Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1737: , The natural technique of outer reincarnation!

However, before he did something, he turned his head and looked in the direction of Yakumo Zi and Reimu behind him.

After going to Remilia's Crimson Devil Hall, Zhang Xiang already knew that the establishment of Gensokyo was inseparable from the Yakumo Zi and the first generation of Boring Witch.

Therefore, if he needs some transformation, it is better to ask others in advance.

"You guys, don't mind if I make some transformations here, right?" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and pointed to the other half of Gensokyo that was already half ruin.

Listening to Zhang Xiang's words, Yakumo Zi and Reimu glanced at each other, and couldn't help nodding.

If it had been before, they might have raised some objections.

However, after seeing Zhang Xiang's true strength, especially after he killed the Dragon God, they would not be so ignorant of the current affairs to raise any objections.

However, promise is promise, but they are actually still a little curious.

"What are you planning to do?" Ling Meng asked Zhang Xiang with a puzzled expression on his face.

However, Zhang Xiang responded to them with a mysterious smile.

"Next, you will know!" Zhang Xiang said with a mysterious smile on his face.

Then, he turned his head and controlled his body to drop to the ground.

He condensed slightly, and his mental sensations spread out from his body, and suddenly enveloped all the areas in Gensokyo in front of him.

It is Gensokyo that has become half a ruin.

Chakra, full of vitality, began to be continuously extracted from his body. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

With his current physical fitness and the mental state of being promoted to a god, the amount of Chakra he can extract is undoubtedly a terrifying amount.

It can be said that if it is calculated by quantity, his current Chakra refinement speed and total amount have already surpassed the eight tails and came to the nine tails.

And just after the chakras in his body continued to a certain extent, Zhang Xiang suddenly released them.

"Mu Dun Shujie is here!" Zhang Xiang suddenly formed a handprint.

In the next moment, the chakra full of vitality suddenly leaned out, and the natural energy in the nature suddenly merged and poured into the earth.

An invisible wave continued to wave from below the ground to the front, covering half of Gensokyo.

"This kind of fluctuation is?" Feng Jian Youxiang frowned slightly, and a look of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Then she understood what this kind of fluctuation was.

At the moment when Zhang Xiang's words fell, the seemingly petite trees suddenly broke their shells from below the surface, climbing towards the sky.

It is like a greedy person who is asking for sunshine, and it continues to spread to the sky.

However, this is just the beginning.

In the next instant, it seemed that it was because of the accumulation of sufficient power.

The young trees that emerged from below the ground suddenly entered a period of skyrocketing.

The tree, which was originally only two or three fingers thick, suddenly swelled, and instantly rose several levels, and grew several meters to the sky, turning into a lush tree.

And this is not over yet.

These trees continue to ‘grow’ at the same speed until the damaged forests are covered again.

"Oh, did you want to cover the ground with a forest again?" Hui Ye's face showed a suddenly realized look.

However, before she finished her words, Bayi Yonglin had already interrupted.

"It's not just that, look at the fallen trees and the branches that continue to grow." Hachii Eirin pointed out Kaguya's mistake, staring at the scene in front of her, continuing to guess. Zhang Xiang's purpose.

Even if she used to be called the'brain of the moon capital', but without sufficient information for her to calculate, she wanted to use the sights in front of her to guess his final purpose. It was almost something impossible things.

However, Hui Ye obviously didn't think of this.

"It's true. The fallen trees are being enveloped by growing trees. They are corroding thousands of times before becoming nutrients. But how is this different from my guess? He did this, Isn’t it just to restore the forest to its original state? As for the branches that are continuing to grow. Oh my God, what is he doing? Is he going to use the corpses of the creatures that died in this battle as fertilizer? A shocked expression appeared on Hui Ye's face.

Listening to her words, Reimu, who has a strong sense of justice, couldn't help frowning slightly, trying to stop Zhang Xiang.

However, perhaps it was the reason why Zhang Xiang could still hear their conversation even if it was so far away, but Zhang Xiang spoke again.

"You know, whether it is humans or monsters, as long as they are not people with special destruction souls, or monsters, or even creatures'killed' by nature, their souls are dissipating, or they are going to **** or When in heaven, is it possible to hold on to the time?" Zhang Xiang suddenly talked about the unrelated content.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, everyone present frowned slightly.

For ordinary people, these things are extremely mysterious. For these people who have been in **** and have been to hell, they are just common sense.

However, they are a little strange about why Zhang Xiang said this one.

"I've heard that it usually falls into the underworld in one day, but under special circumstances, it can stay in reality for about three days. However, no matter how long it is, there is a danger of death." Yakumo Zi stopped fanning, staring at Zhang Xiang and said.

There was an uncertain light in her eyes, as if she had already guessed what Zhang Xiang wanted to do.

"Then you know, as long as the body is intact and it is not natural death, as long as the damage to the body is repaired and the soul is refilled, what will happen?" Zhang Xiang's mouth showed a trace of mystery Come with a smile.

At the same time, his chakra full of vitality began to transform his body into a special chakra with a healing effect.

"Do you want to do something?" Hui Ye's eyes widened suddenly.

"Is it impossible?!!" Reimu exclaimed in shock.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also answered the answer he asked.

"Yes, you have guessed the answer, then it will be resurrected again. The art of reincarnation in the outer world!" Zhang Xiang suddenly closed another seal.

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