Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1727: , My world, I call the shots!

Let us turn our perspective back to Zhang Xiang's side.

When the dragon **** was swallowed into the small world, a burst of cyan light appeared up and down its whole body, and the body was blurred, and it was about to move out of this place.

But unfortunately, its movement is a bit slower.

Because its body has been completely swallowed into this small world.

"Don't even think about running, in my world, everything is up to me!" Zhang Xiang opened his hands, enjoying this long-lost abundant power.

After a world of transmission, there are still some delays and quantitative restrictions after all.

However, in this place, he was able to mobilize the power that spread across the entire small world without any delay.

And it was the moment his voice just fell, a mysterious power suddenly landed, and in an instant, the dragon god's body that had become illusory was returned to its true state.

"What, it's impossible!" For the first time, the Dragon God's face showed a look of surprise, feeling his unmoving body.

Not far away, the hole that has completely disappeared.

Then, it has time to observe its surroundings.

This is a small world about one hundred kilometers long and sixty kilometers wide. It is filled with a golden power of faith, and there is a feeling that the whole world is rendered golden.

An illusory moon also appeared in the sky, which was mapped down from the sky and provided some insignificant light.

Because the faint light from the golden power of faith is already enough to illuminate this small world. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

As for the above ground, it is strangely presenting the scene of ordinary mud and half of the lake.

Needless to say, the earth was naturally brought from the small world of the evil Buddha, with slightly short mountain peaks, and the plain earth.

On the other side, there is a big lake, some of which are just as calm as a mirror.

However, this lake seems extremely calm, but in fact it is surging undercurrents, which is naturally capable of moving clouds and rain, and the dragon **** who drives the water can't be more clear.

But what makes it weird is that it can't affect the water in the big lake that looks like a mirrored flower.

It's like, it's not like lake water.

In the end, what made Dragon God noticed was a horrible existence immersed in the depths of the lake, like an abyss.

This made it vigilant, but it was unable to penetrate the barrier of the lake and see the deepest existence.

Of course, at the bottom of the mountains not far away, there is also a trace of deep malice.

However, this level of malice cannot be done to harm it.

So, it didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Where is this place?!" Dragon God asked Zhang Xiang in a deep voice.

The sound like thunder shook this place not much bigger than Gensokyo.

Even if it already has an answer in its heart.

"Did I say that not long ago? It belongs to my little world! Everything here is mine!" Zhang Xiang opened his hands, and the power of faith that permeated the whole world began to move towards He gathered in this direction, absorbing it like a bottomless pit, causing his strength to rise steadily.

"Small world? A real little world?" A look of shock appeared on the face of Dragon God.

But immediately, a strong desire for greed emerged in its eyes.

Because, a small world wandering outside the world, but the best material for the kingdom of God from ancient times to the present!

To build the kingdom of God in a small world outside the world, you can’t help but not have to risk great danger into the void to open up a new small world, or simply establish a rule that is easy to follow reality on the ground. Conflicting kingdoms of God.

In the event of an unstoppable attack, you can also retreat into the kingdom of God and make yourself invincible.

In short, the role of a free small world is extremely precious, allowing the dragon god's greed to surface again.

And this time, it didn't say any threatening words, but directly acted.

At the moment its cyan light flashed through its eyes, its body moved in an instant, and the huge body that was several kilometers long flew to Zhang Xiang's side.

Its huge body slammed into Zhang Xiang's direction without any reason.

What an incredible thing, that body with tens of millions of tons can move faster than Zhang Xiang.

Moreover, it did not cause any changes in wind pressure.

This fully shows that Dragon God's career in these thousands of years is not in vain.

Its control of its own body has reached a miraculous point.

But facing the dragon **** who was a scale and several times larger than Zhang Xiang's body, Zhang Xiang's body did not move.

No, it's not that it doesn't move, but it can't move.


"Haha, kid, under my bombardment, it will turn into sludge directly!" The Dragon God roared unscrupulously.

In this place where there are no other outsiders, it doesn't have to pretend to protect Gensokyo and nature, but to show its own nature unscrupulously.

Which of the monsters that can live to the present is so easy to interact with?

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a sneer.

"I have said that, in my small world, everything is up to me!" Zhang Xiang roared, the powerful divine power penetrated his physical strength, and the invisible shackles were broken all at once.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's right fist was filled with a thick golden light.

"Break it for me!" Zhang Xiang floating in the air, with his right fist completely reflecting the golden color, he suddenly shattered the extremely hard scales that came from the impact, and penetrated through it. The surface, harder than diamonds, sank into its body.

And more importantly, Zhang Xiang's attack has not stopped yet!

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