Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1734: , Shocked everyone!

Seeing Bayi Yonglin raising her bow and arrow, Zhang Xiang also stretched out her right hand, indicating that she had organized the opponent's attack. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

"Don't worry, it has already lost its intelligence." Zhang Xiang shook his head slightly and said to Bayi Yonglin.

"Have you lost your spiritual wisdom?" Bayi Yonglin was taken aback for a while, and looked at the dragon **** that stretched for several kilometers in front of her in disbelief.

‘No, it’s wrong! Dragon God's body is not like this, is this? ! "Bayi Yonglin looked at the dragon **** in front of her, her heart beat, and suddenly she thought of something.

At the same time, Yakumo Zi and others also found something wrong.

"What is this Dragon God?" Yakumo Zi looked at Zhang Xiang with a solemn expression, and stared at the Dragon Soul of the Dragon God in front of her.

And listening to Yakumo Zi also speak, the remaining two people also found something wrong at this time.

Because, the body of the'Dragon God' in front of them was a bit illusory, and did not yet possess that special sense of oppression.

Originally, they couldn't experience it under shock, but at this time, after recovering their senses and being reminded, of course they also noticed it.

Because every one of them is an existence that has lived for more than a thousand years.

To live long, although it does not mean strong, it definitely means knowledgeable.

Seeing everyone cast their gazes in their own direction, Zhang Xiang also knew that they had found something wrong.

"This is its soul." Zhang Xiang explained to them.

"Its soul?! Could it be??!!!!" Yakumo Zi suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed with shock.

Although she guessed it, she never expected that her guess would become a reality!

"Yes, it was already killed by me. When the soul rushed out and wanted to die with me, it was also captured by me. After watching 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net, I eliminated Lingzhi." Zhang Xiang used plain words to tell everyone the reality.

However, his seemingly plain words caused huge waves.

It has existed before the establishment of Gensokyo. No, it should have existed back thousands of years.

When Gensokyo was established, he used his power to oppress Kazemi Yuka and others to make an oath not to destroy Gensokyo.

It appeared not long ago, and caused the world to change, destroying half of Gensokyo, making everyone feel desperate. They dare not think about defeating the opponent, but only thinking about the dragon **** who left the opponent seriously at most. He is already dead at this time. It's dead!

Moreover, even the soul did not escape, was captured by someone, and wiped out the spiritual wisdom.

This is equivalent to the ending of the soul flying away.

No, the ending of Soul Feipao San may be better than it is now, at least its soul will not be held in the hands of others and do things it does not want.

But what made them feel even more shocked, perhaps even the understatement of Zhang Xiang.

It only took less than fifteen minutes to swallow Zhang Xiang and Dragon God in that dark space.

However, during these fifteen minutes, Zhang Xiang had already ended the battle.

Moreover, the battle was resolved intact.

What this means is no longer necessary.

That is, Zhang Xiang's strength is far above Dragon God.

And the strength of Dragon God?

As the existence that was able to suppress a whole Gensokyo in Gensokyo and make the big monsters swear oaths in Gensokyo, can it be a weak one?

At least, if the big monsters on the scene swarmed up, they might not be able to tie the opponent.

After all, the Dragon God not only has better natural aptitude than them, but also possesses the unique talents of the third-generation dragon clan.

Moreover, the time they have experienced is no less than them, or even far beyond them.

However, this existence was solved by Zhang Xiang in just fifteen minutes.

How can this not shock them?

Before they knew it, the expressions they looked at Zhang Xiang had completely changed.

Originally only regarded Zhang Xiang as a trader, and at best an accidental helper, Yonglin Bayi also faced up to the kind of cooperative relationship between the two and decided to add a level to Zhang Xiang’s medicine. The medicine was given to Zhang Xiang as a price.

But Yakumo Zi, who originally looked at Zhang Xiang with a smile and regarded Zhang Xiang as an accidental intruder, also began to raise Zhang Xiang's level from an intruder in his heart to a person who cannot be offended.

As for Huiye and Reimu, they were still in shock.

However, the look they looked at Zhang Xiang also changed.

From the initial contempt, to the later attention, and then to the present awe.

The time Zhang Xiang spent was just one day.

But when everyone was silent, each thinking about their own things, Zhang Xiang spoke again.

"Well, these words are useless. If you want to know the process of the battle, just ask me later. Now, let's deal with the immediate matter first." Zhang Xiang cast his eyes on Gensokyo on the other side in the distance.

Although, now the Dragon God was already beheaded by Zhang Xiang.

However, on the other side, the violent storms caused by the Dragon God, the crazy thunder and lightning, and the raging flood did not improve at all.

Moreover, their power is constantly being superimposed over time.

Because what the Dragon God displayed was its innate and supernatural powers, which didn't need to consume too much power of its body.

If it is maintained, it can be done as long as it communicates with the world through its own talent, leaving a force to merge into the void.

In general, it will take at least three days to wait until the end-like scene on the other side of Gensokyo disappears.

Yes, three days.

This is what Zhang Xiang learned from some memories he temporarily found from the dragon soul.

For the other side of Gensokyo, it can be said that the three-day period is impossible to persist.

In the midst of storms of this magnitude, thunder and lightning, and floods, the natural environment on the other side of Gensokyo will definitely suffer irreparable damage.

Not to mention, now on the other side of Gensokyo, there are still a dozen strongholds, and five more positions are holding on.

Needless to say, the five positions guarded by the real big monster level, or something equivalent to the big monster level, were naturally able to hold on for three days.

However, those ten strongholds were suspended.

At least, Zhang Xiang has already seen it, and the light of the protective cover with several extremes is already flickering, and it looks extremely dim, obviously it will not last long.

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