Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1733: , Repair the small world

"Then, let's restore the original appearance of the small world first!" The chains of death power around Zhang Xiang rattle, controlling the huge half-demon corpse to return to the big lake. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Then, he took the huge remnant of the Dragon God using his divine power to move it aside, took out the dragon ball trapped in the space folds, and temporarily placed it in the space bag.

Then, he began to take a break from this world.

The power of faith that surrounds this world began to emerge toward his body, submerged in his body and transformed into the power of God.

And under the constant concentration of the power of the gods, a golden light began to emerge from his body.

However, these golden lights are not dazzling.

From a distance, it really looks like a **** descending from the earth.

"I said, the earth should be closed..." Zhang Xiang glanced across the ground, hundreds of invisible cracks spread across the ground of a small world.

But in the next moment, a part of him disappeared inexplicably with the divine power in his body.

As if there was a big hand dancing, the crack that had originally cracked was closed again amidst the constant vibration and rumbling sound of the ground.

"The lake water should flow back into the lake, and the lake should be able to retain the water flow..." Zhang Xiang said softly again, and part of the divine power in his body has disappeared.

Then, the water flowing around the cracks that should have been attacked by the dragon gods and the half-demon giants started to flow back into the big lake. The cracked cracks also returned when the water returned to the cage. Heal up.

This general scene is like time reflowing. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

If someone exists here and sees such a scene, I am afraid that they will already be unable to close their mouths, and may even be kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

Because this kind of power is already close to the legendary utterance method or the big prophecy in Western Fantasy.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't feel so strange.

Before reaching this level, although it seems to be very strong and unbelievable, after reaching this level, everything will become natural.

After repairing the earth and the big lake, Zhang Xiang cast his gaze on the shattered mountain range again.

"The earth began to shake, and the mountains began to rise..." Zhang Xiang said softly again.

At the same time, the divine power in his body has disappeared to nearly half.

Although the power of faith was continuously integrated into his body and turned into divine power, these were far from enough for his consumption.

Moreover, the power of belief that was originally permeating the entire small world has also begun to be in short supply.

After all, it was only a short period of time when he came back from the dark world.

It is already a very remarkable thing to be able to gather so many powers of faith into this small world in such a short time.

However, everything is enough.

In his words, the ground began to vibrate violently, but there was no such thing as cracks.

One mountain after another, began to arch from below the ground, turning into one after another at least more than 300 meters, and the highest can reach more than 800 meters.

And by the time this was done, the divine power in his body was already less than one third.

The power of faith that originally shrouded the entire small world was only less than half left, and the entire world seemed to be dimmed.

However, Zhang Xiang's face showed a smile instead.

Because he stores so much power of faith in the small world, isn't it just for use?

Isn't it just right to be able to play a good role now?

Moreover, this small world has also been repaired.

"Next, I will return to Gensokyo and clean up some of the mess." Zhang Xiang hesitated to glance at the dragon soul that was sealed in the air by him, and a look of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

But immediately, he made up his mind.

Since half of Gensokyo's destruction was due to him, he must take responsibility.

Then, he put his right hand in the void in front of him, and a huge hole appeared in front of him again.

In Gensokyo, the sky that had become a little silent because of the disappearance of Zhang Xiang and the dragon god, suddenly rose from the original black spot, revealing a dark cave again. Come.

This discovery made Yakumo Zi and the others in the room very vigilant.

Even Wan Niansan's expressionless Feng Jian Youxiang looked nervously at the direction of the black hole.

After all, whoever comes out represents what will happen next.

If it was Zhang Xiang, it would be okay, although it did not rule out the tiny possibility that Zhang Xiang would kill everyone and kill everyone.

But if the Dragon God appeared first, that would be a dead rhythm.

Although, with their joint efforts, Dragon God would not be able to defeat them so easily even with all his strength.

And it was at this moment that a figure finally emerged from the cave of the black hole.

Yes, silhouettes!

That is Zhang Xiang.

"Great..." Hui Ye said with a sigh of relief.

But at the next moment, her voice stopped abruptly.

Because, behind Zhang Xiang who came out of the cave of the black hole, a huge ferocious dragon head appeared.

Although it was a little bleak because of the soul body.

But in their eyes, it is also irresistible.

"Be careful!" Bayi Yonglin's face changed, she was about to pull up the bow and arrow in her hand to cover and shoot.

But before she finished yelling, she had already discovered something wrong.

Because, in their impression, Dragon God would not exist so slowly.

Once an enemy is found, it will immediately launch a thunder blow.

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