Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1726: , My kingdom of God!

But at the moment his voice just fell, Zhang Xiang's reincarnation eyes suddenly changed, changing back to the eternal kaleidoscope of reincarnation eyes. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

A dark presence suddenly shot out from the eyeballs of one of his double pupils and projected into the sky.

Do you still remember Zhang Xiang once in the world of Inuyasha, refining a part of the small broken world of the evil demon Buddha and integrating it into his position?

Before Zhang Xiang ascended to the position of the gods, he extracted the small world and merged it with the different dimensions in one of his double pupil kaleidoscopes!

From that moment on, that alien space was under the influence of Zhang Xiang's mental power and the Chakra that he inputted in from time to time, and gradually merged with the small world.

In the end, an alien space with the attributes of a small world was formed.

At the beginning, this was where Zhang Xiang sealed the three fiendhounds and the position of the angel Gabriel.

But later, Zhang Xiang conquered the three-headed purgatory, and after refining Gabriel's position, this place became a place where the three-headed purgatory dog ​​lived.

And because of swallowing too much darkness last time, the three-headed purgatory dog ​​is still asleep until now, continuously refining the darkness stored in his body into his own power.

However, Zhang Xiang's point is not this one.

It started when Zhang Xiang became a **** and couldn't save the little girl's soul for various reasons.

He was already considering whether to find another way and use a speculative approach, that is, to evolve this small world into his kingdom of God.

Although later, because the little girl succeeded in becoming a Buddha, she avoided the ending of her soul flying, but Zhang Xiang did not dispel this idea.

Therefore, since that time, he had already consciously used his divine power to infect this small world. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Before returning to this world, he had already used the pious belief that originated from the entire Tokyo, and successfully filled the entire small world with the power of belief and branded it himself.

Although, he has not yet reached the final step to integrate the small world with his position, turning it into his own kingdom of God.

However, to a certain extent, this small world is already a kingdom of God.

Except for the rule power of setting rules for this world and giving Kieyin the souls of believers who believe in themselves, everything can be said to be complete.

In other words, this is exactly Zhang Xiang's home field.

And Zhang Xiang's God Realm can successfully infect Gensokyo through the rules of another world, becoming a mobile God Realm, and it has a lot to do with this alien space.

It comes from the power of belief in the dark world. After being transformed in a special way, it will enter this one which is not in any of these two worlds, but drifts in the ocean of time and space, and has not evolved any special essence. Come from the world of my rules.

Then, relying on the convenience of a small world that does not have its own special rules that will not refuse any world, it successfully transfers that divine power.

At the same time, the God Realm fixed in the dark world was also extended.

Therefore, in fact, the God Realm that Zhang Xiang set up at the moment he became a God did not move.

He just extended the divine realm of the dark world.

Of course, in this world, he can also establish God's Domain, but the time it takes will be calculated in years.

Not to mention, the establishment of God's Domain requires heaven and earth treasures that can support God's Domain!

In his current hand, except for the ‘Shadow Demon Blade’ which is qualified to become the treasure of the world supporting the God’s Domain, there is nothing else.

And it is almost impossible to encounter a growth type similar to the sacred tree, and the acquired treasure of the "Shadow Demon Blade".

This kind of things, except for the existence of ancient existences like Dragon God, don't want to have other existences.

Especially the sacred tree, which has evolved with the power of one world, can gradually expand in accordance with the enhancement of belief and the evolution of divine power, so don't even think about it!

Having said so much, there are only two themes I want to express.

That is, Zhang Xiang has a small world that is completely his own, freely sketched by himself, and will not suffer backlash from the real world.

And the other one was that Zhang Xiang was staying at the entrance to this small world.

Therefore, it is self-evident what the black spot that lased was.

"Give me in! The kingdom of God belongs to me!" Zhang Xiang roared.

Then, within ten millionths of a second.

The black spot that blasted into the sky suddenly turned into a black hole that shrouded most of the illusion.

Then, all of a sudden, it shrouded downwards, swallowing Zhang Xiang and Dragon God who didn't know that he had burst into the front.

In the end, it shrank into a black spot, floating in the air.

At that speed, even the big monsters in the scene did not react.

"This, what's the situation?" Reimu stared at the scene in front of him with a little dumbfounded, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

Because she couldn't resist in her mind, even if resisting was futile, the Dragon God disappeared in front of her.

It's not just Reimu, even the scheming Yakumo-zi who is always smiling, and the smile of the immortal, who doesn’t know what’s hidden behind her friendly smile. They all opened their eyes wide, revealing infinite shock and a trace of doubt in their eyes.

However, although they were shocked, they did not speak.

But after making eye contact, continue to be vigilant.

"Master, why are they missing? Is it the ability like a gap? Then, where did the two of them have been transferred?" Huiye's face flashed with a look of shock, and she looked forward and found After there was no trace, he asked his master.

However, Bayi Yonglin just shook her head.

"I don't know... But it shouldn't be this world. That breath..." Bayi Yonglin frowned slightly, as if she didn't know how to describe it as good.

"Very evil!" Yakumo Zi added this sentence for her.

"Evil intentions are like infinite death... it's an area beyond the reach of the living..." Feng Jian Youxiang nodded and said coldly.

"The realm that the living cannot touch, what is it?" Hui Ye was still a little curious.

However, whether it was Yakumo Erin, Yakumo Zi, or Feng Jian Yuxiang, they didn't speak any more.

The only thing that doesn't change, I'm afraid it is the deep amazement that they exude from each other in the glance they exchanged.

"It seems that I will always underestimate him..."3

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