

Zhang Xiang's face was still shrouded in the space spell ‘Ji Chi Tian Ya’, so naturally he couldn’t attack Zhang Xiang at all.

But listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Bayi Yonglin didn't say anything, but Bayunzi, who was trapped in the gap, spoke.

"Haha... It's really interesting. Was it just trading? Well, unknown gods, why don't you give up trading with them? Why don't you trade with us? I can guarantee that we will pay more than them. It's even better. And, it won't be as unreasonable as some of them." Yakumo Zi didn't know where he took out the fan, blocking her face, her eyes squinted. Said.

That look is really even more fox than fox.

And listening to Yakumo Zi's words, Kaguya's face suddenly changed color.

"What are you talking about?!" Hui Ye shouted to Yakumo Zi inwardly.

However, in a quiet moment, she had already moved away from her figure and began to guard against Zhang Xiang and Yakumo Zi.

As long as Zhang Xiang or Yakumo Zi had any changes, he would attack immediately.

Although, with her state at this time, she can't defeat even anyone.

However, seeing Huiye's posture, Zhang Xiang still frowned secretly.

At the same time, he was sighing deeply for Yakumo Zi's ingenuity.

Because, the opponent's conspiracy, whether it succeeds or fails, she is the winner.

Success is of course a very good thing. All developments will be reversed in an instant, and all disadvantages will be turned into favorable conditions.

But if it fails, it can also arouse Huiye's suspicion of Zhang Xiang and make Zhang Xiang dissatisfied with her.

At least, the scene at this time has already proved that the other party's strategy has been successful.

However, facing the temptation of the other party.

Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly.

"You don't have what I want. Also, since the dust has settled, why should I make waves again?" Zhang Xiang said to the other party.

Of course, he was also explaining to Huiye at the same time.

However, if the other party can't understand it, that's not Zhang Xiang's business.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Hui Ye was not a fool. She was also a princess from the Moon Capital, and she understood it all at once if her IQ was not too low.

"It turns out, are you trying to provoke a divorce?!" Hui Ye showed an angry expression on his face, looking in the direction of Yaunzi.

"Hehe...whatever you want, but the unknown god, do you think this really traps me?" Yakumo Zi smiled a few times, then turned his gaze to Zhang Xiang's direction, slightly smiling To say.

But to her surprise, Zhang Xiang answered her question seriously.

"Can’t be trapped, the chain of judgment doesn’t really touch your body, so it’s not impossible for you to escape. However, I’m already prepared. Even if I can escape successfully, I have to It's a high price. Of course, I think it's more likely to be caught by my chain of judgment!" Zhang Xiang's pale golden eyes stared at each other and said in a flat tone.

And Zhang Xiang was not in the slightest danger, as if it were the words of Feng Qingyun chatting lightly, but it made the pupils of Yakumo Zi's eyes slightly narrowed.

The smile on her face is brighter, but her heart is more vigilant.

Because, even she couldn't tell whether Zhang Xiang's words were true or not.

If it's false, it's okay, if it's true, her fate is bound to be bad.

And as a big monster who has not known how long she has lived, she knows how to choose.

It's not fun to hurt yourself seriously for this inexplicable change of eternal night, right?

Therefore, she chose to wait and see temporarily.

And in the sky above, the magic barrage from Yonglin Bayi, the special bow and arrow attack that pierced the sky, and the various spell barrage from Reimu, and even the bigger Yin Yang jade attack, It is also constantly banging.

The bright night sky seemed to be illuminated by this inexplicable spell barrage.

Of course, from the current point of view, the two are still in a similar situation.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that they hadn't got their hole cards yet.

Because Reimu has not yet borrowed the power of the Great Enchantment, and Hachiyi Yonglin has not yet used a special spell from the Moon Capital.

However, at this moment.

The mutation changed suddenly.

From the center of the Great Lake in Gensokyo in the distance, a terrifying coercion burst out suddenly.

Then, the earthquake that swept through Gensokyo began to spread.

Below the big lake in the distance, it looked like a ground dragon was tumbling. The water of the lake began to roll, and the ground around the big lake also cracked, and even the mountain peaks began to shatter.

And in the sky, lightning and thunder suddenly started, and the violent wind blew the whole world.

It's like the end of the world has come!

At the same time, the dragon's body at the bottom of the big lake, the long eye the size of a car, suddenly opened!

Dragon God, completely awakened!

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